The 2020 Libra Full Moon – Let the Light Work Begin
The 2020 Libra Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 7:35p PDT (18.73°), reflecting the Light of the Aries Sun and bringing Light to everything that has lurked in the shadows before now.
Libra is the sign of beauty, balance, diplomacy, and peace. Yet the energy of a sign can seem to highlight the absence of its qualities when they are not present. At this time in our collective experience, those qualities are overwhelmed by their opposites as the Aries Sun aggressively takes action to push its intentions and agendas forward.
Last month, we began to see the fa?ades crumble before our eyes under the 2020 Virgo Full Moon and the Pisces Sun. Now in this month of the 2020 Aries Sun, we get to see the effects of actions taken before now, and the actions now being taken to continue the current course out in the open for all to see.
The energy of Libra is cardinal air – intellectual and communicative initiative. Ruled by Venus, this sign often receives the reputation of representing one-one-one relationships of all kinds – romantic, platonic, business… They’re all one-on-one connections and interactions. And for these types of relationships/partnerships to be successful, there must be a balance of energies. Even if their exchange doesn’t seem equal on paper, the two entities usually balance each other energetically in some way. Of course, the most important factor for successful relationship is communication, which is why Libra is also known for its talents for negotiation, peace-making, and peace-keeping.
Yet let’s remember that Libra is a cardinal air sign, which is why its association with Venus makes me chuckle a bit. Not because it isn’t accurate, but because Venus is often interpreted as being a passive feminine, emotional planetary energy. It’s definitely feminine, but it’s definitely not passive and certainly not emotional. In fact, Venus applies a great deal of initiative and objectivity in order to establish and maintain peaceful and balanced relationships and environments. After all, Libra’s association with beauty, balance, and peace doesn’t happen without some work, and in order for the work to be done effectively, Libra and Venus must both be objective in their assessments of situations and relationships of all kinds, and be able to manage multiple situations at once. That takes mental capacity, not emotional.
Yet to the point of mental/intellectual capability, this is where Libra often gets in trouble – making decisions. In order to keep the peace & remain objective, Libra doesn’t really like to choose a side. It is notorious for sitting on the fence, unable to make a decision until it is forced to do so. And even then, Libra may not be willing to make a choice, often deferring its will to a partner or another individual to make the decision for them. This is a challenging quality for many others to deal with, and it’s why this 2020 Libra Full Moon is bringing us to this moment in history it is bringing us to.
Though it may already seem like so much is already happening, what happens in this week in particular – the three days before, the three days after, and of course, the day of this Full Moon’s max phase – will reveal certain markers for how the situations we’re facing right now are likely to go without significant assistance or significant interruption or disruption to their current course(s). We’ve arrived at this point in our chronology for no other reason than either an unwillingness to pick a side out of hyperawareness of others’ perceptions, or an impulsive action to pick a side based upon our individual preferences with no regard for how our choice might affect our relationships with others.
The Aries Sun reveals our self-focused behaviors. Whether it was to protect ourselves from the criticism of others for not choosing their positions, or to protect ourselves from accusations of selfishness, there were many choices made in our own self-interest. Now the Libra Moon is reflecting those choices back to us, helping us understand the impact our choices had on those we share 1-on-1 relationships with. There is a need for clear communication at this time – both for us to communicate our admissions to our selfish intentions, but also for us to listen to the impact our choices and admissions have on our companions and partners.
The thing is… the candid nature of these communications could be brutal for some. There are no pretty words to use because these are not pretty times we are living in right now. Themes of imbalance, inequality, unfairness, injustice, conflict, aggression, and impulsive action are right in front of us, in our faces, forcing themselves to be seen and acknowledged. These forced confrontations are anger-inducing for many who’d rather continue on pretending there aren’t any choices to make or actions to take on their part. Many folks would rather just continue pretending the status quo is still intact, and everything will be okay – this is just another temporary rough patch.
What they refuse to understand is that though this “rough patch” is temporary, it’s not just a patch. This is a structural overhaul. This is a systemic collapse. What is happening right now – this is a big deal.
The status quo is being destroyed, and things will never be the same again.
Really. Never. Again.
There are those trying to hold up the pieces, pretending they’re still intact. They refuse to see that the scales have tipped too much, that the inequities are too severe, that the wrongs cannot be righted with the systems and structures in place. Yet the people trying to uphold what remains of the status quo are the ones who have either have created these imbalances to their own benefit, or who have been in denial about the earlier signs revealing its presence and growth the entire time before now.
The people who don’t like to talk about politics. The people who don’t like to pay attention to what’s going on in the world. The people who think that can buy their way out of their problems. The people who think that wealth at the top will reach them. The people who think they are above reproach. The people who believe they can pray or meditate reality away.
Yes, the extremes on both “sides” of matters are equally responsible for our current situation.
I’m going to dive in with the “spiritual” folks.
This is the thing.
Many people who are currently and consciously walking their spiritual path often call themselves “Lightworkers”. They say they are of the Light, working to bring Light into the world. Yet I wonder how many of them understand what that really means, and I don’t mean that in a condescending way – I mean that in a very pragmatic way.
Light can only be known and exist in the context of its opposite – darkness. Without darkness, Light cannot be defined as such. Without Light, darkness cannot be recognized. They must co-exist. Yet in that very coexistence, their relationship is also defined if not clarified. Light reveals what resides or hides in darkness.
That said, the work of the Light is to reveal what hides in darkness. Those with deeds and demons to hide will hide them in “darkness”. Those with wounds of all kinds – physical, emotional, spiritual, psychological – hide them to the best of their abilities to present themselves as “normal” or “socially acceptable” to others. They hide their “shortcomings” in darkness, in shadow, while presenting a fa?ade to the world.
The work of the Light is to reveal the darkness. Therefore, the work of the “Lightworker” is to work to reveal the darkness.
Under the influence of an Aries Sun, there is action to be taken.
Under the influence of a Libra Moon, we expose what hides in the darkness in others, and we allow others to expose what hides in the darkness within us. Herein lies the challenge.
Remember my explanation of Libra’s energies earlier, and remember what I said about Libra being conflict-adverse? Yep. That dilemma is showing up in a huge way right now.
That’s because many Lightworkers have been so determined to believe that simply believing that they are of the Light is enough. They’ve assumed this distinction in their minds, they’ve done the meditations and the rituals and the ceremonies and have all the gear. They truly believe they’ve done their work… but they haven’t really walked the talk. Not yet.
Now’s the time to embody that Light. This 2020 Libra Full Moon is the call to action.
Light reveals darkness. Light reveals what is hidden in darkness. Yet to make those revelations, Lightworkers must be willing to face the darkness and all that hides within it – in themselves and in others. This is not work for those who don’t want to deal with conflict. This is not work for those who don’t want to face the harsh realities of injustice and inequity. This is not work for those who just want beauty, peace, and balance to magically appear.
This is work, and work requires action. The Aries Sun is what calls us to action now.
The Libra Full Moon is what reveals to us what we need to face.
And yes, many of us Lightworkers are in our feelings about this.
Many of us chose the spiritual path to avoid reality, to avoid our darkness and what we hide within it. This isn’t what we signed up for… or so we chose to believe.
Yet now, many of us are really feeling the call to action, but we’re also feeling our fear. Many of us are also feeling everyone else’s feelings, for better or worse. The urgency, the anxiety the fear, the dread, the determination, the anger, the frustration, the hopelessness, the panic, the depression, the rage… we’re all facing a great deal of pressure here. And many of us don’t want to upset anyone else…
… but more than that, what we really want is to not upset ourselves.
We are the ones avoiding our work in service to the Greater and Higher good.
We are the ones avoiding exposing what is hiding in darkness because we really don’t want to expose what is hiding within our family members, our friends, our employers, our co-workers, our communities, our societies, our nations, our world… and most of all, ourselves. We don’t want to deal with the reality of it all. We don’t want to face the truth about compromised ethics, the deification of money and material wealth over human life, that some lives matter more than others due to race or class status, the cheating, the lying, the duplicity, the hypocrisy…
Nope. We want none of it.
Yet that is the next step. That is the step we are being called to take now. Right now.
This is where it all comes together. This is when we get to look at one another and say, “This is what I see hiding in the darkness within you. Are you ready to face it, heal it, and move beyond it to help contribute to creating a world of balance, peace and beauty?”
But remember – this is a two-way street. Yes, we get to assist others in coming to terms with their darkness, but we also get to allow others to assist us in coming to terms with our own.
Yeah. That stuff we thought we already worked through.
The layers of the onion work both ways.
And think of it this way – if you really worked through all of your stuff, you wouldn’t be so hesitant to acknowledge what you see in others.
Many of us are afraid to say what we see in others because we don’t want others to say what they see in us. Whether they are mirrors or contrasts, others help us see how we are showing up as Lightworkers. And the more we find ourselves surrounded by darkness, the more the call for us to take action in alignment with our Truth becomes louder and stronger.
With all of that said, let’s talk about the details of the day numerologically and astrologically.
The 2020 Libra Full Moon occurs on a 6 universal day in The Americas and all points west of them, and occurs on a 7 universal day in the rest of the world.
The 6 universal day is a day of attention to care, nurturing, and support. It is also a day where health, wellness, and functionality are of paramount importance. Right now, there is a very acute focus on how health is prioritized, handled, and supported in the Americas, especially in the United States. There is also a heightened awareness of how the functionality or dysfunctionality of various nation-states is being revealed as result of a global health crisis. This is a very revealing day in regard to how the old ways work and who the old ways work for, increasing the call for new ways to be adapted and applied.
The 7 universal day is a day of reflection, contemplation, and preparation. It is a very analytical and intellectual energy, and the majority of the world is studying its own position(s) as well as observing how others are handling their business right now. They are learning, contemplating, and integrating their own lessons, yet also taking lessons from what they are seeing others experiencing. Witness is a powerful experience, but more and more people are beginning to have first-hand or second-hand experiences with the actual reality of the world right now, and this may be their first opportunity to really grasp and absorb how their lives are changing right now.
We’ve already discussed the energy of the Libra Moon - Aries Sun dynamic. Since I use a 3° orb when assessing transits, Pisces Neptune (19°) is the only planet that makes aspect to this 2020 Aries Sun-Libra Moon opposition – a semi-sextile aspect to the Sun and a quincunx aspect to the Moon. Idealism and delusion are what have brought us to this point. As a collective, we have resisted the reality that was being shown to us every step of the way. Each major milestone to this chaos we have now was seen with shock, yet dismissed as “well it can’t get any worse than this”, and we didn’t do what needed to be done to prevent it from happening again. Now we are facing the dissonance of our idealistic and hyper-optimistic choices as we begin to experience the imbalance and inequity first-hand.
One of the strongest influences during this 2020 Libra Full Moon will be a Stellium of Pluto, Jupiter, and Pallas Athena in Capricorn (24-26°). Powerful transformation gains momentum, and patterns begin to emerge. All that’s been hiding in the shadows of the systems and structures we’ve been living in and under are now coming to Light. Their exposure is now creating conditions of eminent collapse of whatever lacks integrity, and conditions for all that has been built with integrity and authenticity is now being empowered. Yet it’s important to recognize that what some people think is empowerment may not be empowerment.
This Capricorn Stellium receives a sextile aspect from Mercury in Pisces (25°), which is a very idealistic communicator, and it will use its words and imagery to paint a picture that presents its ideals to others in very attractive ways. This energy lends itself to propaganda if not straight-up deceptive information being spewed forth, but it could also bring the communication of some very profound and inspiring ideas. However, it will be of paramount importance for each and all of us to recognize the reality on the ground – and that is where a square aspect from Libra White Moon Selene (24°) comes into play. It is our one-on-one connections with others which enable us to see ourselves more clearly and to see others clearly as well. Our relationships and partnerships with other individuals will remind us to connect with what our Higher consciousness knows what is fair and just, and knows that we are betraying that knowing if we do anything other than what we know will create or sustain balance, fairness, justice, and/or peace.
Other transits in effect during the 2020 Libra Full Moon’s maximum phase:
Aquarius Mars square Taurus Uranus (5°) – Unexpected actions are bringing societal changes, but are those changes for better of for worse? And which values are being displayed in the choices that are being made right now? We are being forced to come to terms with how we are aligning or betraying our personal and societal values. Yet the bigger question now is in why are we choosing what we are choosing now.
Aries Black Moon Lilith conjunct Chiron (6-8°) – Ego-driven actions reopen old wounds, or rather, remind us that the old wounds never healed. Now we’re being given another chance to heal them. The questions is… will we heal them, or will we allow them to continue to deepen already painful wounds? The choice is up to each and all of us. Do we choose our wounds or do we choose our healing (keeping in mind that the work to be done for the healing may seem more painful than remaining wounded at first, but over time, the pain is unlikely to return.).
Libra White Moon Selene trine Aquarius Ceres (24-25°) – Our “better angels” are reminding us all of our “values”. What are we choosing to stand for as a community, as a society, as a country, and/or as humanity? Are we standing for something that represents a balanced, fair, and just society where all people are valued equally? If not, are we ready to do so, because that is what we are being called upon to create at this time. This transit also brings Light to the imbalances of our society in order for us to deal with them once and for all, if we choose to.
Lightworkers - it’s time to shine. Let the Light Work earnestly and truly begin.
And for all of us, be safe and be well. We’re only in the middle of the beginning now. It’s going to get worse before it gets better, but it will get better.
I’ll share my 4.4.4 message from Sunday with you to close this out:
…as we all know, we are not in a time of stability, security, or safety. This is a turbulent and dangerous time, and many of us are desperately seeking anything that seems stable or secure right now, and are willing to do whatever it takes to get back to what was before.
But we will never be able to go back. These circumstances are happening in order to force us into an evolution that we as humans have resisted and now must face. The irony is that the security and stability we seek is found in accepting the facts: Change is the only constant, and life (and love) always finds a way.
As soon as you give up resistance to change, you begin to understand why everything must change. Change is the structure of evolution. Change is the one thing we can rely on… and find peace in.
It’s always darkest before the dawn. We continue because we know the Sun will rise again… in time.
Until then, we navigate the darkness, bringing Light to the outdated and harmful structures we have known, exposing and collapsing them in order to make way for empowering new structures to be built so we are supported in our individual and collective evolution.
This is the dark night before the new day.
Thank you for reading and sharing. Until next post…
Light, Love, and Blessings,
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