At this Winter Solstice December 21, the longest night of the year in the Northern hemisphere, we look forward to 2019 to bring new order to our lives. To root ourselves in the nurturance of our hearts and to come home to ourselves.
“…Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet
confinement of your aloneness
to learn
anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive
is too small for you." (from Sweet Darkness by David Whyte)
Today we have a full moon in Cancer at zero degrees, with the Sun at zero degrees Capricorn. These cardinal points signal a change in direction is needed. A change that is more in line with the laws of Nature, the laws of your own true nature. This full moon – also called Long Night Moon or Cold Night Moon- is powerful, at home in Cancer and setting us on a new adventure for 2019. A deeply Feminine and manifesting sign, Cancer can take you to the roots of home, family, ancestors and memory, the deeper truth of who you really are. The symbol for Cancer is the crab, which moves sideways and tends to hide out in her shell. Perhaps this is your time to move in a new direction. To use your intuition to move in an unexpected way. And to come out of hiding.
Are you singing your soul song? Does it need some help to awaken and come out of the cave, the shell? The world is full of magic. This may be a time of mana loa, what the Hawaiian kahunas call “long power”, or miracle power, strong enough to reverse the things we are used to. Be one of these people the kahunas spoke of: “Here is the trustworthy one! The one who gathers and directs and projects the light to fruit”. All the power of magic consists of love. Claim it.
The Sabian symbol for the Sun in Capricorn: A sailor ready to hoist a new flag to replace an old one.” 2019 is the year to face the truth about who you really are and open up those sails! Make a bid for freedom. Get something done. The 2019 New Year will begin with some powerful aspects as the Sun conjunct Saturn in Capricorn will beckon you to devote to your purpose and aim for achievement. Jupiter in expansive Sagittarius encourages use to go big on our vision and aspirations. To add to the fire, Mars will come home to Aries giving us the impulse to take action on our goals.
From now until December 31st, I am offering a package of three mentoring consultations discounted to $597 (from $750.) This is a potent and very supportive time to structure and strategize, to set priorities, with integrity, courage and joy . The appointments can be made for January or February times. We meet via Zoom. Contact me at [email protected]
Years ago, when I was a candidate at the Jung Institute but had not been advanced after my last committee evaluation with the committee, I had this dream: We are all standing in the wings of a small high school theater, behind the heavy dark curtains, waiting for our cue. The other candidates have on their bunny suit costumes, with big white ears lined in pink, their feet covered by the suits. I somehow do not have my costume on. As they all file to the stage to perform the play, I am confused about where to stand, un-costumed, and don’t think I know my lines either. An older woman at the rear of the stage spots me and strides to the center of the wooden stage into the spotlight. She opens her arms like an opera singer ready to sing an aria. The flesh on her upper arms hangs down and jiggles a bit. She says in a booming voice, looking straight at me: Oh for God’s sake sing your soul song!” And I realize she is using the flesh on her arms like the sails of a ship. Holding her arms like that, she can catch the energy of the wind and soar.
What will allow you to be free? To soar? What winds of change are blowing in your life and need to be enlisted on your behalf?
You are encouraged to step out and take the lead. To be responsible for building your dreams. The steadfast sacred Capricorn Goat is the wise elder, viewing life from the mountain tops and seeing all as it truly is.
Take advantage of these energies and sail all out into the unknown. Trust life. Expand your world, your impact, your beautiful powers for good.
~ Learn how to nurture, protect, support and mother yourself.
~ Join the grounded and practical tools with the imaginal and intuitive inspiration, integrating the left brain capacities with the right for whole mind, wild genius
~Set priorities for your wellbeing and happiness
~Begin to build structures, a solid foundation. Perhaps the “stone that the builders rejected will become the new cornerstone”.
~Use the Cancer-Capricorn energies to nurture your authentic gifts by making them real.
~With integrity and courage, have fun planning ahead with confidence.
If you have been wanting to try something new, this is the time to try it. Your intuition is strong. You can make big decisions and make use of opportunities.
Cancer, as The Mother, is the most fertile of signs, and Capricorn, ruled by Saturn is the most structured of signs creating the foundations that protect and nurture us. Capricorn is the most tenacious of all the signs. With a reputation for hard work and perseverance against all odds, there’s no mountain too high, no rocky terrain too difficult.
Capricorn season gives you vision. Remembering that evolutionary astrologer Daniel Giamario calls Capricorn “the Council of Grandmothers”, try to hold the highest vision of yourself possible with an eye to the next seven generations.
As the sign of heroes (heroines) leaders, mentors, guides, and experts, Capricorn will help you find the people you need, to take you further in your field. This is an auspicious time for a mentor and I would be honored to explore that possibility with you. Contact me at [email protected] to reserve a three session package at a discount if booked before December 31.
Despite its dogged determination, Capricorn understands that real, collective, long-term success requires more than just individual people with their heads down, doing their thing.
This is your time for Mastery.
Expect yourself to succeed.
Trust that you are capable.
Something new will be birthed in 2020 but is coming into view, into manifestation now. It’s time to get serious and more disciplined as you commit to placing your personal stamp on the world. Something that will endure. Your legacy. There is an opportunity to harness your imagination to enhance and accelerate the production of your Great Work.
Be still. Make a decision. Make a choice. Declare your intention. “This is what I’m doing.” “This is what I want.” “This is my new name.” There will be magic. Spirit can work miracles when you align with what you really want.
Go for freedom. Call in love.
Uranus moves back into Aries for 4 more months (until March 2019). This is your last chance for the next 84 years to take advantage of Uranus (the Great Awakener and revolutionary energy) in Aries energy.
You are now at a crossroads, and it’s time to make a commitment.
What allows you to feel free? With gratitude, honor your growth this year. You can have a brand new life. Fully expressed. In joy. We are catalysts. Changemakers. The carriers of the emerging possible. You are meant to be lit up with the fire of your heart. Accept who you are at a soul level. Enlist the help of your inner shaman, your inner warrior, to nurture you. Find a mentor. Join a sisterhood community. Walk your true, destined path and name your spiritual destiny. “This is how I am meant to be. This is how I am meant to serve.” Share what is profoundly true from the root of what matters to your heart. Make a promise: Now I use it. Now I take this to heart. This is who I am. This is my Divine mission, my soul assignment. I accept.
“There’s a secret name inside you/that belongs to the stars/wind, trees, waves, soul/Take what is yours and live it.”
Veronica Goodchild -Songlines for the Soul
December is the best time to dream big and envision a new reality for yourself. We have a lot of Jupiter and Neptune energy in December. And Jupiter and Neptune are the planets of spirituality, of envisioning something that doesn’t yet exist. Jupiter has moved into Sagittarius until December next year, inviting you to dream big, learn new things, travel, go beyond what you know and question your judgments and belies. Expand your knowledge, joy, optimism, abundance.
December 2018 is also a time to dissolve old structures, old ways of being and doing. In January 2019, in the Capricorn season, you will build new foundations for the future. But now is the time to dream big, bigger than ever, and open yourself up to a completely different reality.
Brilliant Resilience ~ Reclaim, Release, Regenerate. ~ The Essence of Fulfilling Leadership
6 年That's a very patriarchal way of looking at women.