2018 = The Year of You!
Passion: where grit and intelligence and no plan B merge.
Passion: our discussion topics provide you light standards on dark pathways to provide tiny moments of illumination...plus the courage to take a few more fragile steps.
Passion: today we dive deep into the reality that passion requires courage.
Passion demands: "Deep End Of The Ocean Commitment."
Passion swallows whole those who dangle their toes in warm spring water.
Passion steamrolls those who dawdle and wait for the next (more suitable) bus.
Passion gobbles up and spits out the silly witted ambitious amongst us.
Passion tolerates no pablum.
Passion wrestles you from your comfort and tosses you--fully clothed and head first--into the deepest part of the most turbulent waters.
Passion does not care if you know how to swim or not.
Passion does not notice or give merit badges for survivalist training courses completed.
Passion screams: "Figure it out! And figure it out right now!"
Passion teaches you to reach for hallowed out, sea-water-logged timbers and start paddling for the nearest shore.
Passion: those who have it can survive at their craft in Moscow or Memphis, Tennessee.
Passion: those without it out should find new professional pursuits.
Cherish This Day!
Steve Bonenberger