2020 LinkedIn Features RoundUp - Part 1 Personal Accounts

2020 LinkedIn Features RoundUp - Part 1 Personal Accounts

There have been some brilliant new features and updates to LinkedIn this year and it's been wonderful to see so many people take advantage of them already and explore more ways to leverage this incredible tool and platform in 2020.

I thought it would be useful to do a roundup of some key updates and how to take advantage of them so that you can really hit the ground running in 2021 and reap the many benefits of using LinkedIn as a key social selling and online networking tool in your business.

I'm going to focus this article on the new features to personal accounts and LinkedIn profiles, if you're interested in the new features to Company Pages then be sure to follow me and look out for Part 2 coming next week.

Quick Summary of new features:

  • Expanded Featured Section
  • Name Pronunciation
  • Voice Memos/Messages
  • Messenger Organisation
  • Video Conference Scheduling sync in Messenger
  • Out of Office / Auto Responder (only for Premium members)
  • Post and Comment Reactions
  • Dwell Time Engagement Metric
  • Polls
  • Free Messaging to other Group Members - no InMails required
  • Group Notifications
  • LinkedIn Live (application only right now)
  • Stories
  • Newsletters (still being rolled out, not available to all)
  • New Look and Settings Interface (still being rolled out, not available to all yet)

So let's dive right in and take a look at each in turn.

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New Features to your LinkedIn Profile

Your personal profile on LinkedIn should be considered a huge asset both to yourself and your business. It's not intended for you to use as an online CV but instead should be used as a Landing Page - an online billboard to showcase to the people YOU most want to have conversations with, what you can do for THEM and why they should chat to you instead of others in your space. It's a TOOL and ASSET that you can use to convert viewers into new connections, new followers and also new leads and enquiries.

The key updates to the LinkedIn Profile in 2020 have made it more interactive and engaging to view and it is also much easier for you to SHOW (not tell) your intended audience just how brilliant you are.

Here are some features that will really help you add some personality to your profile so that you can stand out over and above your competition.

Expanded Featured Section

Showcase your best work, your top posts and really stand out as a trusted authority in your industry by adding items to your featured section of your LinkedIn Profile.

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What can you add to your Featured Section:

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  • Showcase and highlight your top posts - see screenshot -->
  • Add videos, presentations, pdf's to showcase examples of your work, testimonials, case studies etc...
  • Feature your best articles
  • Add links to your podcast, your landing pages, your featured media and press coverage etc...

Add a 10sec voice clip to your LinkedIn Profile

This is one of my favourite new features as you can get really creative and add personality to your profile.

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The purpose of this recent feature is to help visitors to your profile prounounce your name properly as it's so easy to get wrong however it's amazing what you can do in 10 seconds. One of my personal favourite examples of this is Dave Officer's use of his voice clip - click here to listen

NOTE: You can only add a voice memo onto your profile via the mobile app right now

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New Features to LinkedIn Messenger

Send Voice Memos

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You can now send voice memos to your connections and contacts

This is another of my all-time favourite additions to LinkedIn in 2020 - there's now a new way to communicate with your contacts - before you could send a text message with an image or even link to a video but now you can send a voice note - yet another way to stand out and add more personality.

Plus - you're less likely to be ignored if you send a voice note as they are much more personal, authentic and intentional.

NOTE: This is another feature you can only use on the mobile app

Improved LinkedIn Messenger Management

If you work well in chaotic environments then the way LinkedIn messenger operates won't bother you too much but if you like any form of structure or organisation then historically LinkedIn messenger is a bit of a nightmare.

With the most recent update you now have more filters to organise your inbox and you can now select more than one message at once to archive, mark as read/unread and delete.

Schedule Zoom, Teams and Blue Jeans Meetings Directly from Messenger

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I've not used this a huge amount myself but it's quite useful when you're in the moment and want to get a meeting arranged then and there or just jump straight into an impromptu zoom chat.

Great for on-the-fly video calls and a nifty little tool to help make your life easier and help you connect more with the people you're talking to.

Set an Out of Office Notification on LinkedIn

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Note: This is a new feature only available to Premium Members

If you're an active member of LinkedIn and feel the need to check your inbox when you're on holiday then this is a great new feature.

It's one of those things that always crops up when training on the LinkedIn wish list and now it's here!

Share more empathy with Post and Comment Reactions

Even though I still think that there's a key expression missing from this list we all now have the ability to show more feelings towards posts and comments on posts with reactions - including the new support reaction.

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I encourage you to explore these further as not only will you be supporting your favourite content creators on LinkedIn by acknowledging their content but it will help give them an idea around what you really think or a feeling you want to show. Just hover over the like button to see the options.

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LinkedIn Introduces the Dwell Time Engagement Metric

If you are a LinkedIn Lurker (you watch and read what others are doing but never like, comment or share a post) then I believe this engagement metric has been added to include your behaviour into how the algorithm acknowledges engagement on posts.

Dwell Time is an engagement metric that reviews the time your mouse hovers over a post, a click or clicks on a post and the time you start scrolling past.

LinkedIn favours content with more engagement and will show it to more people. If you only create content that people scroll past and never stop to read, watch or engagement with then you will be wasting a lot of time.

Dwell time is a great new addition as the more interesting/engaging the content - the longer your target audience is likely to spend time consuming.

TOP TIP: Create content that your ideal audience wants to and will engage with - avoid promoting or broadcasting content that's all about you.

IMPORTANT: Your posts aren't shown to 100% of your connections and you won't see every bit of content your connections post so if you want to increase your changes of seeing the content from someone you're connected to or follow then give them a like or a comment because this will help them as well as you.

Fellow LinkedIn Trainer Richard van de Blom did some extensive research around this topic and is well worth looking at here

Polls are back again!!!

Even though this isn't a new feature to LinkedIn it's something they have resurrected. A few years ago we had polls and they were great, then they dissapeared and recently came back again.

Polls are a great way to experiment with content, research topics and ideas and engage with your audience.

Poll creators have the ability to see how people have voted too which gives you the ability to start more meaninful and curious conversations with your network.

Top Tip: When running a poll leave an open option and encourage viewers to engage further in the comments to keep the conversation going.

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Send free messages to fellow Group Members

You don't need a Premium Account, InMail credits or to be connected to someone to send them a message if you're part of the same group as they are.

You can now send an unlimited amount of free messages to other group members - if you're not connected to them then your message will go into the recipients 'Message Requests' folder for approval.

IMPORTANT: Don't use this new wonderful feature to spam other members of groups you're part of with a sales pitch. Being part of the same group means you have a great conversation starter - you wouldn't pitch right out of the gates if you met this person at a group event so don't pitch as your first message!! LinkedIn is all about networking not for using spammy sales tactics.

Enable specific Group Notifications

It's no secret that i'm an optimist when it comes to LinkedIn groups and still believe they are going to come back better than ever. LinkedIn users now have the ability to turn on notifications from specific groups and customise the type of notification they see.

This is a great new feature so you can get notifications for new group activity. If you manage your own group I encourage you to invest some time training your members how to get the most out of being part of your group - I wrote an article around this here to help you

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Broadcast live videos with LinkedIn Live

As a big fan of events, trade shows and conferences I was really looking forward to LinkedIn live taking off in this space this year however with Covid adjusting all our fun in this space LinkedIn live has taken off with other content creators.

If you want to have the ability to do live broadcasts then you still need to apply to LinkedIn - you can do so here: https://www.dhirubhai.net/help/linkedin/ask/lv-app

Note: You can go live on a personal profile and a company page but you will need to submit two different application forms for this.

My application for LinkedIn live was approved earlier this year and I've been experimenting with software tools, timings and approaches - I'll write a separate blog with more info on this soon so watch this space and follow me to keep updated.

A week ago I buddied up with fellow LinkedIn Trainer Andy Foote to do a roundup of LinkedIn features in 2020 and discuss a few predictions for the future - to watch our chat (which ended up being a whopping hour and 45 minutes) then click here.

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Introducing LinkedIn Events

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It's hard to believe that this came into it's own only this year however LinkedIn events are a great tool for scheduling events, inviting your connections and creating a discussion before, during and after the event.

You can organise an event from a personal profile OR a company page.

Each event has a start date and end date. You can link to a landing page (such as a zoom registration page for a webinar or meeting or Eventbrite) or use LikedIn Live to brodcast straight to the event.

You can make events public or private and engage with attendees.

Each event has its own activity feed too so it's a bit of a hybrid between your general profile newsfeed and a group newsfeed.

It's a great tool and I encourage you to explore it especially if you host your own webinars or events.

Want to know more about leveraging LinkedIn Events?

Check out my article here:

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LinkedIn Stories are here

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If you're a keen Instagram user then stories will be a familar thing although just bear in mind that LinkedIn stories are still at the early adopter phase and nowhere near as interative or as easy to use as we have been used to on Instagram.

Only visible on the mobile app the purpose of stories on LinkedIn is for you to have the ability to share moments in you career/business. They are great for sharing behind the scenes images and footage (you have up to 20seconds per story to record video) and to raise your profile on LinkedIn.

I'll keep you posted with updates around stories as I really wasn't keen when they were introduced on Instagram originally for the same reasons a lot of people don't like the idea on LinkedIn - I'm now a huge fan of Stories (more as a consumer than creator - you can follow me on Instagram if you like but don't go expecting incredible stories as I definitely fall into the noddy-user category on there!

NOTE: Even though LinkedIn is a professional networking tool it's important to remember that there is a person behind every job title, business card and LinkedIn profile. People like to do business with people that share similiar interests and values so stories are a great way to showcase your more human side and personality.

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Grow an audience of subscribers with LinkedIn Newsletters

Unfortunately I don't have this feature yet and I understand this is being slowly rolled out to more and more people. If you write regular articles (longer form content to regular posts) then this will be of interest - especially if you don't have a blog or email newsletter of your own.

Basically it enables you to create a regular newsletter on LikedIn and build an audience of subcribers that will be emailed every time you post something new.

A friend and fellow LinkedIn Trainer and podcaster Mark Williams has had this feature for a while and writes regular articles that you can subscribe to and get updates. Mark has a wonderful podcast specifically focussed on LinkedIn called LinkedInformed which I highly recommend too!

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LinkedIn has a new look and new settings interface

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This year we've seen a blue banner and colour scheme turn to black and more recently it's gone white with softer icons and larger fonts.

You may have already noticed it and also seen that the layout for your LinkedIn settings has changed too (I'm going to have to update some of my training videos for my accelerator now pft!)

I encourage you to have a look and explore your settings as its worthwhile doing every now and again and also to just familiarise yourself with what you hide and what you allow on LinkedIn to your connections and to the public.

That's it from me - there have been a few other updates and changes but nothing too significant or worth mentioning here (in my opinion)

LinkedIn is an incredible tool that you can use to grow your career and/or your business. I've used it for both but my focus is helping individuals and teams responsible for doing their own sales and marketing to leverage this platform to attract more leads and win more business.

If you'd like some help exploring how to make LinkedIn work better for you or your team then please send me a message here on LinkedIn or contact me using one of the methods below.

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About Charlie

Charlie Whyman is a B2B Marketing Strategist, LinkedIn Trainer and Podcast host.

If you'd like to reduce the overwhelm from doing your own sales and marketing on LinkedIn and get better results then get in touch. Charlie can help you prioritise, leverage and systemise your sales and marketing efforts so you can achieve more with less.


  • One-to-One/Team LinkedIn Training and Momentum Building
  • B2B Marketing Strategy Workshops
  • The Curious Marketing Club
  • 12-Week Business Development Accelerator Programme

Contact: [email protected] | www.charliewhyman.com | The Curiosity Key Podcast

Simon Meadows

Helping ambitious entrepreneurs & full time business coaches escape the trap of growing their business whilst sacrificing time & life. Working on the elements of delivery, sales & high quality daily lead flows.

2 个月

Charlie, thanks for sharing, always good to see some insights from people who have viewed my profile or are connected to me.

Angus Grady

Linked In marketing services starting conversations that convert into sales. ?? Lumpy Mailer that gets sticky doors opened

4 年

Audio has to be my fav, especially now with the growth of #Clubhouse the ability to organise a meeting from messages and the out of office all are great and so long overdue. I do so hope LinkedIn keep this momentum going Charlie Whyman

Ladey Adey

Is there a book in YOU? From idea to Amazon or Bookshop we Mentor you through each stage.

4 年

Excellent article thank you Charlie Whyman - such wonderful ways to make the most of LinkedIn.

Tracey Watson

Working with leaders & managers beat burnout and rediscover their passion and vision |Workplace Wellbeing | Mental Health | Motorhome adventurer | Doing What I Love

4 年

Thanks for sharing this, I am still just getting the hang of Linkedin so its helpful to have some useful tips

Gill Tiney

Business strategist and founder of Collaboration Global, bringing good people together to create positive impacts on our world. Collaboration is my passion, our route to a better future for all.

4 年

Loving this article Charlie Whyman you have packed so much useful information in here, awesome! Great way to start the year being fully informed! ????


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