2018 the Year for Success & Growth
B. Alan Bourgeois
Book Author Consultant & Marketing for first-time Authors & Seasoned Professionals. Let us help your books succeed. AMI is a membership-based & member-owned org.
For 2017, our motto for the year was TEAMWORK! “Texas Experts helping Authors with Marketing their Words and Offering Responsible Know-how.” We worked hard to create programs that benefit Texas authors on multiple levels. Many of the events were successful, while a couple did not meet our anticipated goals. What we learned, as an organization, is that Texas authors need and want support in marketing their books. And, with the ever-increasing number of authors and advanced technology, the need is even greater and continuing to grow.
Your Success and Growth as published Texas Authors has always been at the forefront of Alan’s goals and desires…much more than his success on a personal level. However, he knows that while a few authors have seen great growth in sales, many more are just now starting to realize the value of Texas Authors, Inc. and that by using the tools, programs, and events they have potential to increase their success. There is still a great deal of work ahead for everyone. Therefore, Texas Authors, Inc. has determined that 2018 is the Year for Success and Growth!
How will Texas Authors, Inc., work towards this affirmation and goal? Simple. By continuing to listen to the membership and create programs and events designed to help each author who uses them, to succeed. Last year we produced four book festivals across the state. This year, we have seven currently scheduled across the state. These will help authors discover new readers for their books and give them new ways to reach out to them over the year. Our Book Festival Network (https://BookFestival.Network) has already been recognized as a new way to produce Book Festivals, from organizations outside the State of Texas.
Our Authors Marketing Event & Campus (https://Campus.Authors.Marketing) offer a variety of ways for Texas authors to learn more about marketing and selling their books. Our third annual event already has a great lineup of presenters, with more to come. This cost-effective event brings authors together from across the state to learn from the professionals and to share with each other what works and doesn’t work for them. If you can’t physically attend the annual event, the AME campus offers opportunities for authors to learn at home from the recorded video presentations of the presenters. It simply offers another great cost-effective way to grow. We are the only organization in the world that certifies authors in Marketing, another first among a long list of firsts that other organizations are now copying and using.
Texas Authors Point System (TAPS) started in the middle of last year, and shortly the membership will have access to the accrued points they earned from book sales, donations, membership dues and every other way they spent money in any of our three nonprofits. TAPS is yet another great way to save money and increase your strength!
Introducing new ways to reach out to Texans through an Authors in the Park (https://AuthorsInParks.com) event on April 28 has already received accolades from a variety of cities praising the concept and the fun that will be created by introducing authors to local residents, and encouraging more reading.
Those who have been members of Texas Authors, have seen Alan work tirelessly in creating new avenues and refining old ways that benefit the Membership and help them to succeed. There is no doubt, in 2018, Alan will once again think of new and creative ways for you to Succeed & Grow in your chosen career as a published author.
But, none of this can happen without a strong membership. We need dedicated members to help us grow so we can continue help authors succeed https://txauthors.com/index.php/join-us. Our goal is to have 840 members by the end of March. We currently have 350 members. That’s a lot of work, but by bringing new members to the program, we can be more successful in our goals which then helps you to be successful! This is TEAMWORK and six years of experience has proven it WORKS!
Your comments and suggestions are always encouraged. But, please know that without new members, Alan’s ability to accomplish the goals for this year is diminished. He desperately needs office staff to continue growth. Increasing our membership is one way to make this happen. Spread the word, earn TAPS credits for referrals and make this year, the year for Success & Growth for Texans on many levels.