2020 Statistics of the importance of SEO
Current statistics for 2020
Right now, I am working on a blog about the importance of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
I’m going to quickly run through some key statistics that are very important to the use of SEO. Like I said, this is a quick run through, I am working on a dep dive into everything SEO. Including, the top 10 ways to improve your rankings on google and traffic to your website.
- 93% of website views start through a search engine
- Top results of google have a 33% chance of being clicked
- What does that mean? If you are not number 1 or 2 on search results (minus the paid ads) you just missed out on a third of potential traffic.
- 75% of people will NOT even click onto the second page of search results
- 40% of page visitors will click off of a website if it takes more than 3 SECONDS to load.
- 80% of those visitors will never return to that website
- Google Chrome controls 45% of the inter- Internet browser market share, which makes it the most popular bowser in the world.
So what does all this mean for you and your business?
How can you improve your SEO without spending anything?
In my deep dive blog, I will answer all those questions, and give you a list of things that you can do to improve your website traffic!
Stay tuned on Tuesday for my blog!