2018 Easter Message


In Barbados and all across the Christian world, people of faith are today celebrating the risen Christ.

Easter, symbolizes the triumph of good over evil and our capacity to overcome the pain, despair and dark forces that threaten our lives. It encourages us in our most difficult of times, to find our faith and accept God’s will for our lives. One can only wonder at the pain of Jesus’ mother and disciples as they stood, watching him die. Yet, the story does not end there, but with the triumph and joy of the resurrection and with it, our redemption.

What I have always found fascinating about the Easter story, is that after his resurrection, Jesus appeared first and delivered the news of the miracle of his Resurrection to Mary Magdalene. Just as simple shepherds in the fields, were the first to whom the angels appeared to tell of Jesus’ birth, this was yet another example of the way in which God shows confidence in “ordinary” people and entrusts them with great things. It continues to be a potent reminder that we all have a role and value in the eyes of God. At its core, the Easter story is about the transformation that takes place in our lives when we have an encounter with God and submit to His will.

Despite Barbados’ current circumstances, the Easter story provides hope for us as a nation. It tells us that even though we are in the throes of difficulty, even though economic darkness surrounds us, social deprivation distresses us, a lack of security envelopes us, and fear of the future threatens our lives and stability, we must not despair. We must have faith that the God of the ages is still able to transform our circumstances in His time and all we must do is wait and act in accordance with His will.

The observance of Easter 2018 takes place at a time when many have felt that our country is having “a wilderness experience” that challenges our faith and fortitude as a people. As Barbados fell from the top spot in every regional and international, social and economic indicator, as our daily lives became more difficult, crime worsened and our economy tilted precariously, Barbadians have experienced a deep sense of drift, fear and the sensation that we have become unhooked from all that we knew, expected and hoped for ourselves, our families and our country. How lost the disciples and the women who loved Jesus must have felt as their Master and anchor was tortured and crucified. How afraid for their future they must have been.

In many respects, there is a parable here for us. Some may say that we stand where the disciples stood, powerless and afraid, but for the resurrection and its message of hope. Let us as a nation, accept with certainty, the power of God to intervene in our personal circumstances and those of our country. Let us also have confidence in His purpose and faith that God’s will, will be done.

This Easter, we cling to our faith and the certain knowledge that God is still our guide and on our side and that no matter how long and dark the night, joy comes in the morning.

We celebrate the risen Christ and await our political release and national renaissance.

A blessed Easter to all, on behalf of the entire Barbados Labour Party family and my own family.


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