The 2020 Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse – Actions Speak Loudest
G.Cloyd, Storyblocks

The 2020 Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse – Actions Speak Loudest

The 2020 Sagittarius Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 12:12p PDT on Friday, 5th June 2020, reflecting the Light of the Gemini Sun (15.56°). This is an especially intense Full Moon phase for a few reasons, but one of those reasons in particular is that this Full Moon will also be a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse.

Eclipses always intensify the energy of a Full or New Moon phase. The events seeded or in progress during an eclipse tend to have a more enduring effect upon the coming weeks and months. Penumbral means the Moon’s reflection of the Sun’s light won’t be completely obstructed by the Earth’s shadow, but there will still be a shadow cast. To interpret this symbolically, it means the affairs of the world will not completely suppress our capacity to feel our emotions or to feel that our personal experiences are part of something way bigger than ourselves alone.

This sense of “something bigger” is crucially important at this time as people are feeling something is off in the world. A large part of that something is that many of the words and sentiments being communicated now are not in any way aligned with the actions being performed by those speaking the words. This is while others who are acting upon their words are being either praised for their authenticity or punished for being “too honest”. Either way, actions speak loudest, and right now, many people are speaking volumes with their actions, especially if their actions either affirm or betray their public words.

Yes, it’s quite a dilemma if you have something to say, because you don’t know what you may face for saying it now. Yet explaining the signs involved in this Full Moon Eclipse phase may bring a better understanding of the dilemma we’re each and all facing now around being credible spokespeople for our personal and societal values.

Gemini is the childlike student energy of the Zodiac. A mutable air sign, it is eager to gather information, exchange ideas and insights with others, and to develop its personal world view by what it takes in from all of the sources it is exposed to. That last part is key – “all of the sources it is exposed to” – because you can only learn from what you are given and/or what you seek. The more you know, the more you grow… but in order to learn more, you must be willing to seek more. The numerological 1 Universal Month energy encourages this seeking, and you’re likely to either take initiative or be encouraged to take action to find answers to the questions you have at this time.

This is where Gemini’s opposite, Sagittarius comes in. Sag is the wise teacher of the Zodiac. A mutable fire sign, it takes action to confirm its learnings. I often explain it as Sag going to Gemini and saying, “Okay, kid. Give me your theories and beliefs, and let me test them out in the real world.” Sagittarius verifies ideas and beliefs through first-hand experience. Yet though it has a great deal of wisdom and knowledge from its first-hand experiences, Sag is willing to go out into the world to find proof either for or against what it knows. It’s willing to travel outside its comfort zone – physically and intellectually – into new and different situations to seek Truth.

And that’s the main distinction between Gemini and Sagittarius – Gemini seeks information, and bases its world view on what it gathers intellectually; Sagittarius seeks Truth, and bases its world view primarily on what it experiences first-hand. Both are connected by and through information, yet it’s the opposing processes of gathering that information that creates the natural balance between the two.

It’s that balance which makes this 2020 Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse so dynamic, especially because there’s a heavy push in the world right now to force information onto people, to influence their thinking. There’s a lot of word play happening right now, which strongly influences people who like to grab bits and pieces and think they know, but in earnest, they really have no idea. Yet as these same people begin to witness and experience things in reality, there are many of them having their fundamental values and beliefs challenged by what they are being told to believe versus what they now see and hear is actually happening around them and/or what they may be directly experiencing themselves.

Experience outperforms intellect every time. You can know something in theory, but until you actually act upon what you know, you can’t know if it is, indeed, true. Yet so many people base their perception of Truth in what they know, even if they’ve never actually had the experience!

But if their knowing and understanding is limited because it lacks experience to back it up, their knowledge of Truth is factually limited. In that case, they are living their truth, but their truth may not be Truthful in the big picture of all that is actual and factual reality.

Actual, factual Truth is revealed and known through the reality of actual and factual experience.

We can’t really know until we’ve been there and done that, until we’ve witnessed it happening to someone else in real time, or until we’re willing to believe the testimony of someone who has, in fact, been there and done that.

But being there and doing that require us to take action with the intention of finding the Truth for ourselves, and until we’ve had the experience, and even through the experience, we make our choices for action based upon two things: our intellectual knowing and our emotions.

That’s what makes this 2020 Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse fascinating. For some, the experience and evidence is finally lining up with their intellectual knowledge, and some of us are beginning to feel Truth being validated for the first time in a long time, or possibly, for the first time ever. Yet for others, the experience and evidence is not lining up with their intellectual knowing. There’s a strong disconnect, and they’re having one heck of a time trying to reconcile what they’ve always believed with the actual, factual Truths being revealed now. These are the first steps of rebalancing something that has long been out of balance.

There’s a hitch in this rebalancing, though.

This 2020 Gemini Sun–Sagittarius Moon opposition is squared by Pisces Mars (15.87°) at the time of the Full Moon’s maximum phase, creating a T-Square configuration. This reveals a pivot point that needs to be addressed – actions rooted in collective consciousness and/or transcendental service. This is challenging each and all of us to answer the following questions:

·       Are our individual actions rooted in theories or experiences?

·       Are our individual actions supported by intellectual knowledge or experiential wisdom, or both?

·       Are our individual actions motivated by rigid idealism or open-mindedness to a different or entirely new way of living and being?

·       And which collective consciousness are our actions inspired by – feeling a sense of belonging to a social or societal group, or feeling a sense of belonging to something bigger than all of us yet inclusive of all of us?

Because the actions always speak louder than the words.

And actions almost always speak Truth behind those words.

“Do as I say, not as I do” is, sadly, a common theme right now in our society. Yet it’s a theme we’re being collectively called upon to review and reverse as a rapidly increasing number of people are now able to see what has been and is being done, and are no longer believing in the ideas being communicated nor the words being said. People are seeking Truth now – they are seeking to take or witness actions which align with the words to verify what is indeed truthful.

They’re seeking…

…and seeking…

…and seeking…

… seeking ways to act upon their Truths individually or as a leader, and seeking collaboration with and/or leadership of others who are acting in alignment with what they speak.

Numerologically, the 2020 Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse is occurring on a 6 Universal Day in the western world – a day of attending the functional health and wellness of our individual and collective selves. It’s a time to examine how we are actually practicing our values and beliefs in our everyday lives, and a time to see if we are walking our talk. In the eastern world, this Full Moon Eclipse is occurring on a 7 Universal Day – a day of restful thought. It’s an opportunity to mentally and emotionally regroup; to acknowledge where you are, reflect on the past, and to plan for the future. These energies are challenging combinations with the 1 Universal Month energy, which simply wants to forge ahead boldly, impulsively, and in some cases, aggressively. Yet the 6 energy forces some of us to pause and ask if what we want to do is really supporting our health and positive well-being, and it asks others of us to think about how what we want to do may affect us not only now in the short-term but in the future and the long-term. As we navigate a 4 Universal Year, the key question is, “What are we building right now?” or rather, “What are we destroying/clearing right now in order to clear space to build something different or maybe even completely new?”

And one last question is really at the essence of what is happening now: What are we destroying in order to clear space for what comes next?

And that is where this 2020 Sagittarius Full Moon comes into play most powerfully.

We are destroying the mindsets which enable the structures we are destroying to continue by opening them us to experience and/or witness. We are destroying those mindsets with actual, factual, Truth… or at least we’re trying to.

Yet much of the talking being done right now is by people who are very nostalgic for the past or who are committed to maintaining the status quo. People who do not want things to change. In fact, while some are trying to maintain the status quo, some are advocating for a regression to a past that threatens the personal and creative freedoms of many other people.

This is happening while other people are striving to reveal the harsh factual Truths about the past and the status quo, and who are revealing the Truths about why things must change now and for the future.

It really is a tale of two world views, and these opposing views are now coming to a head. The Mars square of the Sun-Moon opposition is, again, an indicator of intensifying conflict. The question is whether or not the conflict becomes more intellectually experiential (to ease or increase the physical expression), or more physically experiential (to transform or engrain the intellectual expression). Either way, there will be a greater emotional-spiritual experience as result of the events at this time as it becomes increasingly clear to everyone that what is happening now is becoming bigger than anything any of us have collectively experienced in our lifetimes.

And it’s just getting started.

That said, let’s look at the transits occurring at the time of the 2020 Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse’s maximum phase.

·       We already discussed the T-Square configuration formed by the Gemini 1 Sun opposite the Sagittarius Moon, both squared exactly by Pisces Mars (15°).

·       One other transit involving the Sagittarius Moon and the Gemini Sun is the Moon’s trine to Aries Black Moon Lilith & Lilith’s sextile to the Sun (14-15°). This transit simply affirms that individuals are being and will continue to have their ego-driven motives exposed by the Sun’s light, yet the stronger energy will be felt emotionally – both by those who thought they knew individuals, yet are being exposed to the real nature of individuals, and for those who are being exposed as they truly are and their feelings about being exposed. Though these are considered “positive” transits, these will produce some intense energy as individuals will need to assess who they Truly are, the actions they take (consciously and subconsciously), and how they choose to show up in the world.

·       There is also a Blessing Triangle configuration formed by Pisces Ceres sextile Taurus Uranus sextile Cancer Mercury (8-10°). This indicates that the values of the collective are supporting or are being supported by the changes occurring in our everyday lives. These lifestyle changes are forcing us to reevaluate our values, and these reevaluations are bringing a great deal of emotion for us as we begin to recognize how out of alignment with our values we have become. The good news here is now that we’re aware of our misalignment, we can restore our alignment. But first, we must be clear about the values we are aligning with.

If you are or have become clear about the values you want to live by, the changes you get to make are obvious, and may require or include you having to make some major lifestyle and social changes (new relationships, new residence, new life and/or lifestyle practices).

If you’re not yet clear about your values and what you want to stand for, here’s your chance to get clear about what you want to align yourself with and stand for in the way you live your day-to-day life. You may have to ask yourself which comfort zones you’re willing to step out of in order to align with and actually stand for the values you intend to align with.

·       There is a Sequence of Pisces Ceres semi-sextile Aries Chiron semi-sextile Taurus Uranus (8-10°) – As delusions break down and ideals falter, many people are finding themselves confronted with the fact that who they actually are isn’t who they believed themselves to be. For some, this is a new, shockingly painful experience. Yet for others, this is a reality they’ve had to deal with for most if not all of their lives – knowing who they could be, yet not being seen that way by others. These self-identity wounds are now leading to major questions about what we – both as a collective society and as individuals within that society – value most. These questions are leading people to do whatever it takes to either heal those wounds or whatever it takes to pretend they aren’t there. Notice who is facing the reality of these revelations of Truth, and notice who is trying to pretend they aren’t True. Notice who is covering up the Truth, trying to create a fa?ade of illusion, and notice who is trying to tear those fa?ades down. It’s a very interesting time to observe before making choices for yourself.

·       Of course, these configurations reveal a square transit between Aries Chiron and Cancer Mercury (8=-9°). This energy encourages us to speak our emotional truths, but those truths are challenged by our self-identity wounds. This is especially the case on the individual level. Do you believe your voice is worthy of being heard? Do you believe your identity is worth being recognized? And at what cost are you willing to be seen and heard? What, exactly, does “by any means necessary” mean to you, individually speaking? And in your speaking, are you speaking for yourself, or are you speaking on behalf of others? Where is your voice coming from, and what is its intent? Be clear about what you’re feeling right now, and make sure the feelings are yours. Own them, then communicate them.

There's so much happening in the world right now that continues to play out. Revelations are happening every day, and more and more people are being exposed by, exposed to, and confronted by the revelations of Truth that are occurring as result of the Light of information and knowing being reflected by Truth rooted in the wisdom of witness, experience, and knowledge.

There is a difference between knowing and knowledge.

The latter has been there and done that. The former is still learning what to do.

If you’re ready to be in action, look for the people who have the experience, the knowledge. Look for the authentic ones. They’re the ones you want to seek and learn from now.

And once you’ve learned, take your knowing out into the world to find out for yourself… so you can gain genuine knowledge and be credible when you speak.

Knowing and conceptually understanding is one thing. But always remember – actions speak loudest.

The energy of this 2020 Sagittarius Full Moon will be felt from 3rd through the 9th of June, but due to the Eclipse energy, we will see the effects of this period in time for at least another six months.

Thank you for reading and sharing. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



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