Will 2019 Trends in Fire Apparatus Continue Into 2020? I Think Yes!
As the year 2019 starts to wind down I’ve taken some time to evaluate what my clients have continued to request and discuss as being important to them in the fire apparatus specification process during 2019 and feel these will continue as we move into 2020.
Fewer on-Board Power Generators:
With the advent of battery tools and equipment several years ago, the start was slow, but in 2019 the door seemed bang open with several major equipment vendors putting research dollars into new, larger, longer lasting rechargeable batteries. Holmatro - Rescue Tools and Extrication Equipment Co. has seen perhaps the biggest increased interest by fire departments for purchasing battery operated rescue tools. With Holmatro developing their own proprietary 6.0 amp battery in 2019 for their EVO 3 line of Cordless Rescue Tools, they now offer the longest, continued run time of any rescue tool on the market today. So when specifying new apparatus how does this affect the truck committee?
The mobility of battery operated rescue tools is obvious. Unrestricted movement and distance from the response vehicle is huge as opposed to being tethered to a hydraulic line. A basic 10.0 kw hydraulic generator, wiring, circuit box, digital readout gauge and a single hydraulic tool reel could ultimately cost as much as $30,000.00 and takes up a lot of valuable space. I have seen a dramatic shift away from onboard generators in 2019 and there related components (hydraulic reels, electric cord reels, traditional hard wired style Tri-Pod lights etc…) in favor of battery operated products. Space is a premium on any fire apparatus. Battery powered tools will continue to become a popular item and I believe we will continue to to see less and less more traditional on-board generator systems. Of course there will always be the specific need or certain justification where one might be needed, but the newer built everyday engine responding to a auto extraction or dwelling fires I believe will have less need for on-board generators.
Frontal and Side Impact Airbags:
These items continue to be demanded by fire departments in 2019 and I see no slowdown in 2020. Airbags became required for cars and light duty trucks in the United States on Sept 1,1998 yet there is still no mandatory standard for over the road trucks, commercial vehicles and fire apparatus. In the past few years several apparatus manufacturers have started offering, as an option, front impact, side impact and side rollover air bag systems in their custom cabs. All custom fire truck cab manufacturers are offering side rollover airbag systems, but still there are a few who feel these systems are not justified due to their construction designs. That is no longer going to be valid selling point. Regardless if a fire apparatus cab manufacture feels this is necessary or not, due to their cab design, material component etc… this item is now being customer driven. More fire departments, districts and municipal agencies are requiring the successful vendor to include frontal, side impact and side rollover airbag systems. The majority of customers I have spoken with feel airbags systems provide an added measure of safety and all feel it is worth the additional cost.
Continuance of Basic Safety Items:
Fire departments are asking for more basic safety items. Wider stepping surfaces (fold down steps, bolt on steps etc…), extra handrails, beyond the minimum requirements. Emergency lighting, above and beyond the minimal standard, on all sides of the vehicle. More reflective striping, specifically on the edges of all pull out trays, tool boards and draws in the body compartments so when the body compartment doors are in the open position, the vehicle still has reflectability. Some customers are even going as far as stating “no folding or bolt on steps” and instead are requiring permanently mounted ladders on the back of apparatus as a safer means of accessing the hose bed or upper storage compartment areas.
Electronic Monitors/Deck Guns:
Electrically operated monitors or deck guns have been very popular, which negates the need for a firefighter to climb up on top of the engine compartment and manually work the monitor, possibly falling, slipping etc… and causing an injury. The desire is to keep firefighters off the top of the truck at all costs. A slip on an ice step 10’ on top of an engine can be catastrophic for a firefighter and result in long term disability. The amount of money that electrically operated monitors/guns cost is a fraction of what insurance costs could escalate to for an injured firefighter. I only see electric motors/deck guns increasing over the first generation of manual products.
Corrosion Resistant Coatings:
Mileage typically does not retire a fire truck, it’s more likely retired do to corrosion. Especially prone areas for corrosion; near salt water oceans, regions with severe winter climates, where ice coated coated roads are required to be treated, are a fire trucks worst home. Protective under chassis corrosion coatings applied directly to the chassis frame rails are in wide demand in corrosion prone areas. Previously corrosion coatings were products that were sprayed on wet, were extremely think and could take days to adequately dry. They also proved to be difficult for mechanics working underneath the chassis as the coatings sometimes needs to be removed for maintenance work to be completed.
Sutphen Corporation a/k/a Sutphen Fire Apparatus of Dublin, OH was one of the first to introduce coated chassis frame rails to reduce corrosion. There process features a green zinc coating that resists the effects of ocean salt air and road ice melt chemicals. It’s now a standard on every Sutphen Custom Monarch Chassis and has proved to be an effective barrier.
Ferrara Fire Apparatus introduced their offering about 2013 calling their coating “F-Shield”. Not only did they coat the chassis frame rails, they also offered it on the cross members, air tanks, fuel tanks & straps and spring hangers. With the popularity of this process soon after the coating was being applied on more traditional chromed exterior items such as the bumper, engine radiator grill and side mirrors, all at one time were maintenance items needing regular polish to prevent tarnish and corrosion. Black was and still is the most popular color to cover these previously polish items. The nickname “black out package” is now commonly used to describe when a customer wants there truck totally without chromed items on the exterior.
While the public and some fire service people may think chrome is the expensive stuff on a truck, the black out package is actually a premium option costing much more than traditional chromed items. It’s no secret. It’s the coating itself and the labor needed to apply. Many manufactures now offer some versions of corrosion resistant coatings and I see no less demand requested by customers located in corrosion prone areas of the country in the future.
Multipurpose Apparatus:
I think one of the biggest apparatus trend in the last 8-10 years and one that I believe will continue into 2020 has been the rise in popularity of the multipurpose apparatus. Many manufactures have come out with there design for a vehicle to fit this classification. Some of the more common offerings include: The MVP (Multi Vocational Pumper) by Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Holden LA. The PRV (Priority Response Vehicle) by Toyne Fire Apparatus, Breeda, IA. The PRO offered by KME Fire Apparatus of Nesquehoning, PA. The eMAX offered by E-ONE Fire Trucks (Official Site), Ocala, FL and the Transformer by Spartan ERV Brandon, SD. While the overall economy of the country seems to be currently on a positive upswing for fire apparatus purchasing, rebounding from the 2008 steep decline in apparatus sales, municipal funded fire agencies, in particular, are still faced with tight economic situations, especially in rural areas such as the upper midwest/plain states and northern New England. “Doing more with less” seems to be a common theme in town and city halls across the country. Delayed adoption of state budgets, the Federal Government shutdown in the Spring of 2019, a growing amount of taxpayer watchdog committees reviewing budgets and equipment purchases have forced many fire agencies to sell two or more apparatus and buy a new single multipurpose vehicle. Career/paid fire agencies are concerned with reduced operation expenses, attempting to reduce the overall fleet size and reduce fuel consumption, while volunteer fire agencies are dealing with reduced manpower during the daytime hours. Having one multipurpose vehicle being able to response to different types of alarms seems to be some of the driving factors for this niche vehicle and I do not see that trend stopping in the near future.
Uptick in Used Fire Apparatus Truck Sales:
I have seen a very large uptick in used fire apparatus sales in 2019. Mostly due to a decline in fires overall, communities with flat budgets and taxpayer watchdog committee’s on the alert for major municipal purchases all over the country. The ability to secure a well maintained use fire apparatus was better in 2019 than any other time in recently memory. Again, with consolidation of apparatus in some parts of the country; selling two existing trucks and buying one new Multi-Purpose Truck, has pushed the used truck inventory high. So there have been some good deals available. I only see this trend increasing into 2020.
About J. Lyons Fire Consultants, LLC:
For assistance with your next emergency vehicle purchase please consider contacting us. We offer a wide range of services. Design considerations, specification package preparation, attending initial committee meetings to lay out the fire truck purchasing process and providing quality assurance inspections at completion of assembly. We pride ourselves on customizing our service packages to the specific customer need or budget available. We also provide the most honest and realistic used truck inspections and appraisals. We’re based in Southern New England but travel coast-to-coast.
J. Lyons Fire Consultants, LLC. www.jlyonsconsulting.com
Ph: 860-539-9429 [email protected]