2018 - End of Year Update

2018 - End of Year Update

"Adults are just outdated children."  - Dr. Seuss

Without doubt the biggest and ongoing event for 2018 was the raising of our young son Oliver Mananui Gray whose gradual growth and giggles has added a whole new dimension to the everyday occurances of our daily lives. Whether he's smiling or coo-ing or just plain snuggling, he really does make life that much more energizing and enjoyable as Jeanette and I tackle the challenges of parenthood. We definitely take our hats off to everyone that is going through the hard yards of ensuring the welfare of their children on a daily basis. (Especially those going at it solo.)  Oli's already travelled to three countries in his short 9 month lifespan as he tags along with the crazy life path that his parents adopt, but in all our excursions he seems chirpy and in awe with the environment around him (whether he remembers the experience or not!) =)

The second half of 2018 saw us back in Michigan, USA recruiting for our three key university programs in 2018/19. They are the dual three week Natural Science in New Zealand and Environmental Studies in Hawaii courses as well as the full semester Conservation Medicine in New Zealand program. Recruitment was a lot harder than normal this year, given the first course in particular usually runs quite a long waiting list. It makes me wonder whether this is simply an anomaly over the past 8 years of teaching the program or perhaps there are some bigger economic issues afoot, (especially with the stock market bouncing round like a madman in recent times, and Oxfam releasing data that the 8 top wealthiest individuals on the planet, (including Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Bloomberg, Jeff Besos and Bill Gates) now have accumulated as much wealth as the poorest half of our nearly 8 billion population. Nonetheless we managed to get enough students to keep the courses alive and hope our next cohort enjoy the academic adventure we have set up for them which have now inspired almost 300 students over the years...

One of the key events for Michigan and the entire USA was the Mid-Term elections on November 6th. From political posturing to door knockers to nasty political attack advertisments, all electoral strategies were employed during the three month lead in. I lugged Oli and Jeanette along to a couple of political rallies during the campaigning furore including a gathering with the newly elected Democratic Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, and a speech from former vice President Joe Biden. It was great to see some of the political titans that I hadn't seen speak when covering the 2016 election (the aftermath of which still continues to shock the majority of the world's population on a daily basis).   

As the votes for the Mid-Term elections came in - in what turned out to be a 9 million vote record thrashing for the Republicans by the Democrats it was a strong statement by suburban females in particular on their opinion of the Trump Administration. The Democrats retook the House of Representatives which ultimately puts a legislative check on Trump and the Republicans repressive policy agenda, including the hammering the environment has been taking under their watch. So in someways a visible sigh of relief emerged throughout society on the morning of November 7th. However it looks like the run-in towards the 2020 Presidential Elections will be even more divided and bi-partisan as many of the middle of the line politicians in Congress found themselves ousted as the right wing and left wing extremes become more and more mobilised against each other. It never ceases to amaze me just how diametrically opposed differing States are in their political policy positions, in particular regarding how the country should be run.  

Interestingly, Jared Polis, the first ever openly gay man was elected as Governor of Colorado along with Debra Haaland the first ever Native American woman to enter Congress. Add to that list Rashida Thalib and Illan Omar the first ever Muslim women to frequent the hallowed halls of the House of Representatives alongside the youngest member ever voted in with the exciting new firebrand Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. (29 years old.) Many other firsts included the inclusion of Latina women for Governor, female LGBT candidates and Black women in prominent positions of power showing off the huge surge in racial, cultural and rainbow diversity that is taking shape in the progressive world. (Note that on the Republican side it was all men bar two women that were elected in, as the old patriarchal thinking behind this party remains as solid as it ever was.) The Blue wave was particularly apparent in states like Michigan and California and the election highlighted huge voter tampering and suppression issues especially in Georgia and Northern Carolina - the latter forced into a re-election as both Republican and Democratic adjudicatory committees have refused to allow the Republican winner Mark Harris to take office due to the chronic cheating going on with the absentee ballot process. It was an election where cyber cheating, online bots and unfair social media influencing was high on the electoral adjudicant's watch list, especially after the Russian fiasco in the Presidential election in 2016. For more information, read this brilliant article by Jane Mayer of the New Yorker about how exactly it affected the 2016 election:  


Following the election in November, I had a week-long excursion to Iceland to renew my travel visa for the USA and took the opportunity to assess the trials and tribulations of the world's undisputed leader in renewable energy use. 25% of country's power use is achieved geothermally and the rest hydro-electrically. Making my way to Jokularson Glacier Lagoon at the foot of the Vatnajokull Glacier - the biggest icefield in Europe, the purpose of this Nat Geo and James Cameron inspired project was to visually record the amount of ice retreating out to sea each day from the head of these massive glaciers. By early morning, Diamond Beach, which is famous for leaving sparkly remnants of ice on its dark volcanic sand from escaping icebergs, had a few hundred small shards of melting ice. However come the afternoon, once the tide came back out, the abundance of icebergs along the miles of coastline was simply mind boggling, (as my photos on Facebook and Instagram attest - see photo links below).  To put it in Game of Thrones terminology, it was like standing before an entire army of White Walkers which in this day and age of massive climate change is what those fictional enemies represent. I have no doubt, standing witness to the very cold front of this enormous exemplar of glacial retreat that the seas will rise at least 1-2 feet in my lifetime. 3-5+ feet by 2100 as predicted by recent U.N. and NASA reports.  


It certainly makes me wonder what type of world young Oliver Mananui Gray will inherit. And it doubles my efforts to make sure that the next generation has the opportunity to be inspired to live in an environmentally sound world with a sense of overriding political peace which will no doubt require greater cultural understanding and global awareness.

It is in this spirit that I announce my last bit of exciting news for 2018 which is the release of my 5th publication commissioned by Playmarket New Zealand on the cultural protocols of Maori, Asian and Pacific theatre and arts practitioners in Aotearoa. I am incredibly indebted to all the amazing feedback I received from the artist community to get the research for this work completed. It has just been released as a free resource around the country to help all artists, theatre companies, production companies and basically anyone else who cares to up-school themselves over the tricky subject matter of tikanga / cultural protocols in the workspace. It was a fascinating project to sink my teeth into, and I learned so much from the community with all the insightful knowledge that they shared. As my Christmas present to you all, and from Playmarket especially - it is our absolute privilege to offer you the online version to anyone who is keen to have a read of this resource at their leisure. (Just email me at [email protected] and I can send you the online attachment.)  If anyone wants a hard copy of the final publication then I suggest you head along to Playmarket's offices on Cambridge Tce in Wellington and see Murray Lynch and the team to secure your free copy:

The website for the project is also available below:


Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and superb New years and from Oli, Jeanette and myself - I hope that 2019 turns out better than you could have possibly ever conceived.


Nathan Hoturoa Gray


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