2020 W1N
Many have already labelled this year ‘2020 won’. With ‘won’ being the past participle of ‘win’ it seems somewhat presumptuous. The year’s only just begun! Taking nothing away from the positive and enthusiastic sentiment intended, ‘2020 W1N’ works better for me.
A few weeks into the year, has provided some insight into what we can expect in the coming months. It’s very likely that 2020 is ‘to be continued…’ in 2021 – conditions similar, challenges numerous. With a fog of uncertainty clouding our way… and adding some adventure.
Faced with this, I’ve encouraged our team to share their #winsoftheweek, however small or seemingly insignificant. With an open mind and a little empathy all wins are being acknowledged and celebrated regardless of their perceived value.
Some of our shared wins from last week included: the ability to return to work; seeing and catching-up with our colleagues, suppliers and customers; recovering from illness; weekends; sunshine; the privilege to have access to online learning for our children; new orders being received (even the one for one chair ??); new enquiries; new quotes submitted; mock-ups being delivered; projects being installed; deposits being paid; new products in development; meeting new people; and yes even a new haircut.
May these wins inspire you to recognise your wins. With a little awareness you’ll find there’s many. Cherish, celebrate and share them. Remain humble, grateful, grounded and mindful of everything we have to be thankful for.
Here’s to a 2020 W1N for us all.