In 2019 everything will be fine!
No, this is not a comment on Brexit, but more a comment on how our smaller charities seem to be dealing with change. Charity insurance specialist PolicyBee recently commissioned the University of Suffolk to survey attitudes to risk amongst charities with annual income of less than £500k.
Not surprisingly most (74%) were worried about falling income. But how they were dealing with this was more interesting. Most (64%) said they were too busy, or too hard up (52%) to impement risk management practices. This is worrying, as falling income is a very real risk almost all have to confront and challenge!
Seeking help, either from their local CVS or community foundation was not a path taken by many (30%). Neither was management training being sought, with 62% having had no management or goverance training. Lack of cash, time or not knowing where to go for the right training were cited as reasons for this inertia.
Yet you don't have to look far to find affordable, focused, friendly support. Ella Forums exist across the country, and blend informative speakers with valuable peer to peer support. My own organisation, Swarm Apprenticeships can deliver management qualifications to those running smaller charities with the Government picking up 90% of the cost.
Here's a link to the report. It makes sobering reading. If you run a small charity, use it as a prompt for your New Year resolutions. You ca see success in 2019, but only if you do something!
Great article; hits the spot.