2018 - The year of filmmaking results!
2018 has been one of the biggest in my career and life - all the things I had built on over the years of hard work, sacrifice, sweat, and tears, relentless pursuing, etc was rewarded in that year. Yes! - the concept of 'Don't give up' and 'Work hard to get the results' are all 100% true, and 2018 proved that.
In this LinkedIn article I will run through those results along with what I learned and how they will influence the next steps for 2019.
THE BEYOND - Debut sci-fi feature film release.
For starters my debut feature film THE BEYOND was released worldwide by distributor Gravitas Ventures in January 2018 - It was number 2 in the iTunes Charts for a couple of weeks next to Bladerunner 2049 (ironic as Bladerunner is the film that inspired me when I was a kid!).
Although I have covered most of this in the 2017 article about producing The Beyond, one thing I can say is that marketing is one of the critical elements in making a successful film. The marketing costs don't need to be super high, as most of the marketing on The Beyond was done online with articles, interviews on podcasts and websites and social media. But knowing your audience base in the first place is key to a successful self-marketing campaign in the first place. Its a lot of work and dedication but you just got to get on with it! - and not solely rely on people.
Even though the film was released in January, I still ended up doing loads of articles and PR on it regularly (even while on other projects). Why not? Since the subject of space exploration was prominent in the news and press, I used those opportunities to shout about The Beyond and raise more awareness of the film which turned into sales on VOD.
Within the second quarter of the year our sales reports provided by the distributor were showing that we not only had recouped our production budget entirely (Phew! since I self-financed a massive portion of it myself!) but we also had all the distributors cost covered too, which meant that were in Profit.... yes Profit! Which from what I was told by a lot of distributors is a rare thing?
Following that, I reached out to the two VFX houses who generously helped us out on the film with the VFX of the robot suits - and I paid their deferred fee right away (that felt really good to do!).
I remember the vfx producers from both facilities were like "not many filmmakers honor those deferred deals!" and I'm like "really?, I just did it cos that's what should be done..."
But The Beyond didn't stop there... after 7 months of being released, NETFLIX acquired it for USA /CANADA / UK and Other territories like Australia and New Zealand.
Although we don't know the metrics from Netflix, we know that it was 'Trending' for 3 weeks.
and yes.. we are still utilizing PR opportunities that come our way to shout about The Beyond because that's how people will see your film in the first place but more importantly build that audience base for the next project.
FAST LAYNE - Disney Channel TV Series
After pitching for a top secret Disney series at the end of 2017, I got the job in the middle of January 2018! -- I was hired and flown to Vancouver to work on the 8 part limited series Fast Layne. I directed the Pilot (episode 1) and Episode 2. For those who don't know, directing the first episode is a big deal in TV, because you are responsible for setting the style and tone of the entire series for the other directors to follow.
After they screened the First episode to the Network (Disney Channel), I was then hired to stay on and close the series by directing Episodes 7 and 8 + I was made a Consultant on the entire series too, and I'm still currently overseeing the series as it preps for the Feb 2019 premiere on Disney Channel.
I can also thank my years of VFX producing background for me becoming a consultant on a TV series which relies on Visual effects to achieve a lot of the critical moments ( a talking car!).
Even though this is a Disney Channel series and the budgets and resources were significantly larger than I ever had worked with as a filmmaker - I still took the same approach I did with my previous films when shooting my episodes in Fast Layne. This approach not only enabled me to get things done in a way I know would work but also served the incredibly high pressure and fast turn around in network television productions.
I am very fortunate to work with a fantastic team in Vancouver, the fierce and smart showrunners, whom I learned so much from, and lastly the wonderful executives at Disney Channel for trusting me in what was my first TV series as a director.
2036 ORIGIN UNKNOWN -2nd Feature film release in the same year.
My second feature film - 2036 Origin Unknown was released by Kew Media during the summer of 2018 (Yes! two movies released in one year!) and got a limited theatrical run in the US (via Gravitas Ventures who handled US territory release).
It was my first experience in working with a higher profile actress - Katee Sackhoff. I have to say all the star-struck element and pressure went out of the window pretty quickly when collaborating closely with her from pre-production to shooting the entire film in an aggressive schedule of 10 days!
I have to thank the fantastic crew I had the pleasure in working with to get this done and of course - the producers who trusted in the vision I had in the film and was able to get it financed and put together relatively quickly.
While I got the fantastic opportunity to make another sci-fi Feature film, hone my craft as a filmmaker, I also learned a lot of hard lessons from it, and I will carry those lessons over to my next projects for sure.
The other big take from that project was getting to meet and work with a lot of talented people, one of them being Paula Crickard, the hardcore Northern Irish 'get it done right or don't bother!' post producer, she was brought on to handle the post producing of the film. Working with her was a blast and soon after we ended up setting up our Production company - HAZ FILM LTD, we are currently working together on several Film and TV projects and growing our company.
The film is currently also available on Netflix (USA only for now).
I am proud of what we achieved in telling a story which has a hard sci-fi and high concept nature to it.
DESCENDANTS - UNDER THE SEA - A Disney bridge film.
During the post-production of Fast Layne (July 2018), I was approached by Disney Channel movie division to direct a 'bridge short film' for one of the big franchises The Descendants.
The short film was to act a story bridge between Descendants 2 and the 3 (scheduled to release summer of 2019). It was a similar approach that movies such as Prometheus and Bladerunner 2049 did with their short films.
It was a great experience to work in Vancouver again and this time with some of the principal cast of the Descendants film + the marketing promo team at Disney Channel on this. The crew on this was superb and put together by a rockstar production team who had worked on shows like Netflix's Lost in Space.
We shot the entire thing in 1 hardcore day on a techno crane entirely on a stage with a forest built!
I was able to hire the excellent Territory Studios, who had been so supportive on my other projects in the past (often doing them on such tight budgets), so as a pay it forward - It felt great to hire them on a bigger budget gig like this yet continue our collaboration.
The short film premiered on Disney Channel in September 2018, and I was told it did really well, and viewing ratings were high for a short form content.
2019 - whats next?
It's an exciting 2019 - as I have some great projects in development via the production company HAZFILM, collaborating with fantastic talent.
As a taster, here is a proof of concept film for one of those exciting sci-fi action projects currently in development:
These days I don't have to worry about the "first time director" stigma as I reported in the 2017 LinkedIn article (which you can still read if you are interested), now I have the next challenge - getting high profile actors / casting for the upcoming projects to achieve pre-sales, financing interest, etc.
In between that, I am also busy pitching on a variety of external projects and working closely with the lovely team who represent me over at APA in Hollywood.
I am now going to end this article by wishing everyone an excellent start to the year, and I'm looking forward to writing another report next year covering 2019.
More info: https://hazfilm.com
Account Handler bij AED Rent
5 年You are such an inspirational person, you should have a TED talk
Motion Graphics | Marketing | Filmmaker
5 年I would love to get a chance to work with you and learn from you. This looks exciting!
Segundo al mando
6 年Keep it coming , mate. You rock!
CGI and VFX Industry Entrepreneur
6 年Nice one Haz. HNY!
Self-shooting Director / Editor / Colourist | thelights.studio
6 年What a year Haz! Can't wait to see what you'll do in 2019!!