The 2019 Gemini Full Moon - The Path Begins Appearing and the 12.12.12 Portal Opens

The 2019 Gemini Full Moon - The Path Begins Appearing and the 12.12.12 Portal Opens

We have a Full Moon phase in the sign of Gemini opposite the Sagittarius 6 Sun at 9:12p PST on Thursday, 11th December. Yet in the eastern standard timezone (EST), this will be 12:12a EST on Thursday 12th December (19.87°).

Yes, you read that correctly.

For the majority of the world, this 2019 Gemini Full Moon comes with a very special energetic portal – a true numerological 12.12.12. – the twelfth day of the twelfth month of a year which reduces through 12 (2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12). Though it’s an 8 universal day of power and influence for those in time zones west of EST, the rest of the world will be experiencing a 9 universal day – an energy of fulfillments, completions, endings, and clearings. This day in particular will be a day for all of us to set intentions for releasing what holds us back from expressing ourselves authentically, creatively, and fully in the world for the benefit of the world. Also, because it is made up of three twelves (and three threes in reduction), it represents full circles moments connecting past, present, and future in order to maximize the potential for creative growth and expansion.

This day holds an abundance of magic for setting creative intentions. Yet once those intentions are set, this energy will also begin revealing to you all that may be disempowering you or keeping you from freely and authentically expressing yourself – all that may need to be cleared from your life, all you may need to liberate yourself from.

This revealing may prove not only to be a revelation, but also a profound illumination.

For many months now, many of us have felt like we’re being asked to move forward on a path that is only revealing itself one brick at a time. That has been intentional – it has kept us living our lives focused on the present moment. The challenge has been that the present moment has been and continues to be quite chaotic, lacking a clarity that has been missing for so long, we’re pretty much desperate for it now.

Yet this chaos and presence to the “now” has all been by design. The lack of external clarity has helped us recognize just how much of our individuality we’ve given up to external forces. Whether those forces were other people, or society’s expectations-at-large, as those circles and structures began to collapse around us, it helped us realize just how much of our personal power and freedom we’ve given away. And in many cases, we’ve given up our power willingly, all to align with societal and social standards of success, relationship, and status; all to “fit in”.

Now, under the influence of the 2019 Gemini Full Moon, we’re beginning to see our individual ways forward out of the confusion. This Gemini Full Moon phase is powerfully instrumental in bringing us into awareness of what we know to be factually True. Reflecting the light of the fact-seeking and big picture-thinking Sagittarius Sun (which is determined to bring healing through the revelation of factual information), the Gemini Moon now helps us to decide how emotionally invested we are (or want to be) in our knowledge of factual information and whether or not we are invested and willing enough to act upon it. The inherent risk in this moment is in standing up and speaking out, and the question is whether or not we are willing to say the factual Truths we’re discovering out loud and act upon them.

The transits occurring during this 2019 Gemini Full Moon give us more valuable insight into how the energies of this Full Moon phase are playing out.

The Gemini Moon reflects the light of the Sagittarius 6 Sun at 19° at the time of maximum phase. There is an emotional investment in learning, in gathering knowledge. The Sun is eager to share its knowledge and wisdom of experience with others. This pairing shows us the dynamic between student and teacher, or apprentice and mentor. This is a very powerful intellectual and experiential dynamic as what is learned will be encouraged to be put into application/action. Don’t just think – do!

The Moon is quincunx and the Sun is semi-sextile a Stellium of Saturn, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn (19-21°) – the early stages of the Grand Stellium occurring in mid-January (more on that in a future post). This is very important because it’s revealing that our emotions/intuitions are not aligned with either the societal status quo or with the desire to transform it – there is resistance to the changes either way. The Moon wants to learn and exchange information, yet the powers-that-be don’t want factual information to be circulated. Yet the Sun wants to factual information to be out in the open so that we all can learn the Truth of what is happening in our societal structures and make adjustments so the structure practically and purposefully benefits the lives of as many people as possible. As result, there are revelations of factual truth which lead to an intense digging in of the heels to maintain the status quo by those currently in positions of power, and an intense desire for those not in power to bring upheaval and transformation to the existing power structure. There is also an abundance of propaganda/misinformation being pit out into the world, intending to confuse matters enough to prevent any increased and/or organized discord against the current societal structure.

On a personal level, this combination of transits is revealing to us that we are now learning why the changes we may have been resisting are necessary for our personal growth and development. We’re beginning to see a bigger reason emerging, and this is giving us more optimism about making the changes. That said, these changes may still not be easy ones to make… but at least there’s a sense of direction beginning to appear… and it likely has to do with our place in the world and encouraging us to question the effects of the societal status quo vs societal change on us as individuals.

Beyond the Moon & Sun transits…

There is an exact T-Square configuration as well, with lesser known yet very powerful White Moon Selene in Libra at the point, squaring the Nodal Axis of Cancer North Node and Capricorn South Node (8°). The South Node is also in conjunction with Ceres in Capricorn (8-10°) at the time of maximum phase. This reveals the Higher call to bring balance, equality, fairness, and justice to the matters at hand. Yet this call also brings attention to the fact that our personal values are being driven by the systemic status quo, focused on the societal standards of material and financial achievement and accomplishment. Yet these material/financial values are being exposed for their lack of care and compassion by the North Node’s call to emotional self-love and self-care. This call to question is challenging all of us to choose where we want our personal values to align – with external expectations or our individual and collective inner well-being? Do the values of the status quo still serve us (as individuals) well?

A trine between Capricorn Jupiter and Taurus Uranus Retrograde (1-2°) reveals the growing awareness of presence and actions of the societal powers-that-be, and how their actions are affecting the greater whole and our ability to honor our personal values in the world we are living in now. As those in power continue to get feedback from the public, will they dig their heels in further to maintain their desired course, or will they accommodate the will of the masses? We may have a clear answer sooner than later (if we don’t already have one).

Another trine – this one between Sagittarius Mercury and Aries Chiron Retrograde (1-4°) – letting us know that under the influence of this Full Moon, honest and open communications bring opportunities for healing self-identity wounds. Sometimes, simply communicating one’s truth is what allows healing to occur. Sometimes, it’s acting on the false/wound-based premise which exposes and brings to light the factual reality.

(Side note: Chiron returns to direct motion later after the Full Moon, calling us to take the feedback and insights we received during the retrograde and apply them to our healing journey because our individual healing is our own individual responsibility.)

And one more trine – Scorpio Mars trine Pisces Neptune (15°) – reveals that emotion-driven actions may fuel delusional beliefs, but may also fuel creative vision, dreams, and imagination. This is a wonderful energy for creators of all kinds, especially artists, and the emotional energies are intense and seeking an outlet which can serve the whole.

Challenges come through the square transits.

Capricorn Jupiter is square Aries Chiron Retrograde (1-2°) at the time of max phase, and with our growing awareness of our societal structures, we find ourselves questioning our individual places within that structure. Where do we each fit in? How do each of us matter? What are the roles each of us are expected to play? And do those societally-expected roles fit in with the roles we are Truly here to play?

And Sagittarius Pallas Athena square Pisces Neptune (14-15°) reminds us that factual truth and fantasy rarely blend. In fact, they often challenge each other. This time around, there is a growing awareness of the patterns of belief, and how ideals can become a framework for belief systems. This challenges us to see the belief systems that are forming or have been formed around certain issues regarding affecting our ability to come together as One. We are realizing just how many people do not believe Oneness is the answer, yet we’re also learning how many people are realizing it is. The battle of wills is underway.

To sum the transits up, we’re all not just seeing that things aren’t what we’ve been told they are – we’re also beginning to understand how and why they aren’t what we’ve been told they are. The 2019 Gemini Full Moon gets us thinking about how these current events and ways of thinking are affecting us on an individual and personal level, and some of us are beginning to compare notes with others for additional clarity about what is actually happening…

…which is that there is a grand awakening and transformation underway and about to come to fruition in the world as more and more of us are beginning to realize that we individually and collectively that the changes that are (and aren’t) occurring affect us more than we thought, and that we have more power than we think to decide what those changes should be.

The question is… will we step into that power? Will we take action to say enough is enough? Will we come together to use our collective voices to speak truth to those in power?

We’ll see soon enough.

Thank you for reading and sharing. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



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