2020 Hope is alive
William Bochkay
President at Whitewater Freight. Small business proponent. Life long learner. Music junkie. Blogger. Human
It's Tuesday morning of 2020, and for the 25th year, I'm still looking for freight :)
I enjoy looking for freight. I enjoy moving freight. All the dynamics of it are a fun little puzzle to put together, and I like puzzles.
But it's not my calling. I'm really not sure what my calling is.
I love music and making music. But that's more of my down time. I go home and play piano for a couple hours.
I enjoy working out and running, but I think that's just to help me feel better.
More than anything, I think I'm passionate about pedaling hope.
It's that portion of my job that I get to send out these emails and craft campaigns. Our simple goal that we work to provide value to people, and my value is hope.
I get to talk about things like the 11 steps to living whole heartedly. Share stories that have impacted me in positive ways. Look at the world and see good and positive in it. Learning to coexist work and play together.
We just passed through the biggest time of year for Hopes. The New Year. Where we imagine and yearn for the things that we have hopes for in a blank slate that is coming our way. Weight loss, relationships, humans being better humans to each other.
Then reality hits, and we get news on war and upheaval. Things once hoped for dissipate as we collectively hold our breath and we wonder if our hope was misplaced.
But hope springs eternal.
And every time we get knocked down we get up again, because that is what we do. And if over the course of 25 years I get to help one person to make it through the day, then every one of these hours has been worth it.
It's 2020. Theres still hope, and there always will be.
With much respect, and still hopes for freight as well. Climbing off the box now :)