2020 Foresight | Part Three: What Comes Next
Reckoning With the Virus as a Force for Good Inside the Oasis of Normalcy
The funny thing about normal is this: As we begin our inevitable return to the creature comforts of indoor dining, commuter transit, karaoke nights, nail salons, movie theaters, and preassigned theatrical seating, we find that our audience antennas are tuned to once remote signals we hadn’t picked up before.
And now we resume our regularly unsustainable programming.
Do we want to continue feeding an economic engine that halts to a sputtering stop once the perpetual motion brakes get pumped? That’s no simple brake job with the plumes rising under the hood.
#coronarvirus #surveillancecapitalism #taxreform #futurism #HigherEd
Part One: 2020 Foresight
Part Two: What Came Last