2018 - the year ahead
Well, 2017 sure went quickly…. All of a sudden (seemingly) we’re already in 2018 and forced to think about the year ahead – what do we want to do, what do we want to achieve and how do we do these things.
My professional goals:
- Growth of over ‘x’ (commercial in confidence!) lots in the Central Coast/Hunter/Lake Macquarie region by December 2018
- Greater than 98% retention rate for schemes under management
- Surveying our clients (committees) regularly and working towards a 100% net promoter score
- Ensuring that our staff believe Wellman Strata to be the best place for them to work
- Run regular training events for current and future clients
- Continue to give back to the industry through work on the Young Strata Network and working towards furthering the SCA in regional areas
- Look for further opportunities for Wellman Strata in both the strata industry and elsewhere
My personal goals:
- Push to structure some social activities around being active, rather than a meal/drinks.
- Make the effort consistently to catch up with old friends
- Don’t fall into bad habits
- Go camping when possible
- Start a post-graduate course in the second half of the year
- Trial a plant-based diet (inspired to do so after watching ‘Food Choices’ on Netflix)
Last week I spent time (before the rest of the team got back) putting some of the framework in place that will help me achieve the above. There’s a huge amount of freely available resources available (journals, apps, websites, calendars) to help you think and plan. I can recommend Forbes as a great place to start.
I hope you get to take some time to plot out what’s going to be important to you in 2018 and establishing how you best work towards such.