Communications (RIN)
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The 2019 Safety Conference promises to not only deliver practical tools and information pertinent to workplace safety, it will, more importantly, teach delegates how to put their new knowledge into action in their own workplaces.
The annual Resource Industry Network (RIN) Safety Conference remains a powerful tool in helping businesses create and maintain safe work environments and this year’s event is no different.
The 2019 Safety Conference is scheduled for March 21 & 22 in Mackay and an impressive line-up of industry leading experts is planned to ensure conference-goers are up to speed with the latest information on their respective safety topics.
Key focus areas of discussion include:
· Critical controls – avoiding the big risks
· Chain of Responsibility – if you own the vehicles you own the risk
· Influence for desired safety cultures
· Managing risks of workplace obesity
· Mental Health & Well-being – proactive versus reactive, real steps for your team
· Safety leadership starts with you
Since its inception, the conference has seen an array of speakers discuss topics, however this year’s event includes a closing session that consolidates the day’s learnings. Influential leadership expert Belinda Brosnan will show delegates how to take what they’ve learnt and use it to improve their workplace safety culture in her presentation titled ‘Leading a Safe Culture Starts with You”.
Resource Industry Network WH&S Group Chair Mick Crowe said the Safety Conference was an ‘annual shot in the arm’ safety wise for the broader community.
“Our goal with the conference is to motivate, educate and inspire such that everyone can take away practical actions which will help them and others improve,” Mr Crowe said.
“It’s not just for the people who work directly on the mine site, but those who support offsite as well. We consistently have good feedback from the day and it is well supported by both miners and supporting businesses.
“Safety is about leadership. If you want to drive improvement in physical safety, connect better with your workforce, and learn practical skills that will teach you about major safety skills, the Safety Conference is a must-do event,” Mr Crowe added.
The conference will open with a sobering story from Dallas Adams. Losing his father and brother in two separate workplace accidents has been the impetus behind Dallas’ bid to make underground workers safer. In a very emotional and powerful message, Dallas will talk about why you need to put safety first in the workplace.
There will also be a panel discussion – What it means to be a Safety Leader: Synchronising leadership, safety, efficiency and effectiveness in the workplace – which will feature Curragh Operations General Manager Johan Ballot, BHP Head of Business Partnering for Health, Safety and Environment Bobbie Foot, and Anglo American SSE & General Manager Paul Stephan.
Other speakers include Adani Australia CEO Lucas Dow, Mackay Cutters CEO Maurie Fatnowna, COR Australia lawyer Andrew Watt, mental health advocate Craig Hamilton, Independent Mining Services director Ryan McGovern, and Mackay Mayor Cr Greg Williamson.
Breakout workshop session facilitators include Mackay Cutters Performance Coach Alex Kertesz, WHSQ’s Timothy Henderson and Paul Smith, G&S Engineering Executive Manager HSEQ Chris Currier, McKays Solicitors’ Scott McSwan, WH&S Qld’s Carolyn Topping, and COR Australia’s Andrew Watt.
The annual Safety Conference is a solid platform for the resources sector to broaden its knowledge on a range of different safety topics. This is why the Safety Conference remains a powerful tool, a decade after its inception, in helping businesses create safe work environments.
WHEN: March 21st (informal panel discussion & networking drinks) & March 22nd (Safety Conference)
WHERE: BB Print Stadium (21st) & Mackay Entertainment and Convention Centre (22nd)
TIME: 5.00pm – 7.00pm (21st) & 7.15am – 4pm (22nd)
TICKETS: $300 Members / $400 Non-Members
TO REGISTER: www.resourceindustrynetwork.org.au/Events
*Please note: A ticket to the Safety Conference includes entry to the Networking Drinks
Communications Officer
Jodie Thompson
P: 07 4952 4184
M: 0408 638 968
Email: [email protected]