2020 Vision! Are You Ready? I am! Let's GO!!!
2020 Vision! Are You Ready? I am! Let's GO!!!

2020 Vision! Are You Ready? I am! Let's GO!!!

Hi Everyone, its Paula Roper Bacchas, Your Real Estate Professional here in Jamaica & I am back again with my word for 2020!!!

This Year, the word that, I am choosing to define my 2020 is experience is Efficiency!!!

Efficiency comes from the root word Efficient, which means achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.

I find in my occupation that, every corner I turn, there is someone interested in wasting my time - unfortunately! It is a serious issue in the Real Estate Industry in my opinion & I strongly believe that!

There are so many people, who do not really want to conduct Real Estate Business, but because they have a few spare moments on their hands, they choose to contact a Real Estate Professional to look at properties they cannot afford or do not really want. In my opinion, this is an epidemic! And, it is really bad!

I have had situations in which, persons have blatantly said to me, I don't have anything to do on Sunday, so I want you to pick me up and show me houses for sale all day!

In my opinion, this is very disrespectful of my time and money - because at the end of the day, you have no intention of buying anything and if I do not make a sale, I do not make an income!

And, my money that I would have spent on the gas for my car would have been for nothing and my time, which I can never get back would have been wasted as well. This is honestly unforgivable in my opinion!

Why would anyone do such a thing? I honestly do not know!

I try to educate my clients/prospective clients as much as possible, on how the Real Estate system works. That we do not get paid for showing properties. That we only get paid when a Sale or Rental is completed. No matter if we show them 1 or 100 properties, if they do not buy or rent any of them; we do not get paid! All our time, effort and energy would have been for nothing!

Some persons understand this system and respect your time and efforts. However, on the other hand, some do not. They still try to take advantage of the situation and use you nonetheless! Which I find unconscionable!

I have said all of that to say this; if you are thinking of conducting Real Estate Business and you are not too sure. Do some research first, before you start to waste Real Estate Agents time and resources trying to figure out what it is you want to do! Because at the end of the day, if they show you 50 houses to buy and then you choose to continue renting where you are living currently, they would have nothing to show for all the time, effort, energy & money they exerted into you and assisting you to achieve your goal of home-ownership! I only ask that, you use your conscience and do onto others, as you would like to be done to you.

Therefore, do not expect to schedule viewings of properties with me before you go through an extensive vetting process to make sure, you are indeed who you say you are and your motivation level to purchase or sell a property is true.

I know, I will lose prospects and I am completely ok with that! Because really, I will only be losing the "Lookie Loos" and the non-committal buyers/sellers! But, guess what I won't losing? My time, energy, effort & money (because chauffeuring people around all day can get expensive; even if you all are travelling in separate vehicles)! Remember, some properties, we have to call other Agents to arrange to get access to. Some of these properties, we would have to go and pick up keys from other Agents and after the showings, go and drop them back off to the Agents. This is not only time consuming, it is also an expense.

So, I declare today and everyday ahead (no exceptions), I will only be working with "Serious Buyers/Renters" who have passed my rigorous background checks or no buyers at all and that is ok with me! I will continue to focus on the people who make me money in my business - my Motivated Sellers!

If I lose some buyers because of my stance, well - "a so" - but I can almost guarantee you that, I won't lose any real buyers; only the time wasters! I have been in Real Estate far too long, to jump, as someone says jump without any guarantees! My first words will be - "Show me the MONEY, honey!!!" No proof, no showings!

And, if they don't like that, guess what they can go do? Find another Real Estate Agent! The Real Estate Institute releases a 100 new Agents every 3 months! And, by year 1 majority of them being in the Business, they are gone because they don't know how to vet noncommittal buyers/sellers and waste a lot of their time, effort and money on them and have to leave the business because they cannot afford to continue!

I know this story all too well. Year 1 I wasted so much time on noncommittal buyers it was ridiculous! It almost took me out too! I had to rally back hard! I was expanding so much money keeping up with these "Lookie Loos" it was ridiculous! I had to make this declaration at the start of year 2 to keep it together & refocus my attention on working with mainly sellers who had to sell for one reason or the other! That is how, I was able to thrive in this industry! There you go, that is my secret sauce! Focus on serious sellers, who need to sell to make it in the Real Estate Industry! Or else, noncommittal buyers will take you out with their foolishness and time wasting - simple!

Honestly, since year 1 I haven't focused much attention on buyers, I have mainly been focusing my attention on selling properties and majority of the buyers I work with, buy my Listings! And, I am proud to say, I have been able to maintain approximately 20 - 40 Listings each year for the last 5+ years! And, to me this is a BIG DEAL!!! Given that majority of Agents do not have any Listings whatsoever, maintaining 20 - 40 Listings at any given time is an accomplishment within itself!

For 2020, I want to go even deeper and only focus on Sellers who are willing to price their properties correctly and not over price their properties! If they over price, I am walking away - seriously! I am walking away from the Listing because I do not have any time to waste on overpriced properties! This is another area in Real Estate that give Agents problems as well. Overpriced properties! This is another epidemic facing the Real Estate Industry! Wow! There is so much to say on this topic, I would need another article honestly! Tell me in the comments, if you would be interested in hearing more about overpriced listings?

So, if you got this far reading my small rant; you are the true MVP - leave a comment below and let me know, if you have any interest in the Real Estate Industry! Whether you want to buy, sell, rent, invest or become an Agent yourself? If you want to do any of the above, I can help you! I am actually working on opening my own Real Estate Company in 2020! It is a Goal I have been working on since I started out in the Real Estate Industry in 2013! Let me know, if you would like me to write about that as well. Now, that is a story! LOL! Thanks for reading my article, I really do appreciate the time you took out of your busy schedule to read my thoughts! Now let's go crush our goals for 2020 & beyond!

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I hope, you found all this information helpful or useful. Thank you very much for reading my Article. Please feel free to Subscribe to my YouTube Channel - Paula Sells Jamaica - and click on the "Bell" to get all my future uploads. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. I can be reached via the comments section below, LinkedIn direct message, email at [email protected] or whatsapp at 1-876-862-5848 or my YouTube Channel Comments section. Please feel free to send me a LinkedIn Invitation to connect & join my network. Please also visit my website www.paulasellsjamaica.com 

Paula Roper Bacchas - Real Estate Agent in Jamaica. You can contact me at 1-876-862-5848, Send me an Invitation to Connect on LinkedIn, Like her Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/PaulaSellsRealEstate/?ref=hl or visit my website at www.paulasellsjamaica.com or email at [email protected]

Do you want to: Buy, Sell, Rent, Lease-Residential or Commercial Real Estate in Jamaica? If so, please feel free to contact me today!


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