2020 Foresight | Part Five: The Shopping List for the Future That Has It All
Future shock set in when what do you want to be when you grow up becomes the answer to a test score. And those answers are limited to a shrinking number of professions that are drawing from a declining range of cognitive strengths, artistic skills, and uniquely human traits.
What if the same career ambition could be expressed as social stability, and not mere social status? This promising societal aspiration starts with a wholesale rewrite of the social contract number one.
Previously on Foresight 2020:
Part One: 2020 Foresight
Part Two: What Came Last
Part Three: What Comes Next
Part Four: What Needs to Come Sooner (If There is to be a Later)
#coronarvirus #socialcontract #taxreform #futurism #economicsecurity #bigtrust #demographics