2020 Fitness, Health, Wellness & Athletic Business Trends
Happy New Year 2020! Wishing everyone the absolute best in life.
I've put together a compilation of over 30 links to help guide you towards your fitness, health and wellness ideas for 2020. Each and every reader of this publication have to be their own judge as to what to embrace and try out or totally disregard. "You Be The Judge."
Enjoy and best of success to you in 2020.
Here we go and not in any particular order. Special note: The Global Wellness Industry at $4.5 Trillion is growing twice as fast the global economy. Not only is it growing faster than the global economy writ large, but what we now spend on wellness is more than half of what we spend on all global health expenditures ($7.3 trillion).
And from Ireland (I'm half Irish)
More and more 2020 wellness and fitness trends hitting the news daily and it's only December 12th. But right now I'm going to try and put a halt on including more articles, perhaps clean this up a little bit and publish right after Christmas. But I dare not publish without an article on SEX.
Ran across this article a few weeks ago and felt the need to include it.
And drum roll please.....................
Digital life after death
The Bottom Line
Digital Cloning. I probably won’t be AI-ing myself (way out of my price range) anytime soon. Yoga, meditation and running won’t be going anywhere as they have been around for a few thousand years. As a former marathoner (10) including a 50-miler (practically a week before I could walk right again), thousands of training miles, foot surgery in my 2nd year of marathon running, right back at it 5 days later (panicked I'd fall behind), special custom fit sports orthotics 4 years later $300. TIP: Running isn’t for everyone and should be done a few times per week, no longer than 20 minutes, incorporating 1-2 days of HIIT running = 20 seconds sprint, 10 second walk, repeat 8 times (there are other combinations, as well). Keep in mind that there other ways to get your cardio such as weight training, body exercises, biking, swimming, boxing, just to name a few.
Group fitness training classes are most likely here to stay for the immediate future (or thousands of gyms will be closing).
AI will become or already has – a way of life and fitness training at your gym or at home. Check out www.hologress.com
Certainly not mentioned nearly enough from all the trends I’ve seen on the Internet (I recall only one of the 30+ mentioning it) is gut health and the gut microbiome. I couldn’t think of anything more important for our health and fighting diseases today. All the experts telling us what to eat but each and everyone one of us have a different gut makeup. You maybe eating spinach and you’re not suppose too (yes some people have that problem). Sorry Popeye. The solution is simple! Get a gut microbiome test done. Here are two of my favorites www.thryve.com out of San Francisco and www.viome.com Bellevue Washington. Check out the sites as there is a lot to learn from their research.
In addition to the gut microbiome learn about “chronic inflammation” in your body. It is one of the major causes of today’s diseases. Bad gut bacteria and chronic inflammation is a BAD COMBO.
Social Media Platforms such as Pinterest and Instagram post wellness, fitness and health post information daily. Don’t believe it any of it or go out and buy any of it without doing your due diligence first. Here’s a great place to start https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/
Meatless meat or Fake meat? A caution on eating fake meat because it turns out, many of these so-called “healthy” meat substitutes include unnatural ingredients; some include highly damaging toxins like GMO byproduct glyphosate.
Learn to read food labels – it could save your life.
SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP – it’s all I have to say about that!
Intermittent Fasting seems to be one of the big buzz words in the past few years and here to stay for a while. Here’s my 2 cents worth. The best time to start IF is at night right after dinner for 13 hours, which has a lot to do with your circadian rhythm. I believe any more time than 13 hours any additional results are miniscule at best. Eat a hearty breakfast, light lunch and a moderate dinner. Google IF for potential health benefits like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and neurologic disorders.
Butthole Sunning will certainly burn out, just ask celebrity actor Josh Brolin, if he plans to ever do it again, and dopamine fasting that will not likely see much light in 2020. Will restrictive diets and skinny teas die out? RIP. Watch for regenerative agriculture as a food trend in 2020 and beyond. The question being is will it save the planet? And finally, people might get a lot fitter in the gym if they attached a 25 lb dumbbell to their cell phones when they take a selfie every 5 minutes. Just saying.
If you would like additional information about JoeFitAsia or Wellness-Centric Gym Concepts please contact [email protected]
Thank you.
Live Stronger If You Dare!
Joe Lewis
#JoeFitAsia #Asia #MiddleEast #WellnessCentricGymConcepts #WellnessGym #GymBranding #GymMarketing #GymDesign #Gyms #Hospitality #WellnessRealEstate #WellnessMeansBusiness #TheBusinessOfWellness #OneHealthOneWellnessAsia #FutureOfWellness #GymConsultant #BusinessOpportunity #MultipleRevenueStreams
Wellness-Centric Gym Concepts - “I’m pushing wellness-fitness gyms to another level for hotels, resorts, gyms, corporations and real estate projects to help them implement a sustainable wellness-fitness program for the long term. In doing so, I believe we will create a market place that will be uncontested and make the competition inconsequential by offering superior-innovative gym design, amenities, gym branding, gym marketing, equipment, programs and member service. The bottom line is the ability to charge higher fees and a faster #ROI. Smart and savvy gym owners should do nothing less.” --- Joe Lewis 2019
Joe Lewis
Since 1978, my journeys have taken me throughout Asia and The Middle East opening 40 gyms, 8 Sports Clubs from Seoul to Surabaya, and in the USA, Seattle & Dallas. Privileged to have provided consulting & club management services to major hotels such as: Shangri-La, Dusit Thani, Mandarin Oriental Jakarta, Hyatt, Marriott, Hilton, Westin, Peninsula, Gulf Hotel Bahrain and Four Seasons, just to name a few.
Services include: Gym equipment sales, pre-opening concept and design, sales & marketing, staff recruitment-training and club management for wellness gyms and independent non-conventional gyms. The creator of Wellness-Centric Gym Concepts, RESULTS 7 Pillars of Dynamic Fitness, Nutrition & Health, 6 Qualities of an Excellent Club and Training Zones.
I am currently offering Wellness-Centric Gym Concepts to gyms, sports clubs, golf clubs, residential developments, hotels, resorts, corporations, hospitals, polyclinics, and universities in Asia and the Middle East. 1-3 day Wellness and Fitness Seminars available.
I invite you to join my Linkedin Group Page "Wellness Means Business"