2018 World Amateur Tour Calendar
We are proud to announce that the 2018 calendar is now ready!
The World Amateur Tour will open the season with:
The Punta Cana Inaugural Championship - March 28th- 30th
to be played at Punta Espada (Dominican Republic), Home of the PGA Tour and N°76 World Greatest Golf Courses.
On March 29th, be ready to tee off for the first leg, and seize your chance to win and become the World Amateur Tour Champion of the year.
We give you the opportunity to experience the atmosphere of real professional tour and scoring as you discover the greatest golf courses all around the globe
Open to all amateurs Ladies & Men - Handicap 0-20
We look forward to seeing you in Punta Cana.
Visit us: www.worldamateurtour.com
Contact :+33637252719