2018 New Year's Resolutions - End of Month One!

2018 New Year's Resolutions - End of Month One!

Coming to the end of January and many of you may be realizing that your New Year’s Resolutions have been left way behind, perhaps somewhere between 5th – 10th January! Three jogs a week has gone down to a fortnightly occurrence, kale hasn’t been consumed in weeks and admin piles are back at December levels of disorganization….

What are you going to do?!

Firstly, I think, ask yourself why you’re not sticking to the goal?


1.      Is it realistic or are you setting yourself up to fail? –

There is no point in setting unrealistic goals and you want to see yourself succeed! How many books can you actually read in a month?!


2.      Do you have a plan of how you’re going to achieve them? –

It’s great to identify that you want to read 10 books this year, or you want a new job this year or that you want to make more time for 1-1s with your team this year…. All very realistic and achievable goals. However, have you thought where this time is going to come from? It’s unlikely that you had 20mins a day where you were literally doing nothing that you can now fill with these resolutions. What are you going to change and where can you buy that time from?


3.      Do you believe in your goal? –

Why did you set that goal and what bigger picture is it part of? If the resolution isn’t taking you somewhere that you really want to be, it will be hard for you to truly believe in it and live by it. It could simply be there reading makes you happier so that you want to make more time for that but a year is a long time to commit to something that doesn’t help you in some way.


If you’ve asked these questions and you believe that you did make the right goal at the beginning of the month but just haven’t managed to keep it up then don’t give up. It’s not too late, there is a lot of 2018 left and come the end of the year you will be so proud of yourself for dedicating some time to making your year that bit better or happier.


Go for it!


