2018 UK Shopping Patterns...
(UK Retail Study By Neteller) According to a recent eCommerce study that looked at shopping patterns of people in the United Kingdom, you will be interested to know that many of the online shopping patterns of people across the pond, are similar to those in the United States.
Two of the most popular items that were researched online were purchases of automobiles and purchases for getaways and vacations. Whether a citizen of the United Kingdom is looking at that Jaguar or Range Rover, or thinking about that holiday getaway to Brighton or going up to Wales for the weekend, researching online for wheels and where to go on vacation, were the two most commonly purchased items, from a volume perspective. It seems like here in the US, whether you are looking at a Ford, Dodge or Chrysler, or looking at going to Hawaii, Florida, or Alaska on vacation, we all usually start our search on line to see where is the best place to go, at the best price.
When it comes to items that Brits regretted buying online, it wasn't those high ticket items of vehicles or vacations, but fell down to more common purchases. The most regretted item purchased online is fashion apparel. Whenever we see something online, we think that we can pull off the outfit looking like James Bond or one of the Royal Princes, when in actuality, we end up looking like we should be part of Monty Python or Benny Hill, depending what we buy, and what it looks like.
One of the most interesting lists in the article, is what Brits are doing at the same time, that they are currently doing their shopping online - this list of activities is probably very similar to American online shoppers, but also does offer some slight differences. The most popular activity when ordering online is watching TV, in over 58% of the purchases, which makes sense because very often while you are watching TV, there will be a product that you see or that you hear about, and you want to get that particular item at the time that you are considering it. The next most common thing people in the UK are doing while shopping online is 42% of them are in bed, which I know is a very common thing in the US. People will either be reading news sites in bed, watching silly cat videos on YouTube, or are binge watching a series on Netflix, and will toggle over if there is something that they want while lying in bed.
As with the hard working Americans, over 22% of Brits admit to shopping online while they are purchasing online. I think much of it has to do with the security that the individual has on their workplace PC, or, as with most people, they will use their personal cell phone to process and order items online while they are at work. I know for some people it can be like a mini break, like a mental break, when they are shopping or surfing online, almost akin to a smoke or water break - with less physical impact, but potential more financial impact.
The study concluded with four very unique ones, some that I didn't really think about, while in England. Shopping online "while lounging in a sun lounger" was a surprising 10% of the time. They either do a lot of that shopping during the warm part of the year in the UK, or they might be sitting in their sun lounging chair, during the brutal falls and winters, as well. There was another 8% that admitted to shopping online while they were in the bath. I cannot speak for American eCommerce shoppers, but I am not a big fan of holding my cell phone/tablet while in the tub. I think I am always afraid of dropping it in there, or accidentally posting a picture that no one wants to or needs to see.
The first 5% which I also thought was an interesting I am sure that is very comparable in the U.S., whether you are in a cab, Lyft, or Uber. It is a natural activity that we reach to, when we are in our car, because we often want to be looking at something, instead of making uncomfortable conversation, even if you are not in the mood to talk. The last method at 5%were at 5% while getting your hair done, which I would imaging is significantly higher when asking women over men, since women's hair usually includes time with color processing more frequently than men.
None the less, it was still a very interesting article to consider. The next time that you are watching TV, sitting in bed, getting your hair done, or sitting in a taxi cab; it might be a good time to consider purchasing something online. I think the key message to this article is convenience - which is what all merchants want to do for their customers to make it as easy as possible to purchase their products in the most comfortable and less timely manner possible.
Happy Shopping!!