2020 Predictions from Major Players
Jeffrey Weil, MCR.h, SIOR, CCIM
Executive Vice President at Colliers
Published in the National Real Estate Investor January/February 2020, Jim Costello, SVP of Real Capital predicts industrial will continue growing at double digit rates, many investors and lenders will continue to hate retail, and suggests caution when taking on debt. "There’s an ugliness of politics entering the investment process in the year ahead. We will be facing a contentious US Presidential election and a lot of disinformation will be floating around…Beware of spin.” Barbara Denham, Senior Economist with Mood’s predicts more of the same, slow but steady growth in terms of job growth, absorption and rents. "Office could continue to decelerate and retail as well.” Michael Knott, head of research for Green Greet Advisors, said “Continued steady, but unremarkable improvements in fundamentals as supply roughly matches demand.” Jim Berry with Deloitte commented on their 2020 survey of 750 owners and operators of commercial real estate with 20 percent very optimistic, 55 percent somewhat optimistic, 13 percent neutral, and 12 percent somewhat pessimistic.