2020: The Key Numbers: Numbers are Key

The Key numbers 2020: Numbers are key.

To us aligned to mathematics or in fact all of us in our opinion of things, numbers are key and there are key numbers: To some, perhaps the superstitious, the year may hold signs, and 20022020 may be a special date. Here are some of my thoughts as we embark on the decade:

If SDGs are key indicators for humanity and our planet, these 10 years are critical to define the rest of the generation perhaps. Talking about key critical sectors, two stand out universally and globally:

1.      The information technology advancements, Internet and how to steer the information age. Information may be more formidable than nuclear deterrents as it is available to anyone and everyone, synonymous to Time indeed. Information is one resource the debate favors the philosophy that it is ultimately better to have more to know more than the reverse. Inevitable control is out of our hands contrary to those who think otherwise. The latter camp seem to undermine the crucial issue of accelerating connectivity to peril of the former with digital tools needing  to realize the true value of advancements of Technology. In the words I recently heard from one global leader, ‘’technology ought to be seen as an enabler of better life for all other than a competitor..’’ I often talk about the inclusion being exemplified by connectivity and indeed usability, reducing the ‘’Benefit to beneficiary ratios’’ especially in critical life aspects such as health and education introducing a learning environment, meaning everyone can access everywhere anytime. The sector is key for mobilization and aggregation of key numbers to create impact and sustainability in all key benchmarks.

2.      The matters of our Environment protection or preservation impacts, again most critically as enabling two aspects, increasing sustainable production, plus exemplifying the quality of life from what we eat to the space we live, work and play in. I often speak about pathways to enable sustainability or impact as being able to ensure sustainable investment through commercial revenue modeling with anyone and everyone accountable as in the parable of the talents. The causes of the destruction are currently easily explained as ‘’survival circumstances ‘’ both on land and water, but we must reverse the philosophy to practice to that of preservation, protection and good use as a matter of survival if not in fact prosperity pathways. Teachers of wealth creation advocate ‘’a one action to many results times over..’’ This is our example of planting a fruit tree to solve both economic, food and environment benchmarks in one action, hence our fruit tree campaigns, and water management initiatives.

20:80 rule works: The year and the decade is widely known as consolidation time, know your numbers and get them to work and most filtering on media and databases point to this but the rule still works. I came across the teachings of a great mentor of personal development, Jim Rohn, RIP, and taught the parable of the sower so well linking to the truth of the 20:80 rule, but in his words, you often just need 20 out of 100 to be really successful. If you manage 10, you will do very well. I see evidently that 20% of my network will just about crack anything and if you are one of the 20% we are game:

In networking the numbers they often say it is not who you know but who you know knows…. Could you perceive the importance of encouraging or actively building the networks other than just your own circle? Social media and the world I have met through it has made my life richer than I ever imagined but everyday the Lord wakes me up I comprehend that possibilities within my reach are beyond measure. In the social media sector you can filter and build any permutation or combination, friends from star to key to golden ones as they say.

6 degrees of separation:

This is now down to 5, 4 and dropping with the increasing efficiency of social media filtering and algorithms. It is another studied and proven principle that is exemplifying the power of possibilities, and will transform the decade, the view of globalization. The principles of ‘’Together as one’’. TEAM, Together Each Achieves more, or Indeed in words of famous song, ‘’we are saving our own lives’’ The e models , be it in Asset management, crowd funding and resource mobilization are drastically re writing the rules of investment or endeavor, but crucially exemplifying the philosophy and wisdom of you seeing yourself beyond yourself, possibilities galore. I can share my secret (no longer) and hope it can happen in 2020 of this decade, to shake the hand of President Barak H Obama. It will be a result 20 times more than my 20 years of endeavor.

In Uganda 2020 is the eve of election year. Already so many signs that election wars and debates will be fought on age demographics, indeed on Youth issues. Empowering the youth, not even necessarily access to political office but indeed to economic empowerment and social inclusion. As the Uganda economy is more than 85% agriculture entrenched, and the youth being more that 70% of the population the numbers tell me the true winners will need to draw the youth to Agriculture, but not in the current image or status.

Our efforts are consolidating into Production pathways, Financial inclusion that underline literacy, liquidity and Asset management, Processing and distribution technologies and above all asset accumulation and a sense of ownership or stake holding

We are therefore underpinning our efforts to the aspects of investment lifetime or longer time returns that will underline transition form generation to generation

Our Cashew or Macadamia Plantation Capital investment initiative and modeling will exemplify a combination of equity and productivity especially looking at the biggest contended assets of Land, Real Estate and now the producing fruit tree. This beats all comparative wealth sectors by far as it is accessible anyone and everyone anywhere and everywhere

It is now feasible to apply ‘’For ALL’’ to all benchmarks of SDGS and indeed life Goals.

If turning $1 to $15 within 3 to 5 years tickles your investment side, or transforming the way we live and work by technology or indeed saving our planet while enjoying it, seeing life beyond your own corner, you need to join our efforts. We reckon 20% will do whatever that represents.

This time last year, 2018 Teso region and indeed most of the East Africa regions saw unprecedented high temperatures, seeming to burn everything down and dry most small to medium water bodies. As I write there has been unprecedented rainfall, flooding and water logging ruining crops like tubers, the heat not strong enough to dry the cereals and grains. The unthought of famine from too much water as opposed to drought now looms.

In conclusion investment NOW into the two sectors of technologies for harvest harnessing and post-harvest handling, and environment adaptability with prompt information sharing are the greatest call, that also means assured return on investment. In simple words, any money invested t secure the crop and process, store properly will save millions in early 2020. We are after what will transcend the decade in such key sectors and investment opportunities, with high return on social impact by achievement of SDGs

 Details of our work and joining our efforts are at www.tesopedo.org




Charles OKWALINGA Bsc. PGCE的更多文章

