2020 Bad Cops Behaviors, How It Should Be Dealt With.

2020 Bad Cops Behaviors, How It Should Be Dealt With.

Hello to All My Faithful Readers,

This is your Girl Linda. For the ones who have been following all of my articles for the last 25 years, Thank You. For anyone who can't handle the truth then this is really not for you. Since we all are stuck inside because of this Covid-19, this has given me another reason to do more writing. 

Here we go again, in the news with more Bad White Cops killing more Black people. Is it going to stop? Well, that would depend on the next list of facts. 

According to the history of Black people, we have been abused for over 4000 years and counting. Just within the last 40 years, there was the Rodney King situation. Within the last 20 years, we still have the Trayvon Martin that we have now forgotten about. 

These types of racial profiling are now being looked upon by white people. The media and government officials are partly to blame for supporting all of the ongoing mess that these cops will continue to do. To get a better understanding is quite simple. Cops are people that are individuals who are brought in and trained by the government. 

The government will never put their own kind into their custody. That would be like you selling your own car back to yourself. The media is going to have the public to believe that the government is going to do something about it. Between the so-called officials and media, the song and dance will be provided and then those white men will be let out the back door when the lights and cameras are off. These cops know this, which is the reason why they are getting away with it. History has been proven. 

Now here in 2020, we have the brand new case of another black man named George Floyd, who was caught on tape pleading for his life. 

I am a black person and I too feel these people's pain. White hate crimes are not just in that state, its all over the world. As a black person, I am so fed up with white cops and their public displayed crap. 

This problem can be solved in a way that has never been done before. We are not living in a time of when Dr. King was making a needed speech. Peaceful marches still have not shown to solve anything. Looting is not the answer. 

The people of Minnesota have every right to be in a rage, but the way they went about it was wrong. Two wrongs cannot produce one right. 

Bad White Cops want to keep poking the bear and think that it is acceptable. 

Let it be understood that we as people of all races have the power to get true justice by two ways and means. We as the people need to understand that we outnumber every single police and governmental officials by 500,000 to every one of their persons. 

We as people should understand our power as One massive. 

We as people should understand our strength by our own massive numbers. For every governmental official which includes their cops, 500,000 general people that make up the public to their 1 governmental official. If we got the power then we have that same power to take back our control over what they think they can do to us. 

I am from the old school years and a decade. Back in the 1970s, we did not believe in guns or weapons. We used our fist to fight and to live to see another day. I don't know if God's word of an eye for an eye would apply in this situation. However, I will say, all of those bad cops need their asses to be completely WHIPPED. Death would be too easy for these bastards to get out of the mess that they have caused. 

As quiet as its been kept whipping a person ass is how black people have solved problems long before now. As a child, if you were a black kid and you went to bother someone else on their property, you got your ass whipped by every parent of that neighborhood. There's not one black person who did not get their ass whipped by somebody's grandmother. We as a nation of people need to go back to that. 

I am the first person who has decided to talk about it in the open. 

For the Floyd family and any other families that have these types of experiences with white cops needs to do 2 things:

1. It's time for the Power of the Foot: These white cops like to hide behind their badge and gun as if that is to protect them from getting their ass kicked. Line all 4 of the officers in the same street where George was killed. For the white cop that had his foot on George's neck need to go FIRST. If the Floyd family feel that they are too afraid to whip that ass. CALL ME I will be glad to assist them. Then the massive of the people of that town need to be able to stand there and watch the free fight. Don't forget to bring popcorn. 

2. It's time for the Power of the Writing Pen: Government has created Money. This is how the whole world has been controlled. 2a. Whatever type of Justice that the Floyd family seeks should be put in writing, along with signatures of all the one who filmed it or personally witnessed it. Use the massive of the people to start a written petition ( of signed signatures) to give the first officer to go to the death chair, before the ink can dry. If that's the type of justice the Floyd wants. For the three remaining officers life in their own prison. 2b. Every governmental staff and personnel have an insurance policy bond that has been set aside in the name of each one of those officers. Have those bonds cashed out and made into the Floyd family's name and keep it moving. Assign an attorney to make sure that the law language is spelled out correctly. No, the money will not bring George's life back but it will teach people in government and their bullshit cops that we the people are still in control. 

If you have enjoyed any of my articles or need any open advice I can be reached at these two addresses:1. On Facebook: Join "Ask Linda" at :


2. Linked In: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/linda-evans-1b731721/


I have just finished two books that will be launched in the fall of 2020. 

My Silent Cry...Still Left Unheard ", My Autobiography


"Every Person Needs a Pocket Girlfriend." (What's a Pocket Girlfriend?) and why is so important to have them? 

To be placed on my waitlist for either one of my books or both email me at:

[email protected] to be put on the subscriber's list. 

God Bless and Please Stay Safe. 


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