2020 & The future of your enterprise
Later this week (w3 2020) I am leading a session with the Swedish chapter of the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) in Stockholm. We will be diving into what truly is "Zero Trust” and how does an enterprise go about achieving Zero Trust in 2020. In addition and perhaps more importantly, removing the “buzz word bingo” nature of Zero Trust in the industry.
Whenever I present at such events, I am often asked; how a company undertake a zero trust direction? The simple answer is don’t start until you have a basic understanding of 2 key factors:
- Who is your user base, e.g. what are profiles of people who need access & do you have a good way of identifying & grouping them?
- What are the application spaces that will be accessed? Not simply “web-sever.compan.com”, such granularity will come later. Rather, what are application locations and types. For example do you have data centre in Sydney that has your SAP system or perhaps your Database services are hosted in Amazon Web Services, within Stockholm?
Note: You could implement your Zero Trust project without knowing these things, but ultimately you would be chasing your tail. Having a fundamental overview of these 2 topics will allow you to truly build the foundations of a secure, simple and effective Zero Trust solution.
Thus allow me to ask you this:
Can your enterprise answer these questions, distinctly with actual and specific data? Or are you considering things more in the hypothetical/hopeful way?
Whilst the event in Stockholm is sold out, should you or your enterprise like to address any of these topics, reach out directly. I am only more than happy to discuss the advantages of Zero Trust, the challenges enterprise face and more importantly the Internet truly is & will continue to be your one and only transport mechanism.
So let's plan to transform the way of working in 2020! Come and talk Zero Trust Architecture with me.