2020 NOLA Krewe of Endymion - Was cut short - Filmed last few floats near Convention Center before Ball - Met lots college students in French Quarter
The Krewe of Endymion is one of only three Super Krewes, and is the largest of the parades participating in the New Orleans Mardi Gras. Many people begin saving their viewing spots for this parade several days before the parade actually rolls, although spot-saving is widely frowned upon and is discouraged. It was founded in 1966 and named after Endymion {en-dim'-ee-uhn}, from Greek mythology.
Retiree / Stock Holder / Thinker / Fixer / Organization & Religion Optimizers / Philosopher / Writer / Lead Maker
5 年https://www.facebook.com/john.lee.7370/videos/pcb.2840975709275229/2840966052609528/?type=3&theater https://www.facebook.com/john.lee.7370/videos/pcb.2840975709275229/2840966915942775/?type=3&theater?