2020 Libra New Moon – The Beauty in the Chaos
Canva, G.D. Cloyd

2020 Libra New Moon – The Beauty in the Chaos

The 2020 Libra New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 12:31p PDT on Friday 16th October (Western nations)/Saturday 17th October (Eastern nations) (23.88°), bringing a heightened emotional awareness of our one-on-one relationships and partnerships of all kinds. Libra is represented by the symbol of “the scales” of justice and/or balance, and this sign itself is associated with qualities of balance, justice, fairness, equality, equity, beauty, and peace.

The thing is, when we’re in a situation where certain qualities are being brought to our attention as ideals, we become profoundly aware of the areas of our lives in which these principles are not being practiced in their ideal. In fact, though the signs have been clear long before now to those who have been willing to see them, 2020 has begun opening the eyes and ears of many of us, revealing just how unjust, unfair, unequal, and imbalanced many of our lives and lifestyle conditions really are.

This is especially the case with 2020 being a numerological 4 Universal year. The expectation was that this would have been a year of establishing stability, security, safety, and solidity. Yet just like in the above explanation of what Libra energy represents, the intended focus on these qualities has revealed just how unstable, insecure, unsafe, and fluid our lifestyles and societal structures and institutions actually are. As result, we’re experiencing the collapse of many great delusions of stability, power, influence and strength right now – beliefs that cannot be upheld any longer because they are so obviously and egregiously out of balance.

For the western world, this 2020 Libra New Moon is occurring on a 3 Universal Day of learning, growth, and expansion. In many ways, this is day of opening eyes, opening minds, and possibly opening hearts. For the eastern world, this New Moon reaches its max phase on a 4 Universal Day of stability, security, safety, and structure. For those of you in these regions, this will be a time of clarity in the sense that you either recognize where and how you can establish these qualities in your life and/or within yourself, or you’re acutely aware of the absence of these qualities in your life and/or within yourself. This 4 day energy aligns with the afore-mentioned 4 Universal Year energy, so this Libra New Moon phase may feel like a summary or reflection of your entire year to date in one or more ways. Yet we are in a 5 Universal Month, and the changes keep on coming, and even seem to be growing in size and intensity. There’s a reason for that.

The more Truth that comes to Light about the imbalances we’ve ignorantly chosen to accept and enable (until now), the more change must occur in every area of our collective and individual lives. This 2020 Libra New Moon reveals just how much emotional investment there is in either earnestly restoring balance or desperately maintaining imbalance – in our collective experiences as well as in some (or all) of our one-on-one relationships of all kinds. This 2020 Libra New Moon challenges our individual and collective desires for balance and peace, which are not being satisfied now only because we’re looking for those qualities to show up in very particular ways. We haven’t accepted that they aren’t going to show up the way we want them to.

These changes leading us to the balance and peace we seek are difficult for us. They do NOT feel good to most of us. That’s because they’re forcing us out of our personal comfort zones, forcing us to see the imbalances, inequities, and injustices around us and within us, as well as how we may individually benefit from those imbalances, inequities, and injustices in the world around us. The more some of us become aware of these (im)balance dynamics, the less inclined some of us are to allow those privileges and exceptions to continue. And the less willing some of us are to allow those privileges to continue, the more those who have benefitted from those privileges and exceptions are becoming frustrated and angry for being denied their perceived superiority.

Yet that frustration and anger is actually born of fear – fear of a changing world; fear of a balancing world. Many of us experiencing such intense fear are calling for, if not demanding, a return to “the good ol’ days”, a return to “peace”, a return to “normal”. What we don’t realize is that we’re really seeking the peace of ignorance – of not having to see, know, or especially deal with the pain, struggle, and suffering of others. We’d rather just live our lives in the delusion of privilege and exceptionalism, pretending to be compassionate and caring, as long as it doesn’t change our personal,private, and/or maybe even public status quo… but that ignorance is not peace.

These changes being “forced” upon us are also difficult because they do NOT necessarily affirm our individual self-perceptions of our “peacefulness” or “goodness”. You may be beginning to realize that you’re not who you thought you were or believed yourself to be. Other individuals are likely either reflecting you or making you aware of your contrast from them. Yet trying to blame others for revealing you to yourself and others is not going to bring back the comfort and ease of willing ignorance or for some, the blatant apathy toward those who are not as privileged. It’s also not going to make you a better person in the eyes of others. Quite a few of us may be awakening to the fact that we ourselves may be the disruption to the peace we’ve been seeking, and this 2020 Libra New Moon phase may be a wonderful opportunity for you to accept and admit this to yourself and to others.

Ultimately, the changes that are occurring in our personal lives, in our communities, in our nations, in our world – they are happening and intensifying now because it’s the Universe telling us – there’s no more hiding and there’s no more avoiding each other or ourselves. This chaos we’re experiencing is indeed intended to shake us out of our complacency.

Those of us who are angry are only angry because we’re resisting the inevitable.

This genie is not going back into its bottle.

These revelations cannot go back behind their facades.

Acceptance of the massive social and societal changes happening now not only helps us let go of the anger, it also starts to bring us internal peace and helps us see more clearly what is happening around us. That clarity helps us navigate these ongoing changes more easily – the clarity helps us learn to move upon and through a shifting foundation. With Pluto in Capricorn until early 2024, this rollercoaster we’re riding is not stopping anytime soon. But the gift this 2002 Libra New Moon brings to us now is the opportunity to begin seeing the imbalances clearly, to address them openly, and to begin looking at the deep root issues which are causing these exploitative and manipulative dynamics to exist and expand. Now’s the time to begin creating solutions to the issues which are now demanding both our attention and our action.

This 2020 Libra New Moon encourages us to see the imbalance, injustice unfairness, and inequality for what it is, accept it for what it is, then to seek the beauty in the chaos – the opportunity to embrace the changes already underway, and to contribute to further changes to eventually bring about the real and True balance and peace we are craving.

There aren’t too many transits during this 2020 Libra New Moon phase, but the ones that are in effect are powerful and making a significant impact upon us and the matters we face right now. Let’s review them to gain a better understanding of the energetic seeds being planted at this time.

SEQUENCE: Libra 5 Sun conjunct Moon semi-sextile Scorpio White Moon Selene semi-sextile Sagittarius South Node semi-sextile Capricorn Pluto (21-23°) – The search for mental/intellectual and emotional balance and peace leads to deep emotional vulnerability as an elevated awareness of one’s knowledge of the world being outdated or no longer applicable leads to personal and societal transformation. You’ll notice how either or both you and people close to you are seeing yourselves, your community and/or society, and the world very differently now.

Libra 5 Sun conjunct Moon square Capricorn Pluto (22-23°) – The massive transformation of societal and social standards throughout the world make it very challenging to find balance and peace right now, but that’s kind of the point. In order for balance and peace to come in, the imbalance and chaos must occur to clear out what is causing said imbalances and chaos. There will be certain elements (relationships, partnerships, situations) of your personal circles and collective communities that will not be coming back. Their departures are making room for something new and True to come into their place, but the real work has to be done to restore honest and earnest balance, fairness, and justice to society. The institutions and structures which do not support these honest efforts may be completely eliminated in time, and the seeds for those eliminations/destructions/clearings are likely being planted now.

Libra 5 Sun conjunct Moon square Capricorn Saturn (23-25°) – The desire for balance and peace challenges societal structures which have held power and set the standards of what is socially and societally acceptable for a very long time. Now those structures – or rather, the power they represent – are being threatened by those who recognize that those currently in power within those structures are the ones causing the imbalance and chaos. But just because the crazy-makers are being exposed doesn’t mean they’re willing to give up their power. Saturn’s influence will have them using every authoritarian tool to their advantage – those in positions of power will not give up their “power” without a fight.

Capricorn Pallas Athena conjunct Jupiter (16-19°) – There is a recognition of the pattern used to support the growth of institutions within our societies – strengthening a belief that more structure is needed in order to build a positive and healthy society. Yet the success of this society is likely to be measured in terms of material, physical, and financial pursuits and objectives of the societal institutions, not in human quality of life or human physical and/or emotional well-being. This is a VERY important detail, especially as we look at the other planetary bodies which connect with this transit.

-       Trine Virgo Venus – This belief in structure is empowered by one-on-one interactions between people which help ensure a daily practice or routine that supports the societal structure being created or strengthened. On a societal level, health and wellness is addressed through the fulfillment of structural or institutional objectives. But on a personal/individual level, this may bring Light to how the pursuit of the structural goals affects the positive health and wellness of the persons supporting the everyday functionality of the system.

-       Sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde – This building and strengthening of societal structures is also encouraged and supported by idealism of the desire for peace and unity, and the belief that focusing on the goals of the institutions will help everyone. Yet this begs the question, is the structure being built rooted in practical reality or fantastic delusion? Are we really building (or trying to rebuild) a real solution, or are we playing into a fa?ade? It’s important to make sure you’re not being deceived by a false narrative or influenced by a grandiose scheme.

Virgo Venus opposite Pisces Neptune Retrograde (16-18°) – This is reality vs dreams moment – a call to stop deluding ourselves, and that call is likely to come from other individuals who are part of our mundane, everyday lives. These individuals will act as either mirrors of you – acting in alignment with your own beliefs and behaviors, but in surprisingly extreme ways which may have you begin to question those beliefs and behaviors; or as an opponent to you – presenting alternative beliefs and behaviors which may frustrate you with their common sense and/or basis in fact. Yet just because it supports the existing structures and routines of our everyday lives doesn’t mean it’s healthy or positive for everyone. And if it’s not healthy or positive for everyone, is it really a unifying belief, behavior, or practice? Ask who or what is being helped and healed by these beliefs and practices, and if that help and healing coming through the sacrifice of other people(s) and/or important collective matters. You may also want to make sure you’re not working with or aligning with someone or something actively participating in your sacrifice.

Scorpio Mercury Retrograde conjunct Juno (8-11°) – A deep and intense commitment to emotionally vulnerable, soul-baring communication. This transit may also reveal a commitment to get to the bottom of mysterious circumstances to expose soul-baring facts which have been long-hidden in the shadows. Whichever commitment is honored, information is now coming to Light in order to communicate the real Truths of or about those in positions of power and influence in our lives, both on a collective level and a personal level. It may be easy to see this playing out on the public stage, but look at the players in your own personal life during this time as well. Who in your life is having their truths being exposed now? How are your own truths being exposed now? Who is willing to be emotionally vulnerable now? And how do these revelations clarify the power dynamics in your own life and relationships?

Aries Mars Retrograde square Capricorn Pluto (20-22°) – The societal transformation that is occurring now is triggering fear in many people, and for some, that fear of not being able to control the circumstances around them is becoming frustration and anger. Because they cannot initiate what they want how they want, more and more individuals are lashing out at anything or anyone that threatens to change their ways of doing things. Yet every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and now there are other individuals pushing back against these tantrums; in some cases, unfortunately, with tantrums of their own. Nevertheless, this transit reveals the degree of frustration and anger that is present as result of a perception some individuals hold of lacking personal power in the midst of chaotic societal change. But no act based in anger will go unchecked right now. Feedback for anger-driven actions will be swift, but can be productive if received and accepted. Many individuals may experience some deep and profound personal transformation under this transit’s influence, shifting how they perceive the collective transformation that is happening now.

Leo Vesta opposite Aquarius Ceres Retrograde (27-28°) – Fame, celebrity, and popularity no longer carry the value they once did. The more social pressure there is to confirm to a collective value system rooted in those principles, the more individuals become more dedicated to their own individual self-expression. In other words, going along with it just because “everyone else is doing it” is no longer an appealing incentive for many people. Those who continue to value celebrity and popularity may find themselves having to do some self-assessment after interacting with others who are finding increased value in going their own way.

Remember, though this is a very challenging time, this 2020 Libra New Moon is also a time in which we can begin creating solutions to the imbalance, unfairness, injustice, and inequality reaping havoc in the world now. We can make a positive, transformative shift in the course of circumstances now, if we are willing to let go of our ego-driven anger, drop our sense of entitlement and expectations of exception and privilege, accept our roles in creating these conditions that are affecting us all. We may not see results now, but they can come eventually, and only if we start our work now.

This 2020 Libra New Moon brings this message:

There is beauty in the chaos, if we choose to see what’s possible through the clean-up rather than focusing on the mess.

May this 2020 Libra New Moon help you find peace within you, and may that peace be with you, inspiring you to take actions sharing that peace with others in your own unique way.

Thank you for reading and sharing. Until next time…

~ LL&B, Grace


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