2020 Leo New Moon – The Light from Within
Depositphotos, G.D. Cloyd

2020 Leo New Moon – The Light from Within

The 2020 Leo New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 7:42p PDT on Tuesday, 18th August 2020.

Leo energy is an interesting energy to have at the fore of things at this moment in the human timeline. That’s because Leo is often referred to as the “attention whore” of the Zodiac, popularly (and in most cases, erroneously) accused of doing whatever it takes to get attention from other individuals, whether that attention is positive or negative in nature.

Yet what Leo actually represents is the need for one’s creative self-expression to be acknowledged… and for something specific about that expression to be acknowledged in a very particular way. The specifics and particulars will vary from person to person. Yet, regardless of the individual person, in order for expression to be acknowledged, two things must happen – 1) the individual must take action to create something, and 2) the individual must be willing to share their creation with another or others, allowing it to be seen and/or heard.

And therein lies the rub.

In this day and age of Covid-19, increased racial awareness, increased class hierarchy tensions, and more, many people have had more time than usual to get up close and personal with the details of their everyday lives, and as result, the details of themselves. Those who have been laid off, furloughed, or let go have time to do things they haven’t done in months or years, and are realizing they aren’t sure if they want to go back to their old jobs. Those who are working or who need to work during this time are either grateful or resentful (or in some cases, both) that they have jobs in the midst of all of this chaos, but some may be having to put themselves out into a riskier world than usual to do it. And there are some people are resentful of the fact that their social or racial privilege and priority isn’t being catered to – that their freedoms and desires for service aren’t being honored; while the people who are often catering to them are resentful of how much they are being used yet underappreciated and underpaid for their hard work.

But now, even in the midst of challenging times, people are coming back to themselves. They’re realizing that they’ve been living certain aspects of their lives in ways that leave them unhappy, unfulfilled, unsatisfied. They’re realizing they’ve been pretending to be people they aren’t, foregoing the person on the inside in order to make their way through the outside world. People are looking for the missing element(s) – that special something to give their life meaning and purpose; that missing ingredient that makes them feel like they’re truly living their life.

The magic of this 2020 Leo New Moon comes in recognizing that what you’re looking for is within you. When you stop trying to imitate others and allow yourself to be your True and unique self; when you sstop trying to share in others’ spotlight and shine your own light – those are the moments which help you step into your most authentic self and your most creative self-expression. The most magical part of it all, though, is in understanding that it’s not others’ job to lift you up – it’s your job to make yourself known. The Light you want to step into comes from within you.

But you can’t get the acknowledgement you need alone. And you can’t get it through unhealthy connections, either. These are the challenges to navigate during and after this 2020 Leo New Moon phase.

Numerologically, this 2020 Leo New Moon is occurring on a 3 Universal Day for the Americas and all points west of them, which aligns with the current 3 Universal Month. This Leo New Moon is about learning, growth, and expansion for them as they learn or re-learn how to step into their creative power and express it for others to know who they truly are. But for the rest of the world, this New Moon phase is happening on a 22 Universal Day which has an interesting alignment with the current 4 Universal Year. Twenty-two is the number of the “Master Networker”, so this energy encourages expansive partnerships. Yet these must be true partnerships with each party approaching the agreement in equality and respect for each other’s personal sovereignty – two individual parties coming together to help each other build themselves stronger, not to be co-dependent on each other, and not with one party forcing the other to be dependent in the name of security, stability, and/or safety. Any agreements must be built with the understanding that the goal is to become independent or interdependent in order to deal with the present moment and the future ahead.

On an individual level, you may see these dynamics playing out in people seeking assistance through the difficult times many are having during this Covid-19 pandemic. Whether it be a job loss, loss of home, loss of insurance, or actually compromised health and/or loss of life, the uncertainty is forcing people to learn how the systems and structures of our society really work in order to support their survival. Asking for assistance is extremely difficult for some people, especially those who have taken pride in being able to do things for themselves. Yet if you’re one of these people (or if you’re someone judging these people), it’s important not to look at this difficult time as a defeat, but as an opportunity to learn how to be resourceful. You may also come to learn you have many creative talents and skills that you’d never have become aware of if you hadn’t been going through such adversity.

There are other individuals who have the means to provide assistance to others now. The challenge for them is to recognize how they can use their resources first to make sure they themselves are solid and stable, then to share their resources in both practical and meaningful ways with others (in order to assist others to struggle less or not at all). This is also a time for them to use their Light to bring attention to the needs of others. It’s important for these individuals to not simply throw money at the problems they see, but rather, acknowledge the individuals they are assisting through these challenging times. There are also other resources besides money to draw from, and sharing your unique creative talents with others could bring yourself and others through these trying times in original, unprecedented, and healthy ways.

But it’s independent, individual self-expression is where the spotlight is during a Leo New Moon phase.

And this 2020 Leo New Moon could mark a moment for many when they realize the well-being of one (themselves) can make a powerful impact on the well-being of others, and possibly the well-being of All.

The end of “group think” leads to the beginning of collective consciousness – an awareness and understanding that what supports the well-being of one could potentially support the well-being of others. So it’s perfectly okay to be thinking of what’s best for you and if what is best for you could also be good for others. It’s a “sharing is caring” kind of thing.

To that point, one’s independent individual expression of self has the potential to become creative. Creation is starting from within yourself, allowing what is within to come to the surface, and expanding it beyond one’s self to allow others to know who you truly are. This 2020 Leo New Moon brings the opportunity to create yourself anew, and if you choose to accept that opportunity, to take action to create your life and your connections with others anew as result of embracing the Light of Truth within you.

For a deeper dive into these energy dynamics of the 2020 Leo New Moon, here are the transits occurring at the time of max phase:

GRAND TRINE/KITE: (Leo 3 Sun conjunct Moon) trine Sagittarius South Node trine Aries Mars sextile Gemini North Node (24-27°) – Communication is key! If ever there was a time to express your unique, individual, and creative self, now is the time! There may be an emotional need to make yourself seen and/or heard by others now… yet that need may also be ego-driven. The inclination may be to fall back on past experiences and old patterns rooted in them. Yet there is a bold call to action now – a call to new action, assertive action, and/or possibly aggressive action. What you may find is that the old wisdom doesn’t apply nor work any longer, and you and others must learn from new experiences how the world works (or needs to work) now. Some will be angry because they don’t want to learn or grow into new or unfamiliar experiences – they don’t want to adapt to a new way of being in a new world. But others will embrace the changes with open arms, ready for a departure from “the way it’s always been”.

(Leo 3 Sun conjunct Moon) quincunx Capricorn Saturn Retrograde (26-27°) – This departure from the way it’s always been is very unsettling for those content with the status quo. In fact, the more people find and share their own individual voices and creative actions, the more others close to them or used to them being a certain way may put forth a surprising effort to keep those voices and actions the way they were, either by ignoring or actively suppressing the newly-found voices and actions. Don’t underestimate the determination of those in positions of authority or power within the status quo to do whatever they need to in order to maintain the status quo. You’ll see this dynamic on the collective level, but you’ll also see it in your own personal lives and business.

SEQUENCE: Pisces Ceres Retrograde semi-sextile Aries Chiron Retrograde semi-sextile Taurus Uranus Retrograde (7-10°) – Once people realize that what benefits all people collectively also benefits them individually, then our collective values can change. Delusional self-perception just needs to get out of the way.

Aries Black Moon Lilith conjunct Mars (22-24°) – Autonomous action or ego-driven action drives any assertions or initiative (or any aggression or anger) is due to self-identity being threatened in some way.

Capricorn Jupiter Retrograde sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde (18-20°) – Growing awareness of the limitations of our societal structures supports the ideal of a more inclusive and/or open framework for society.

Aries Chiron Retrograde square Cancer Venus (8-10°) – If it’s difficult for you to receive caring attention from others that may reveal the self-identity healing that may still need to be done.

Taurus Uranus Retrograde sextile Cancer Venus (10°) – As it becomes more apparent that our collective values and familiar lifestyles are being forced to evolve. There’s more compassion for those once-alienated there’s more understanding for the rebellious nature of those who have cared all about themselves and others all along.

Taurus Uranus Retrograde trine Capricorn Pallas Athena Retrograde (8-10°) – Once the patterns of the status quo become apparent, the goal becomes to disrupt the status quo. Of course, this means also disrupting your own status quo… or at least acknowledge that things are not going to remain the same.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde (20-22°) – In order to make room for an inclusive ideal the exclusive status quo must collapse. The more it tries to sustain itself, the more it implodes. Corrupt power always eventually corrupts itself.

The energies of this 2020 Leo New Moon will be felt from Saturday 15th August through Friday 21st August 2020. Make the most of these energies by embracing your uniqueness and using it to initiate a new expression of yourself and possibly even a new experience of Life.

Thank you for reading and sharing. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



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