2020 Vision
Lou Feltham Smith
From Survivor to Mentor: Helping Women Reclaim Their Power & Create Their Dream Life After Domestic Abuse | Speaker | Advocate
It's coming to the end of 2019 and the end of the decade! Can you believe how fast this year has gone? I know for me, this is a time of reflection. I've achieved some of the goals I set for 2019 but not what I expected. Some of that was within my control and some was out of my control. I guess what I've learnt over the past few years in particular is that as long as you're taking steps and moving forward, it doesn't matter how big those steps are. Some of my goals will simply carry over to 2020 and that's okay.
2016 was a massive turning point for me. That was the year I decided I was going to start really living and not just existing. For a long time I put myself last and when I realised that I actually had the control to change that, EVERYTHING changed. What started as a Plan B until I decided what to do next, soon became Plan A. I had no idea back then that three years later I would have quit my corporate career and would be working from home. That has been a dream of mine for decades. I knew I didn't fit in the corporate box but I didn't know there was any other option. I guess the wheels started to turn when I was made redundant in 2012 after 12 years loyal service. I was 4 months away from getting married. I realised then that no matter how much loyalty you have to a company, to them you are just a number and easily replaceable. This started a chain of events that changed my life forever in so many different ways.
I feel in a way that 2020 will be somewhat of a rebirth for me (as well as my baby beet!). This is my chance to redo everything again but better. I get to start over but with the knowledge I've gained over the past few decades. I feel excited, empowered and ready to take on the next challenges that are on the horizon.
How do you feel about 2020? What will you do differently?