2018 in Quotes
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi

2018 in Quotes

Every year I compile my quotes and proverbs as a result of my triumphs and failures.

Here’s what made the list in chronological order:

  • To grow, we must suffer. The passage from one world into the next requires bold steps.
  • He who wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper.
  • The Principle of Priority: 1) Know the difference between what is urgent and what is important 2) Do what is important first
  • Most people make bad decisions because they are so certain that they’re right that they don't allow themselves to see better alternatives.
  • Disagreements are not threats but opportunities for learning.
  • Process > Proceeds: The process becomes an obsession and mastering the craft becomes the means. Mastery is consistency driven by a deep love for the work. At some point, you forget about the object your chasing and the means become the end.
  • Pride should stand for Personal Responsibility In Daily Endeavors
  • Geniuses develop their most brilliant original thoughts through self-imposed cognitive dissonance.
  • Big people monopolize listening. Small people monopolize talking.
  • The bigger the person, the more apt he is to encourage you to talk. The smaller the person, the more apt he is to preach to you.
  • A leader is a decision making machine. To manufacture anything, you’ve got to have the raw material.
  • Those who talk should do and only those who do should talk.
  • The fool is the precursor to the master.
  • A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control.
  • That which you most need will be found where you least want to look.
  • Dwell on the past and you’ll lose an eye. Forget the past and you’ll lose both eyes.
  • There is less risk in saying what is needed to be said than to remain silent.
  • Wish for the things you already have.
  • The great challenge of life is knowing enough to think you’re right but not enough to know you’re wrong.
  • When you’ve been in the darkness long enough, you begin to see.
  • People don’t have ideas. Ideas have people.
  • As history repeatedly shows, the fatal flaw arises not from without, but from within.
  • In a world where lies are the norm, truth is revolution.
  • The fool is the precursor to the savior. Allow yourself to make the mistakes necessary to your success.
  • Beethoven, Chopin, Mozart never died — they just became music.
  • You gotta know the rules, the real rules. Not the rules the suckers play by.
  • Every man is really two men — the man he is and the man he wants to be.

Omar M. Khateeb is a Silicon Valley-based marketer that develops digital strategies to guide healthtech companies in adapting to newly connected markets. 

He currently serves as the Director of Growth Marketing & Branding at Potrero Medical, a predictive health company that is developing the next generation of smart sensors and artificial intelligence.


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