2020 – Time to pay devout attention for the transformative change that is fair and sustainable

Now at 2020 when the world is celebrating the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, we believe, the global community would pay devout attention to deeply consider about the complicated issues that crystallized the UN to secure the planet for present and future generation. But during this last 75 years, we are nowhere near to realize the root cause of the problem in actual fact. Yet the global picture is unsettling and we are facing increasing levels of intimidation, disruption and violence. We can see how refugees and migrants are suffering intolerable of insecurity, discriminations and ill treatment.

Presently we are all aware of the true fact, basically?it is the rot of corruption at all level that raises economic anxiety, erodes public trust and undermines social cohesion, human rights, peace and prosperity,?but yet we haven’t been able to tackle the root cause of corruption that creating the basis for all crime on this planet.

Within these circumstances, global community unanimously adopted the UN-SDGS to overcome the perils that creating worldwide humanitarian crisis, But the complicated issues as the clashes between “One World Order” and “New World Order”, climate change, radicalization and terrorism are still invincible or mostly ignored by the leadership enthralled in the mazes of their own political and professional beneficence.


Before leaping to the answer, as a selfless, let us look forward to the systemic obstacles on our path to make this planet a safe place for all.?Here are some well-known forbidden communal questions to guide us towards the solution for the transformative change that is fair and sustainable.

In fact, such complicated questions confront the world’s leadership, civil societies and all leading religious instructors who thirst for a unanimous conclusion for global security in the current predicament of nuclear proliferation, terrorism and war, within the context of the moral crisis in political ethics and religious conflicts.


(1)??Is our world leadership united and coherent enough to overcome the perils of climate change and combat the sources of terrorism and war given the rise of scientific insights that continue to design and manufacture lethal weapons for mass killing (that is, nuclear weapons)?

(At the forefront, the world community is baffled by the means to prevent global warming. On the other hand, we have developed weapons of mass destruction that could destroy the world beyond our imaginations. Thus, without peace and solidarity, any attempts to solve all issues relating to poverty and global warming constitute a political business in actual fact)

(2)??Is it possible for the entire world led by God for human beings to uproot the sources of religious conflicts that erupt in the blood of massacre?

(In fact, they are enthralled in the strictures of their own political, professional and religious tradition. It is impossible for them to surrender their own profession to transcend their own faiths to fill in the religious gaps that divide human perception, so for global unity, It had been always lethal to write or address in favor or against the institutionalized faith of human being divided by several religious and political strictures)

(3)??Do United Nations bureaucracies and administrations have enough potential to lead the global community on the path toward peace and propel those in positions of leadership to overcome complicated political issues, humanitarian crises, and religious conflicts?

(The UN bureaucracies and administrations are embroiled in the mazes of the premeditated policies that was designed at the time when UN was crystallized for the betterment of all humanity. Now it’s the time to strengthen the United Nations as a body to aid in formulating a straightforward and direct relationship with the public at the ground level making the SDGs a house hold word.)?

(4)??Are we safe neglecting these larger issues that force us to an unnatural end?

(For the safety of all people and this planet, immediately the world intellectual communities will have to pay devout attention to delineate a new method for the world leadership and approach the world community to transcend inherited and organized faith, to advance the culture of peace for the success of UN-SDGs by time. In fact, there can be no sustainable without peace and no peace without sustainable development.)

(5)??Do we have ample, sufficient, and appropriate ideas and resources to combat those masterminds that have converted humankind into "lethal bombs"?

?(To prevent the rise of radicalization that converting humankind into “lethal bombs, for political and professional beneficence, we can easily prove without disgracing the belief of any humankind; that the definitions of all the leading world religions are based on their contemporary needs to help human being to evolve under natural process on basis for peace and social diversity, not for political and professional beneficence or to obtain the narcissus and terrestrial bliss among the rot of massacre.)

Time is precious than all, but not above the truth.

?While celebrating the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, the contemporary world’s greatest leadership are rapidly developing much expensive lethal weapons that would destroy this planet more than our imaginations. It means, due to lack of trust between the global leadership we are nowhere near the ethics to secure the present and future generation and UN is existing just as a platform for beautiful speeches or empty promises.


Who are victims of the worldwide humanitarian crisis in actual fact??No doubt ! they are the common man struggling to fulfill their daily needs. So while celebrating the 2020, we’ll have to pay devout attention to the civil societies and the global communities (under the UN ensign) beyond their political, communal and religious issues that being used as political tools for the beneficence of leadership. It is the only one way to build trust between the current leadership for the betterment of all people and this planet.


Here our biggest challenge is to unite the people divided by several political and religious strictures and to build trust among all cultures, norms and mores without disgracing the belief of any humankind.


?In fact, it’s impossible for any scientific, religious or political insight to redefine the human conscience for unity accord to the need of this contemporary world. Sometimes we do have a simple solution of any most complicated issue, but we mostly ignore the solution for its simplicity. We mean, now it’s only the graces of literature that can bring changes in human perception as ever. There is no doubt that the greatest aspect of literature is that it enthralls our mind and spirit from childhood to the end of our lives. It is a major part of our intellectual heritage, as important as our scientific and professional heritage; it influences our system of thought and throws into relief our genetic nature. It is the treasure house of human wisdom that guides our life toward whatever final home our political or religious belief directs us.


Here what we propose for the celebration of the 75th anniversary of UN, is a blueprint of literature that serves a philanthropic catalyst relating to the wider issue of human purpose and ultimate reality, approaching all the basis of humanity to define the belief enthralled in jigsaw puzzles of their own inherited system of thoughts and genetic nature, Furthermore it would help us to fill the intangible gaps between Economic Development and Social Development through academic resources. We believe, this literary form would help the world community not only to raise new hopes, but also develop a aspirations in working towards a common citizenship of all peoples and faith based on social responsibility and solidarity.


More than that, we do not need any high cost or extra effort for the implementation of this proposed theme among grassroots, what we do need is an integrated action from United Nations Academic Impact, UNESCO and the team engaged with “UN Perception Change Project” of UNOG and we easily engage the Major Groups, Member States and other relevant stakeholders who thirst for a unanimous conclusion for global security in the current predicament of nuclear proliferation, terrorism and war, making the SDGs a house hold word.

Presently the novel’s and literature of great authors from all around the world that recommended for “unabridged school edition” mostly navigates the mind of readership to an elusive world (for entertainment) that is beyond the true fact. It represents the past and present, for the betterment of future generation, but without a solution as we do the need for the betterment of all humanity at this contemporary world. There is no doubt; it serves both the aspects of entertainment and enlightenment to overcome the humanitarian crisis as well. But what we propose is an extension to that idea as the part of SDG 4.7 to achieve the SDG 16.a for the success of SDGs and advance the UN disarmament agenda in a simple way.

After all, while celebrating the 75th anniversary of UN, let us welcome the 2020 as new era for the transformative change that is fair and sustainable. We can easily do so by adopting the said aspect of literature that specially designed to make this planet a safe place for all, following the core value of SDGs in actual fact.

“In the 21st century, I believe the mission of the united Nations will be defined by a new, more profound awareness of the sanctity and dignity of every human life, regardless of race or religion” Kofi Annan.

“More than ever before in human history, we share a common destiny.?We can master it only if we face it together. And that, my friends, is why we have the United Nations.”?Kofi Annan.

Thanks for the time and review. Looking forward for your response to share all about this proposal in detail


Ajay Singh

GHA Ambassador of Peace from Harmony/Nonviolence


Acting Chief Councilor of the PEACE COUNCIL at- ELFO - https://mopw.org/

Peace Ambassador at Worldwide Peace Organization ( wwpo.org )

E-mail [email protected]

Mob (Home) + 91?6203726488

Charles Holsopple

The 222 SDG Priority Mechanism Dignified access to 2 gallons of clean water, 2000 calories, and 200 cubic feet of shelter per person daily, aligning with SDGs and global standards for dignified living and sustainability.

5 年

Let’s make 2020 the year that Project222.org is recognized as a global movement dedicated to achieve all 17 of the UNSDG’s. We are all better off when each of us have dignified access within civil society to a minimum of 2 gallons of clean water a day, 2000 nutritional calories and 200 ft.3 of secure shelter as basic human rights. Until we achieve this for those suffering there will be no lasting peace.

S Anders Christensson

CEO at IC2VIL AB, Member 2069 at The Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences, dep. IV since 2000

5 年

How meny country-regime has consolidated UN human-rights into their governance?


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