Telescope picture by Morro on Unsplash


"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision." Helen Keller

Vision is associated with sight. It is the ability to see or visualize the future.

Medically, 20/20 vision, is a term used to describe visual acuity (sharp vision). It means the person can see objects from 20 feet away.

Interestingly, we are in the year 2020. A lot was said in the past about vision 2020.  There were Millennium Development Goals, political goals, even personal goals. The question is; have we attained all we intended to achieve by 2020? Are we close to achieving them? Are we on track to achieving the 2020 goals by the end of this year?

Professionally and in everyday life, a clear vision is desirable. The fact remains that, unexpected events could happen and derail our well laid out plans. Life could throw us curve balls that lead to delays in attaining our vision.

It is commonly known that hindsight is always 20/20. Although we cannot live life in reverse, we can make the relevant adjustment so that we can minimize hurdles in our day to day life. 

A few things that could hamper or act as bumps to achieving our vision are;


This is the ability to see things at a close view while having difficulty seeing things at a distance.

Life application

This is the act of being focused on the present realities with little or no thought to the future. Being focused is not a bad thing. It only becomes a problem when future realities are not considered.

Before the use of smartphones and computers became widely used, typewriters were in use. The manual typewriter gave room for the electronic computer.

In the '80s and part of the '90s, typewriters where used majorly but that is not the case today. who could have thought that the boom in the use of typewriters would give way to the widespread use of smart phones? 

People who did not give much thought to the use of computers or who focused on typewriters alone would have a different story to tell presently.

When computers started becoming popularly used in the workplace, the focus was majorly in hardware. When the likes of Bill Gates started thinking about and playing around software, it was a foreign idea and people did not think much about it back then. People even laughed at the idea, but presently, the software is used.

A lot of innovations are coming up and it's a lot to grasp. Changes are ranging from self-driving cars to robotic surgeries; blockchain technology to the use of Artificial intelligence; social media to virtual reality. Every profession is changing so fast. What do you think about the recent advancement in technology? Are you embracing them or resisting them?


"Begin with the end in mind" Stephen Covey

This is the ability to see distant objects while having a blurry view of the closer object.

Life Application

This happens when a person is so focused on a future occurrence while giving little thought or ignoring the present.

Many times when we have a deadline to meet and a project to deliver, we can be so focused on achieving the set target and neglect our physical and mental well-being. The delivery of the project is at the fore of our minds and every other thing becomes secondary. We push so much to get results while not being self-aware of the present moments that are passing away. This is a long-sighted view of life.

Focusing on the future is not a bad idea in itself. It helps us forecast future occurrences. Perfectionists use this trait to predict problems that could arise and this helps in taking proactive steps to forestall a problem before it becomes reality.

There is a flip side to this though. When we are too focused on what could go wrong in the future, anxiety, and fear come to the fore. Sometimes the fears are needless worries and we fail to enjoy the moment. Also, negligence of health in a bid to meet up tight deadlines could take a toll on our well-being and overall performance in the future.


The individual has a poor vision at night or has difficulty seeing in a dimply lit environment.

Life Application

We all face challenges at different points in life. Although life challenges differ from person to person. People could face bankruptcy, bereavement, and loss of a job, depression, illness, etc. and all these could be regarded as the night of life. No one plans for these unpleasant events, they are unpredictable and sometimes inevitable.

When they occur they put a pause to smooth execution of our plans. They also affect us mentally, psychologically, emotionally, even physically. Our decision-making abilities may be slowed down.

Some people become suicidal, some become bitter others become depressed. At such times, it’s hard to think of anything else than the present situation.

Case in point: The recent global spread of the corona-virus is one that has caused illness, death, panic reactions, fear, sudden policies in the workplace, etc. It is hard to think of anything else. Regular work life has been unexpectedly disrupted and everyone wishes for it to be over.


This was previously referred to as color blindness. This is the inability to see certain colors such as; red and green or blue and yellow.

Life Application

This occurs when leaders make decisions based on the statistics, data or facts available with little consideration of emotional intelligence or showing empathy. This occurs when recruitment is made based on personality tests or IQ test scores alone with little consideration of the emotional intelligence or the soft skills of the interview candidate.

Another form of color blindness in life is; making decisions at emotional moments such as in the heat of anger. It involves recruiting based on gut feelings alone with little consideration for the capability of the person or cultural fit of the individual into the organization. It is making a decision based on certain preconceived biases while giving little focus on the ability of the person.

Case in point: A few years back, I remember hearing that Human Resource Persons were always on the lookout for missteps of employee and sanctions where implemented. The emphasis was on performance and compliance with policies. Sadly this resulted in the rise of toxic cultures in some organizations and inhuman actions taken in some cases.

In recent times, there has been increased awareness of bringing the Human back to Human Resources. There is now increased awareness of emotional intelligence in the workplace.


"A person is limited only by the thought he chooses" James Allen

This is a defect where the individual has a blurry vision at all distances. The person’s vision is distorted.

 Life Application 

This occurs when a person has a pessimistic view of life. Such a person is very critical and has very little tolerance for people.

 It is being overly sensitive or suspicious.

People have both positive and negative thoughts. The words we speak show our predominant thought pattern.

Also, negative experiences while growing up could affect our views of life. Issues such as child molestation, rape, etc. could have a long-lasting negative impact on life.

Is there a way out? Thankfully there is.


Just as some visual defects can be corrected using lenses or surgery, so also, the visual defects of life can be corrected when conscious efforts are made.


"A mind is like a parachute. It doesnt work if it isnt open" Frank Zappa

The solution to focusing on only the present is being open-minded and embracing the growth mindset. It would go a long way in changing the way we respond to innovation. We should be willing to attend training, learn, unlearn and relearn about the rising technological advancement instead of just ignoring the trend.

 Truthfully the speed of change is so much but we can consciously make an effort to understand these innovations. This would place a person on a better pedestal to maximize the opportunities that come along with the changing times. 


The solution to focusing on the future alone is, to pursue a work-life balance. Although work-life balance might seem like an illusion especially for startups and entrepreneurs, we can still make efforts to prioritize our physical and mental well-being. This is because the cost of a breakdown in health is quite enormous. Other steps we can take are;

  • Get an accountability partner. An accountability partner would remind you about health choices.
  • Use health applications on your phone; to get health prompts from time to time while you go about your day.
  • Use a planner or journal your progress. You could schedule a time to celebrate your victories while you pursue a bigger goal.
  • Get a mastermind group. When you are surrounded by high achievers you remain motivated and worry less. Being around positive people or people that believe in your project, would be a source of encouragement. This would boost your mental health.


The solution to avoid suicidal thoughts or depression due to life challenges is to surround yourself with positive people. Invest in the relationships in your life. This would ensure that you have a support system at the time of a crisis.


The solution to making a decision based on emotions alone is to get a team that would help you make more balanced decisions. The team would consider other facts that you might not have considered and a better decision can be made.

The solution to not showing empathy is; to consciously apply emotional intelligence as we relate to people. We can be firm, yet considerate of how our decisions affect the people we lead.


The solution, to not being pessimistic is; to surround yourself with positive people and distance yourself from people who belittle your dreams or efforts.

If you are in the habit of being critical; deliberately lookout for something to commend before you criticize anything. This would help you to give constructive feedback in the workplace.

You can also, do things that uplift you when you feel emotionally low. You could play music, go for a walk, or engage in any recreational activity that would make you feel good.

You could seek for a solution if it's possible. See a psychologist, especially as it relates to long-standing hurt that has not been resolved. You could see a counselor or join a group of people who have the same difficulty you have. This would help you heal emotionally as well as overcome a negative burden.


Our life vision may not be perfect but our view of life would have an impact on us. We can adjust our lens of life so that we can be better professionals and leaders. This is important if we hope to be successful professionals.




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