2019 The power of the heart and activating my photographic memory changed my life

2019 The power of the heart and activating my photographic memory changed my life

I keep saying we are all body, soul and spirit. Yet if you look into the mirror and think "this is me" than this is all you would notice. Think deeper for an second. How on earth you can be alive on this planet without soul and spirit?? Once you understand this.. you can read more in this article and understand the information!!

We all have an consious and unconsious mind. Our free will determines our beliefsystem, you decide Which energy you send out. likes attracts like. Your conscious mind, via thoughts>feelings activate a vibration which is used by the law of attraction to bring you together with other like frequencies.

The Oxford University Philopser Nick Bostrom; according to him it makes at least as much sence for use to be living in a simulation as it does for us not to be!

Another interesting person; David Brin, sci-fi writer and space scientist about the chinese parable.

When I read the sentence of Nick Bostrom I feel like entering the Matrix movie. I understand him. According to him, we are living in a world simular to an computersystem. ( being a hacker myself> believe me it's much more than any computersystem <  Because our brain can download so much more information than any computersystem. ( Last year I made a video about my own experience with an exam on school ( didn't study , yet I just imagine the book infront of me ) I felt like cheating and with blushes I pass the exam!! )

Are you still following me?

> The brain got an bigger memory than an computersystem. I allready wrote on my website;

Our brains unconsciously record images, words, with or without sound in our memory. Your brain has a memory quality that is much larger than a memory card in a computer. see my youtube what that means for the contemporary life in which you are now " I ask you to have a little faith in me" You are all a beautiful soul. It is time to start living your dream. It is time to take away fear. And put hope in return. Live intensely every second and let your beautiful soul shine.Do not work against each other but with each other. Give instead of take. Don't criticize but motivate.

The HEART is more important. I have been in a coma. I have seen my own heart stopped. How? On the heartmachine there where no heart impulses registred . Docters can't see with the five senses I keep sending out energy.  In the world of what the reality seen with the eyes. But believe it or not. I could still see them. I have heard the conversations. A really weird aspect that they keep closing my eyes. because they thought I was allready out. I keep opening my eyes They thought reflexes.. But I could see them with my eyes. I have been literally got between time and space. For more than an second. I could see through the eyes of the docter. I could see the window of the hospital through his eyes. ( which is beautiful now i think of it. The eyes are the window to the soul ) Yet I saw really the window from the hospital room! Time is an illusion my friends. I have been analyzing my coma for years now! Although i heard for months the machine making the irritated noise .. I have been learning a lot from this experience. The world is not the same anymore for me. The sky looks brighter yet the society looks like I walked into the movie of the matrix. I feel more Like sandra Bullock in the movie THE NET. Being awaken spiritual makes me want to change the whole society!! It's so simple > if you all could see > what I see > And you could!! We all come from the same source > we are all connected !! This is how I can get information. I tap into the energy!! Ever since I was little > I know > After the coma > I know more and more! Therefore I start my foundation which stands for unconditional love&light. A single mother who just survived a  lot and was basically just 24 hours trying her best to be the perfect father and mother at the same time!! The older I get the more stronger the energy becomes.

Your heart is wiser, smarter THAN your BRAIN! Everyone thinks intellegency comes from the brain. Your heart came before your brain. Your heart needed to beat first before your brain existed. So the intellegency that created your body and your brain is your heart.

Research shows that The heart got 60 times the energy coming out of it. than the brain does. Your hearts energy impacts how your brain works. How you create your own reality. You are the one sending out the energy! whether you are aware you are making requests or not. Your requests come in the form of your dominant focus / attention and feeling and also from when you experience something you don’t like.

Intuition or following your heart to act on sudden inspiration. has such an negative connotation in society. We are expected to think with our heads and be "practical". But it will need to show you the way of your soulmission. This is why people are always feeling an empty feeling and they keep searching for an soulmate/ a husband or wife/ some start to smoke/drink and some just are searching eggs like it is easter every day. They break the egg because they do not have any patience. They rather eat the egg, than embrace life!!

Following your heart is not easy. NOT at all! In the beginning you need to embrace the people in your life who once in a while show up when you start screaming. Some people I do not understand. ( yet on a higher level I know it suppose the be this way ) You need to embrace all the people who believe in you but at the same time insult you once in a while ( all to build up your empire ) Which is called your kingdom.. like the bible says > The kingdom is within< You need to have the vision infront of you and know that sometimes your soulmission is part of a start to something NEW. All is perfectly arranged on the divine time from the Universe, and in good order ( although it is sometimes not clearly)

Like the alfabet

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz We learn to spel on school! We learn really "magic spells" on school. Think about it. Words are energy. Everything you speak is another energy vibration (think of the heartmachine) send out to the Universe. What are you creating for spells??

> Smart people speak wisely< Or know how to delete the spells afterwards. I mostly keep my ears closed to all the media energy from outside. TV/Newspapers etc... Maybe next video or blog I will discuss this. MAYBE because you never know how long I keep my energy flying on this planet which you can see with the visible eyes. Yet The people who can see me beyond the reality know I will always be there travelling between time and space. Isn't life just like an movie. Let people think its just a story or an movie I am writing. In the meanwhile I have an sprint before the people who still try to figuring me out. And play with labels ( a silly hobby from people on this planet ) I will have an laugh in the meanwhile drinking my water with respect. Which is the fuel on this planet for our body what excist for more than 70 procent out of water. God created us without labels. Perfect with all imperfections. Yet some humanbody s think they are smarter than GOD... and think they are smarter than god s creations to label one another. Which is an disgrace to GOD creations. I respect GOD.... who do you respect?? For the most part, if you really examine your beliefs, you will see that you did not independently and objectively choose them; you accepted them from the influences and experiences by your parents/teacher/friends etc... its from years and years.

The Sun, our greatest source of heat and light—energy, if you believe it or not—surrounds us all the time. In the sun your body receive all the energy. We connect to the energy. This is why I love spain. I have been sitting for days and days on the mountains. Just to connect with the energy of the mountains, the sun and the sea.  When we look to the sky in the middle of the night, we see the sky is filled with twinkling light from the stars who look upon us. I loved being on the mountains at that time Although my friends were worried when I start Climbing the mountains while they were dancing on the music.. I just climb the mountain to be close to the energy of the stars. Think!! We are connected all the time to all sources of energy. Its how we create our reality which we see with our eyes. And if we can connect to some of the energy sources who are bigger than we can imagine, and believe it or not we are intended to connect, just think of the possibilities that can unfold. Its not easy... I am doing this for years and years. Everybody is struggling with old beliefs. Once you recognize an old belief is in the way of unfolding your true opportunities, its good one you notice, yet the unconsious mind is strong energy.

I explain this all to make a difference together. Living with our heart and soul. Believe me connect with each with heart and soul and you will be surprised what happens. The universe will show you miracles, signs and magic. It will show you that you have allready all that you desire.. !! Love, health, wealth !! ALL!! ALL is energy!! They have tried to make a solid stabile society. Yet it's impossible!! All is energy!! Einstein allready wrote : They have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy whose vibration has been lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. Your five senses has told you that the world around you is solid. What you think is solid is merely a vibration at a range that your 5 senses can perceive. Ever since the coma I have been doing more research than ever before! How can I prove that all is energy! Everybody wants scientific prove!! Einstein and Nikola Tesla allready told "we are all energy"! You are a being of pure energy. Energy can not be created nor destroyed. You are infinite. Everything is made up of atoms. Atoms are 99.99999 % empty space. Proton energy is on the inside of the atom. Electron energy is on the outside of the atom. And the neutron is the physical world created by those two energies interacting. God created you and me full of abundance. ... look beyond.. embrace each other on this planet. Unconditional love for yourself and others. Do research. Einstein.. Nikola Tesla... allready told this "All is energy" . Put your hand or even a star under a microscoop and you see that energy is vibrating. Everything moves. We live in a ocean of motion. 

PEOPLE WHO WORK FOR THE TV!! Anyone who is the owner of programs, nets, newspaper, magazines. Enough people in my network. > I ask you all > to read this information > To let me explain more > I will explain you in several ways !! > whatever it takes for you all to understand this information. If people doubt the information > send me an message > I explain more > or even give you spiritual reading > whatever it takes to take each others hand to make the society full of unconditional love and light.

THINK!! The programs you create > Is this full of unconditional love? > Will it bring positive or negative energy? We all have to learn to transform energy. This is why I tell you all to activate your photographic memory. YES!! Maybe you have milions of people who read your newspaper > who watch your tv program > Who reads your magazine and you will make lot's of money !! But think!! Is it healthy?? Healthy energy you share with the world! Is it healthy for our children? Children are the future of this planet!! I only work for GOD!! The LIGHT! All energy which we spread will be in our system.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of it's existence." 
              Nikola Tesla

ypmiracles project International Rainbowchildrenhouses

I ask you all to take a moment to take a deep breathe and put your hand on your heart. Close your eyes and tell yourself > I love myself UNCONDITIONAL! I FORGIVE MYSELF OVER AND OVER AGAIN!

Feeling unconditional love for yourself is important to lift up your energy and understand the truth of life itself. Love yourself > in order to love > all LIFE!!

Forget the box, the systems, the protocols for a moment. Take responsibility for the energy you send out at all times. There is a datastream of information on this planet. The dilemma of modern society is that we seek to understand the world not in terms of achaic inner consciousness but by quantifying &qualifying what we perceive to be the external world by using scientific means & thoughts. We seek to know the innermist forces which create the world & guide its course .But we conceive of his essence as outside of ourselves not als living thing , intrinsic to our own nature. My general view of life is to remain faithful to the creator of life when the highest achievable goal is to be seen. I can not conclude that I have only one profession or, as society would like to label it with the label "area of expertise" To remain faithful to the creator of life. Means to remain faithful to the right to live in freedom without any kind of labels. It means staying true to our birthrights. Do you watch television? All the images flashing is not healthy nor it will make you healthy or wealthy. Get control over your own life. There is a datastream of information on this planet and it doesn't assist!! It will only form conclusions over mather which is basically ENERGY! Energy is always moving!! Understand the universal law.

Adults are making the decision for the future of the children. Make movies which inspire, which uplift each other. Nobody wants crime in the society > yet there are movies made! It's not just a movie!! It's energy spreading into the society. Negative energy!! People get this data in there energy.

If all people understand that all is energy!! The society would change so fast!! for the better!! Imagination is the key!! We are all co creators!! on this amazing beautiful planet. So let's work together and make shure we shine our light and love each other unconditional!

In the world from the people who are spiritual awaken there is unconditional love, light and respect at all times. Ofcourse sometimes we enter the low energy of sadness, worry, when we are tired or confused. But if you are awaken! YOU KNOW! you know how fast to get back on the highest energy level!! 3,6,9 >< 0 > 888   Learn the secret beyond numbers!

Foundation YPmiracles stands for society based on unconditional love&light  PEACE< FREEDOM<SAFETY<TRUST<   by sharing my knowledge and give enlightenment


The international Rainbowchildrenhouses


NEW International higher protection for Humanrightstactiviste  Declaration of humanrightsdefenders. The declaration codifies the international standards that protect the activity of humanrightdefenders around the world. ( In some countries the humanrightsactiviste got a difficult time when they speak up!! )

pétition de La Luz International

buildingbridge Project    ( media and wealth )

Iriz de la Luz Entertainment

Akashic RECORDS ( education )




the question is >>> do you all embrace unconditional love for yourself and others. Giving unconditional love to others and forgiving others means starting forgiving yourself and loving yourself unconditional. The affirmations you repeat will give you low energy or high level energy. What are you telling yourself all the time? If you think it's difficult to love yourself or others > THINK > RESPECT > the creator of us all. We all come from the same source. Ask guidess and enlightenment with your heart and soul > YOU WILL RECEIVE THIS > AMEN!

Believe in GOD or call it the Universe! I am telling you all to RESPECT AND LOVE EACH OTHER UNCONDITIONAL> less you know all the answers better than the creator of us all > Let's be respectful. But no hiding! NO CONTROL on this planet.

ALL IS ENERGY > when you want to control someone > Look into your innerworld > what can't you control ? that you would like to have control over others? that you would steal ? Or got judgments? How come you can not see the beauty? All is beauty.

Count your blessings. We all are blessed. Count the miracles in your life. My foundation is called YPmiracles. I know for a fact we receive miracles all the time!! We are co-creators > we can create miracles! GOD LOVES US ALL!! SHINE YOUR LIGHT!! Even if you do not believe in a bigger source than us all > would you not rather spend time on this planet full of unconditional love for yourself and others? If you think > can't happen > than think again > We are all in control about our own system!! > I choose to feel love! Unconditional love!! I answere the light within me! Which make me smile! Which makes me radiate the glow of love and light.

Life on this planet is eternity! Make shure we give the children a society based on peace and respect for all life. PEACE is within ourselves. If someone is sad > be nice ! > send energy of love > surround the people with this energy and you will see the change very fast.

The schumann resonance is increasing. It's a frequencyof 7.83 Hz (fundamental) Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionized part of Earth's upper atmosphere ( ionosphere) Our brains waves matches with the schumann resonances. This state is in tune with the alpha state/theta brainwave states. The state where we are in when we meditate. ( my formule; m + p / E / 528Hz + 7.83Hz /V ) or ( knowledge nr9 pg Up pg DN HOME ENTER;) The stable synchronizing of the brain's electromagnetic systems has led to thinking , emotion, memory and intelligence. In order to carry out these functions the brain has developed electromagnetic transmitters and receivers in the neurons. The receivers including a phrase locked loop system used in fm radio receivers. In the human brains it provides an FM radio receiver that interact with the schumann resonance signal. Waves consist of oscillations or vibrations of a physical medium or a field, around relatively fixed locations. From the perspective of mathematics, waves, as functions of time and space, are a class of signals.

Deep inside everyone knows that we are all one. Everyone wants a life full of unconditional love.

We are energy and constantly in motion and in interaction. Our thoughts consciously and unconsciously create each other's life.

We are connected and entwined. In various experiments it becomes clear that we are in alignment. (movements / emotions / thoughts / mood. This constant exchange of "invisible" Is a FACT.

Every living thing appears to separate a constant stream of photons or light particles and to take them from other living beings. This exchange of light is a continuous communication at the quantum level between everything that lives. Communication is most obvious between members of the same type of bees and bees / people with people or people and pets.

The closest are the most influential. We are not independent separate beings, on the contrary. We are a product of the networks, of which we are part. And the networks are a product of our actions. So you are born and your environment immediately gives you incentives and arrives with expectations at the top. A toddler, a toddler, a baby. He / she naturally develops into a beautiful person, but instead of being looked after with love after the child. We observe and say when / how / who / what / why do they learn what and on what time frame. You will not receive a booklet with instructions on the birth of a child.

Instead of us becoming a human being of it essence! What we are in essence already! Before we are born!

Thank you

Unconditional love & light,



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