2018 National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) conference to debate “physically active learning” approaches: The hour has come!
Oscar Mwaanga (PhD, Praxis Professor)
Pan African Scholar, Consultant in Higher Education Online & Distance Education, Sports4Dev, CODE & RSA Fellow #decolonsingeducation
Head teachers across the UK are now awakening to the apparent reality that PE and school sport alone are simply not enough to address sedentarism in society where we are all engineered to be sedentary by multiple and powerful factors such as passive transport and increased screen time. The school leaders are now agreeing with Albert Einstein that, doing the same old school PE and sport "over and over again but expecting different results” is a not a satisfactory response in a global era of innovation and technological progress. As such, many are turning to the innovative EduMove or Physically Active Learning (PAL) approaches that use movement as a modality for learning all school subjects leading to happy learning and sustainable increase in PA for all children.
This has been confirmed by the recent announcement that at the 2018 National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) conference in Liverpool school leaders will debate a motion calling for “physically active learning”. (www.independent.co.uk/news/education/education-news/exercise-physical-activity-headteachers-naht-children-obesity-a8336586.html)
In terms of the courage to embrace change and championing the innovative PAL approach, we acknowledge and celebrate a few trail blazing schools in UK including Barton Primary School, Nettlestone Primary school, Newchurch Primary School (isle of Wight) and Thornhill Primary school and Valentines Primary school in Southampton who possess the 2% mind-set to embrace change. But the hour for change is upon us which begs 2 fundamental questions: 1) Are you a 2% ‘adaptable school’ or among the 98% ‘play it safe’ type of schools? 2) If you are a in the 98%, we can help you to align and become a PAL adaptable school. Simply email us at [email protected] and we shall send you information about our PAL awareness and empowerment CPD.