2019 Black Student-Athlete Summit

2019 Black Student-Athlete Summit

I am grateful that I had the honor and privilege to be one of two student-athletes to represent Bryant University at the Black Student-Athlete summit at the University of Texas. This experience has been eye opening and life changing. It has allowed me to meet and create life-long relationships with wonderful like-minded young black athletes from all over the country and become closer to my own sister on a new intellectual level. 

Listening to the great minds and great research projects of so many intelligent professionals has given me a new perspective on life and the blessing I have as a student-athlete. Being a student-athlete gives me a platform to influence the lives of many in ways I never knew I could. 

If I can take only one important lesson away from the summit, it would be this: "mission over money, impact over impression, and significance over status". Find your passion and go for it. Do something for the betterment of those following you, be a holistic individual and always remember the importance of family. #blackstudentathletesummit


