The 2018 Supreme Spiritual Icon Award Conferred to Her Holiness Satguru Mata Savinder Hardev Singh Ji

The 2018 Supreme Spiritual Icon Award Conferred to Her Holiness Satguru Mata Savinder Hardev Singh Ji

Almost a century of spreading spiritual bliss, a century of service to God, humanity and an infinity of volunteerism, the Sant Nirankari Mission leads the way to Oneness and Universal Brotherhood. 

For the first time in 93 years, a female Satguro sat on the Holy chair of devotion and selfless commitment in leading millions of Nirankar around the world, in the holy person of Her Holiness Mata Savinder Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj!

Succeeding her husband, the 4th Satguru, H.H. Baba Hardev Singh as SUPREME SPIRITUAL ICON OF THE YEAR, H.H. Mata Savinder is receiving the award on July 28-29, 2018 by the Global Order of Dignitaries and Philanthropists (G.O.D.) Awards  at the Westin Kolkata, India. Mata Ji is also expected to speak at the WCH Humanitarian Summit along with the luminaries and esteemed guests: 3rd President of Croatia, Ivo Josipovic, 1st President of Republic of Kosovo, H.E. Dr. Fetmir Sejdiu, the 10th President of Bangladesh, H.E. Hussein Muhammad Ershad, the Royals of Cambodia, Ghana, India, Philippines and many more!

The Charity, We Care for Humanity (WCH) and the World Confluence of Humanity, Power and Spirituality (WCHPS) by Kanoria Foundation, in collaboration Sant Nirankari Mission (SNM) will host the first philanthropic event of this magnitude in the region. As per WCH tradition, the G.O.D. Awards seeks innovative ways for the world to fight the many nuances of injustice halting progression while honoring the philanthropic position. The G.O.D Asia Awards is WCH Founder HRH Princess Maria Amor’s vision of diversifying the humanitarian world.  

"The first time I met Her Holiness Mata Ji, the feeling of divinity enveloped my whole being. Her aura expresses kindness and hope, I felt joy and peace in my heart instantly. Listening to her wisdom enlightens my perception of life, the future and humanity. It is true, that she is the source of energy and inspiration to so many. And through her blessings and guidance, millions of people's lives are touched and transformed to a better and more peaceful and spiritual lifestyle, the kind of path we need to follow to end violence, wars and human sufferings.", testified by Princess maria Amor.

True Master (Satguru) Savinder Hardev succeeded her husband Nirankari Baba Hardev Singh as Spiritual Head of Sant Nirankari Mission following his sad death in a car accident in Canada 13th May 2016.

From 1980, Mata Savinder shared dais with her husband Baba Hardey Singh, during his salvation tours in India and abroad she participated. She was honoured and greeted as Ambassador for Peace by the Universal Peace Federation, North America and the Inter-religious and International Federation for World Peace.

She is a source of inspiration especially for the younger generation in her own pleasant way to attract them to take part in various socio-spiritual activities of the Mission.

On the very first day of taking over as Spiritual Head of Sant Nirankari Mission she pledged to take the Mission to new heights of human service where her husband Baba Hardev Singh wanted to take it. She exhorts her followers to strengthen their mutual love and cooperation. She also exhorts her devotees to be the lighthouse of spiritual knowledge and take the light to remove the darkness of ignorance from the minds of the people.

Her Holiness preaches that the world needs to be united as a family tolerating, accepting and loving each other; keeping in mind the watchword "God-fi-dence" - having complete faith and confidence in God, truly proving our image of God.



