2020 La vigie de Louise aux aurores

2020 La vigie de Louise aux aurores

Mot de Louise aux aurores

Au cours de la dernière année, j’ai poursuivi mes efforts de vigie aux aurores de chaque jour afin de vous transmettre les articles qui attiraient mon attention. J’ai donc vu autant de beaux levers de soleil que de couchers de lune, quelques fois en même temps,  et ce, avec le plaisir de partager ces lectures qui alimentent aussi bien mon enseignement que mes recherches en gouvernance et en parité.

M’inspirant de l’année 2020, je vous propose 20 articles portant sur le thème de la gouvernance et 20 articles sur le thème de la parité qui illustrent  quelques changements que nous avons vécus dans nos vies d’administratrices et d’administrateurs et qui, pour moi, nous conduiront vers un meilleur monde.


La raison d’être des organisations s’installe-t-elle pour de bon?

Citation : Many people are contemplating the “new normal” and the “next normal,” wondering which aspects of life will be changed for good and which will revert to how we lived and worked before the pandemic. Fifty years from now, when somebody sits down to write the history of the corporation’s role in society, 2020 will deserve at least a few chapters about how it was an inflection point. I’m in the camp that believes the debates about “stakeholderism” are over. The shifts that took hold in 2020 represent a permanent new direction.


Une réflexion sur l’entreprise de demain par Roger L. Martin

Citation : Critics charge that in today’s heavily traded capital markets, executives are increasingly incentivized to manage in tiny, short-term windows, with an eager eye on their stock-based compensation and a fearful one on activist hedge funds. In any case, something isn’t working: The number of public companies in the United States declined by half from 1997 to 2015, while the number of companies with a dominant shareholder or a dominant group of shareholders in the S&P 1500 increased by 31% from 2002 to 2012.


ESG et les conseils d’administration

Citation: ESG Governance momentum will continue to accelerate.  Over the coming five years, the pace will not slow down. ESG disclosure is likely to be standardized driving greater ESG measurement, management and reporting In the future, investors will focus on ESG impact and outcomes. For example, companies will be evaluated against the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which are a way to measure their societal impact.


Les conseils d’administration de demain

Citation: Boards of directors are set to take a more active lead within companies than they have done in the past. Areas of involvement include CEO succession, executive compensation, and forming close relationships with senior management teams to issues that once might have been the purview of management alone, such as reputation and sustainability, and others that are emerging as central to performance, such as establishing and maintaining purpose.


Les caractéristiques distinctives du leader en temps de Covid

Citation : Now more than ever—whether it’s the acute flaring of the COVID-19 emergency or the slow burn of the climate crisis—the world requires leaders with strong judgment. We need leaders who are able to activate each dimension of character at the right time and in the right amount to guide their decision-making and call forth the right behaviours. Of course, demonstrating good judgment creates a reciprocating effect in that it strengthens the other dimensions on which the leader relies.


Repenser le mandat du comité de rémunération

Citation : That is, a reconceived compensation committee would focus on the company’s entire workforce, not just senior management, and have the responsibility for overseeing management’s implementation of an effective system to compensate workers fairly, ensuring they receive a fair share when corporate productivity and profitability increases, and analyzing what allocation of compensation within the company’s workforce will provide the most motivation to encourage corporate success.




Les conseils d’administration et les compétences des administrateurs

Citation: While the current crisis has accelerated efforts to retool supply chains, boards that also champion a message of social change on issues of race, gender, justice, and equity will be better prepared to succeed in an altered business environment. Customers once concerned with the ecological impact of the business they purchase from are now equally concerned with the corporate philosophy and social positions of those businesses. Directors who can promote a mission of inclusion and diversity at all levels of their business — from investors, to customers and employees — will be able to demonstrate a higher level of attentiveness to current social concerns.


Tendances dans la rémunération des administrateurs

Citation: In the coming years, as companies may be attempting to lure individuals from the same talent pool, director compensation design should evolve to attract a new and younger generation of executives. It should take into account that these candidates are at earlier stages of their careers than the more traditional board member to whom US public companies have been accustomed for decades; that because they have active careers, their time to serve on an outside board is certainly more limited than a professional director’s; [4] and that their motivations for joining boards may reflect the unique cultural backgrounds and priorities of people of their age.


La pensée de groupe et les réunions virtuelles

Citation: Groupthink is more common when all communication is happening digitally. Here’s how to promote thinking creatively instead.


La gestion des risques et son nouveau modèle de gestion

Citation : The word DEFENCE is gone. The underlying theme of the new guidance is on achieving ‘organisational objectives’, including value creation and value preservation objectives. The first line is to focus on managing risk to achieve organisational objectives. The second line is to provide ‘expertise, support, monitoring and challenge on risk-related matters’. The third line is to provide independent and objective assurance on ‘all matters related to the achievement of objectives.


La gestion des risques à l’ère post-covid

Citation : Risk functions have a rare but real opportunity at present. Rather than slowing down decisions, raising only objections, or entering the process too late, risk must be an enabler, not a barrier. That means supporting fast decisions, presenting solutions, and being engaged at the outset.


Les enjeux de gestion des ressources humaines pour les prochaines années

Citation : The findings in this report reveal the way HR leaders have shifted priorities, investments, and mindsets—along with areas that have remained firmly consistent with past findings. Discouragingly, HR being seen as an “administrator” function is among those persistent findings. This year, nearly 60 percent of the CEOs and EVPs viewed their HR organizations as such. It’s time for HR to step out of the margins and build on this unique moment.



Une nouvelle perspective en regard de  la gestion des ressources humaines et de la rémunération

Citation : The key types of human capital measures included in executive incentives are as follows: Succession Planning and Talent Development: 23% (of S&P 500);Employee Health and Safety: 17%; Inclusion and Diversity: 17%; Employee Engagement: 11% (increased from prior year);Culture: 9% (increased from prior year)


Les entreprises et la santé psychologique de leurs employés

Citation : The COVID-19 crisis forced organizations worldwide to make immediate decisions about how to protect their employees from a mysterious, fast-spreading, sometimes deadly pathogen. Among their actions were requiring employees and customers alike to wear face coverings, deploying testing, adopting best hygiene practices, rolling out health monitoring and reporting apps, and encouraging people to work from home. In short, businesses quickly acted on the social determinants of health by adapting policies and physical environments to protect employee and customer well-being.


Les conseils d’administration et les changements climatiques

Citation : Today’s first-class directors possess qualities that are different from those of board members in the past. Knowledge is becoming less valuable than the capacity to learn. The formality and eminence of boards are being replaced by humility, exploration, external connections, and the need for a boardroom climate of psychological safety that encourages constructive conflict. As climate change increasingly affects all aspects of our lives, boards need to go back to school.


Les conseils d’administration, stratégie et innovation

Citation :strategy oversight is no longer a once-a-year exercise for boards. Instead, directors should have ongoing discussions with management that allow them to constantly review the company’s strategy and innovation initiatives, understanding that historical value drivers like scale, scope and efficiency have given way to digital technology’s power to upend (and sometimes displace) entire industries.



L’intelligence artificielle et l’éthique

Citation : Artificial Intelligence is seen by many as a great transformative tech. Will AI systems one day drive us around?


S’adapter à un nouveau monde

Citation : The pandemic is primarily a public healthcare problem, but one with immense immediate implications for business, and for economic, fiscal, and monetary policy. The health threats could disappear within a matter of months — or they could persist for years. This virus is both accelerating powerful existing trends (such as automation and inequality) and slamming the brakes on trends that had, until very recently, possessed tremendous momentum (such as globalization).


Repenser le travail

Citation : As a smart person once said, never let a good crisis go to waste. Let’s not waste this one. Instead, let’s work together to ensure that a silver lining of this vast and frightening pandemic is a new definition of the worker as someone who’s ambitious, focused, and committed—but who must also balance work obligations with caregiving responsibilities. When 30 million kids are out of school, employers can’t just ignore that.


Bonnes pratique pour les réunions virtuelles de conseils d’administration et de comités virtuels


La parité et ses 20 articles

Why Aren’t We Making More Progress Towards Gender Equity?


What is intersectionality and how can it help businesses tackle diversity and inclusion?


Canada. Report 2020 KPMG : women on boards


The world needs more women leaders — duringCOVID-19and beyond


Regulator calls out UK companies for box-ticking on diversity


Kamala Harris Makes History: What The First Female Vice President-Elect Means For Women


Covid-19 Is Forcing Women From The Workplace In Record Numbers—And We Don’t Know When They’ll Be Back



Pour une relance économique dans une perspective paritaire

Citation: Dans le cas des projets d’infrastructure visés par la relance que vous souhaitez accélérer, il faudrait donc se demander quels sont les bénéfices sur la création d’emploi pour les femmes, sur leurs conditions de travail et quelles seraient les retombées sur la distribution des taches parentales. évitons les reculs !Si ces questions ne sont pas soulevées dans l’élan de la relance économique, si nous manquons de vigilance, les gains réalisés par les femmes au fil des ans pourraient être fragilisés, voire anéantis. Cela n’est aucunement un scénario souhaitable. Nous restons à votre disposition pour faire partie de la réflexion !


Employers Must Lean In’ To Protect Women’s Workforce Gains


How Inclusion Matters

Citation: The data also shows that there is a clear divergence in how companies are engaging with I&D. A third of the firms we have tracked over the past five years have significantly improved both gender and ethnic diversity on their executive teams, while the majority have stalled or gone backwards.


The importance of setting ambitious targets

Citation:The Cranfield-UK report has just been published on the presence of women in the decision-making bodies of the FTSE 100 and FTSE 250. Published since 1999, this report is somewhat the spearhead of the approach by objectives and not by quotas. An interesting conclusion: When implemented thoroughly and ambitiously, targets contribute to culture change by creating systemic scrutiny and change across talent management processes and hierarchical ranks. Key challenges moving forward are to find more effective ways of embedding accountability for targets within organizations, to ensure a more intersectional approach in target setting and to address proactively the effects of the pandemic on pipelines of female talent.


Here's What CEOs of the Future Will Look Like


Le mythe du leadership féminin

Citation : Les défis que pose le 21e siècle – changements climatiques, santé, environnement, épuisement des ressources planétaires, vieillissement de la population, développement des talents, iniquités sociales, télétravail, nouvelles technologies – exigent un nouveau style de leadership. Nous devons préconiser un modèle où l’intelligence et les talents respectifs de tous et de toutes seront déployés dans la recherche de solutions à ces défis multidimensionnels qui existent déjà et qui se complexifieront vraisemblablement dans le futur.


Time Magazine and Woman of the Year

Citation: For 72 years, TIME named a Man of the Year. With a few exceptions, it was almost always a man, usually a President or a Prime Minister or perhaps a titan of industry. Throughout history, these are the kinds of men who have wielded influence over the world.

In 1999, Man of the Year gave way to Person of the Year. While the name rightly changed, too often the choice was the same. With this 100 Women of the Year project, we’re spotlighting influential women who were often overshadowed. This includes women who occupied positions from which the men were often chosen, like world leaders Golda Meir and Corazon Aquino, but far more who found their influence through activism or culture. As former TIME editor-in-chief Nancy Gibbs writes, this project is an exercise in looking at the ways in which women held power due to systemic inequality. “Women,” Gibbs writes, “were wielding soft power long before the concept was defined.”



COVID-19 is the biggest setback to gender equality in a decade


France : les femmes et les métiers du futur avec plusieurs recommandations

Citation : Il y a urgence pour que les femmes, qui ne contribuent qu’à 34% de la création de richesse mondiale, puissent accéder aux métiers du futur, qui en réalité sont déjà les métiers d’aujourd’hui. Personne ne sait exactement ce qu’ils seront. Ce que nous savons en revanche est que les STEM (Sciences, Technologies, Engineering, Mathematics) et pas seulement le numérique, sont au c?ur de cette transformation. C’est pourquoi il est crucial que les femmes aient les mêmes opportunités, les mêmes atouts, les mêmes compétences et les mêmes expertises que les hommes pour concevoir ces métiers d’avenir et en bénéficier pleinement.



Pandemic Could Scar a Generation of Working Mothers


Why women are excelling during the coronavirus


Pandémie et la place des femmes dans nos universités

Citation : Comme l’écrivent les chercheurs Philippe Vincent-Lamarre, Cassidy R. Sugimoto and Vincent Larivière, un environnement scientifique solide nécessite la participation de toute la population et une crise exige que nous tirions parti de l’intellect de tous ses membres. Nous devons créer des infrastructures permettant à toute la société de participer et reconna?tre les différences systémiques dans la capacité de chacun de le faire.


Advice for women working in male dominated fields



Caroline Codsi, IAS.A., ICD.D.

Founder Women in Governance & Parity Certification? | Top 100 Most powerful women in Canada | Top 100 Entrepreneurs changing the world | 2X TEDx Speaker

4 年

Toujours tellement impressionnée par ton immense travail ma chère amie ! Tu alimentes le Groupe LinkedIn de La Gouvernance au Féminin avec tellement de passion et de conviction et surtout tu alimentes notre pensée et notre réflexion au quotidien. Merci pour tout ce que tu fais !

Gérard Pelletier

Président-directeur général

4 年

Louise, je savais que tu visais l'excellence ..

?? Luiza Grecu, Adm.A, C.LMH

Former President | Business Professional Women (BPW) Montreal ? Senior Manager, Stakeholder Engagement and Partnerships | World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)

4 年

Merci pour votre générosité par le partage de ces articles! Bonne et heureuse année à vous!

Lise Londei

Mentorat d'affaires

4 年

Magnifique. Merci de partager

Julie Ra?che

Vice-présidente Particuliers Est du Qc

4 年

Bravo Louise du temps investi pour nous donner des lectures de qualité



Louise Champoux-Paillé,C.M., C.Q.,ASC,F.Adm.A.的更多文章

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