Happy New Year, 2019 is right here , right at the door, time to start a diet, quit smoking, drink less, save water and start working out. New year, new Government in Brasil , new goals , promises, new possibilites open because in 2019 everything will be different, or not?. Take a look at the photo above? It was taken in front of my house, on the beach, in the sand strip that it is an area of environmental preservation. Jam of cars, cans of beer, walking over the dunes, funk, rented seats on the beach , caipirinha and so on. After all the beach is public place and it is my right to destroy and abuse because I am Brazilian and period! Really ? Will we have something good in 2019 without changing ourselves? I work in Asia, in a country where the COLLECTIVE rights , does not overlap with the individual rights , what about deconstructing the rational? There (in the country I work) they would not stop the car on the beach and destroy the preserved sand strip , because this strip, this piece of public land, belongs to everyone and not to that imbecile who throws the car destroying what some struggle to preserve. Rafael, I'm sorry it will never work , I'm sure it works and work very well by the way , I see this happening every day when I go and back to and from work, a clean, orderly country with an economy that is in a better shape than ours. When we think in the way we think or act the same way we used to think to this day, we are giving the politician the right to be corrupt, give the builder the right to does not respect anything, because we can not stand in our place in a line , lie and etc ... how can we change ethics, posture or other changes if the minimum, the basic we still can not even ? I am very tired of living in the country of the future, and every car destroying the sand strip leaves this future further! Rafael, I'm on LinkedIn, a network of professionals and your text seems like an editorial of greenpeace newspaper , there were the problem starts , the changes in our work environment, our relations with employees and bosses, salaries, quality, go through the floor 50 meters from the beach, from the strip of sand, when we choose to park the car there ,things will change when we start respecting the line , do not steal or have a bad behavior , do not stop in the handicapped carvpark and so on. If we do not take advantage of the chance that opens in 2019 we will be throwing away things we got for free and especially the chance for a better future and more promising for all .. Happy 2019, I'm going to lose 10 kg, walk more, eat vegetables and not drink soda .