2019: my 3-to-do’s
Gonzalo Moreno-Mu?oz
Vice-President Tower | Creating value through people, engineering and operations
Looking for this year’s purposes, I pay attention to the gaps rather to the wishes. In my case, the gaps are those things that are not really new, but well-known stuff that is commonly little exercised or perhaps even forgotten.
The more I learn, the more convinced I am that the knowledge is circular. It goes and comes. However with new clothes and different names. Just reading Cicero or Aristotle is enough to understand that the cornerstones of a humanistic management were set thousands of years time. We need just to find the right words for our days. However, this apparent accessibility to the classic sapience at the same time is the biggest temptation. If you think you already have it, it might cancel your hunger for learning, your passion and even your humility. Therefore my three to-do’s for 2019 are old-new things that I want to bring back to the frontline:
Increase the reflection time
Understood as time of silence and loneliness. It is the opposite to an overexposure to the digital communication. Time for myself, for thinking, for quieting and for hearing my conscious. In my case, it is commonly linked to praying. But it can adopt also the form of meditation. In any case it is a quality time offside.
Pay attention to the new technologies
Being an engineer does not mean to stay permanently tuned to new technology. I am still in love with my engineering-vocation, but last years the so-named “disruptive technologies” like IA, Big Data or Cybersecurity sounded to me too old to be new. I have treated them with excessive condescendence. Engineers and scientists can understand me well. Nevertheless, the fact that the technology was mature years ago does not mean that it was applicable. If as engineer those trends did not sound exciting, as manager and business observer they are a must. This year I will (try) to stay tuned for the old trends or the new ones
Improve the external communication
In the last two years I put a lot of effort on the “inner-team” communication. Within the team and with the individuals assigned to my extended group. This year, I want to improve the external communication to other departments, to the executives and to my business partners. Taking care of your people is essential, but it has to be supplemented by communicating it to the outside.
Three purposes that might go too far for a single year, but 2019 is a good moment to start them.