#2018andBeyond - the Portrait Series
Dwayne Brown
Corporate + LinkedIn Portrait Photography | Founder + Community Curator with Headshots Matter Inc. and Student Headshots.
As photographers, our happy place is shooting. As portrait photographers, our extremely happy place is photographing faces. Both Anita and I love people and getting to photograph them. That passion, combined with the great satisfaction of meeting interesting people and sharing their stories, has culminated in creating a local portrait series. Ottawa had a spectacular anniversary year in 2017 and now our city is moving forward into 2018 at a pretty exciting pace. Anita and I got to thinking, that we'd love to meet and photograph some of the people who will be driving that positive pulse.
The people we're seeking are the innovators and creatives, the compassionate and caring, the shining stars and unsung heroes. There are so many interesting and remarkable individuals in our dynamic city. The series will be black & white for its timeless simplicity. The portraits will be shot primarily up close since we feel that the face and eyes so beautifully share a rich story about a person.
Today we marked the beginning of our #2018andBeyond portrait series by photographing Ibrahim Musa in the studio. We'll be sharing Ibrahim's portrait later this week and look forward to moving ahead with more portraits in the upcoming months!