2020 Vision to 2020 Growth
Chad C Owen
The Annuity Sales Coach, Over $338 million in written personal production since 2008! Owner of Retirement Realized Financial - (FMO) & Retirement Realized Agents Academy (Training)
At the start of 2020, many people were talking about how it would be a year of vision, but vision is one of those things that should be ever-present, not something unique about a specific year. Vision is necessary for growth. If you don’t have vision, you’ll float on the wind chasing all kinds of things, moving all over the place. Vision sets a course. Vision sees what could be, not merely what is.
Four and a half years ago, I was the lone individual working for my LLC, but vision increased. I hired an assistant on the recommendation of my wife, because she could see what all of the work was doing to me...she had vision. Within two and a half years of hiring my assistant, we had a team of 7 employees operating out of my 500 square foot home office, but the vision increased all the more. We could see the need to expand yet again, so at the end of 2019, we quadrupled our office space. Vision persisted. By the end of 2020, we had 15 people working out of our office, and now at the start of 2021, we’ve got yet another individual working with us.
2020 was many different things for many different people, but I’ve noticed a common thread of phenomenal growth in places where people had vision.
2020 was both a year of vision (as every year should be), but also a year of growth because again, vision and growth are often found hand in hand.
Whatever 2020 was for you, I hope that in this new year you catch a vision and move with a purpose in the direction of that vision
One last thought; vision is compounding. When vision is had, more vision is created. Whatever you do with your family, your work, your extracurricular activities, or even your hobbies, be sure that you have vision, and watch the years be full of growth regardless of what the outside conditions look like.