2018 Last-Minute Vehicle Purchases to Save on Taxes

2018 Last-Minute Vehicle Purchases to Save on Taxes

Here’s an easy question: Do you need more 2018 tax deductions? If yes, continue on. Next easy question: Do you need a replacement business vehicle? If yes, you can simultaneously solve or mitigate both the first problem of needing more deductions and the second problem of needing a replacement vehicle, but you need to get your deduction in place on or before December 31, 2018.

The vehicle tax rules can be confusing. If you need my help, don’t hesitate to contact me by emailing me ([email protected]) to schedule a meeting to analyze your particular situation.


Crystal Relinski

Focus CPA Group, Inc., (562 281-1040).

"We help our clients plan to pay right amount of taxes as per your 3rd Bill of Rights per IRS, find more funding for their business endeavors and achieve their personal and family goals, using the existing tax laws”

At Focus CPA Group, Inc., we are always thinking of ways that our clients can save on taxes. Our team of professionals provide advanced tax planning strategies, advanced cost mitigation strategies, and most importantly we provide best in class resource for your issues via our network of experts.


