2018 Children's Security, Safety & Protection Tips, CEO Phrantceena Thate Halres Opines, Are you Prepared?
Memorandum to All
This is how "good" turns to "bad" in the mind of a "professional" criminal and terrorist who has been "highly paid" to construct quiet massive terror upon the peoples of our society, especially the children.
the tactics have changed; they do not look like the "buga bear"; they are your polished professionals who have been professionally trained to do what they are doing; they have no heart or compassion, they just do the job and get paid and go to the next one. Are you aware?
Mental Terrorists exists prominently in the "powers that be" in society; Your Mind is the Adversaries "playground" and battlefield, if you allow it and know what's going on. Mental Terror is more catastrophic than Physical Terror, did you know? Who's playing terror games with YOUR Mental Capacities, do you know?
The good book reminds us, the people perish for lack of knowledge and vision.
Here ya go...
- Personal: check your phones for "spy bugs", tracking and listening devices embedded within, best to use "track phones"
- be aware of your surroundings at all times; people are watching you, whether you know it or not; yes, even your children; daily routines, patterns et. al.
- pay attention to strange vehicles riding around in your neighborhood, particularly those vehicles and personnel that hold themselves out to represent a company that you would not question, such as FedX, USMail, construction worker vehicles, Couriers, cable tv-internet reps., Food Delivery, real estate agents, exterminators, plumbers, electricians, water dept., waste departments, et. al.; the criminals have found a way to disguise themselves utilizing "familiarity" that you would not normally question (oh, that's the water treatment guys they are checking the water....well, did you ask them?, did you get their name and phone number and call their offices to check to see if what they told you is true, did you get their identification?, did you take a photo of the people persons or the vehicle with the tag showing? OR did you just "pass by" and wonder, but did not take any type of action to inquire (as your gut instinct nudged you to do?
- Real Estate Owners who are Selling or Renting their Property: are you being represented by a Real Estate Agent? Do you KNOW who you are allowing in your "personal space" your closets, you bedroom, your home offices, exposing all of your personal belongings and floor plans to "strangers" entering your home, in your absence, with a real estate person(s) you do not know?
- Did you know the criminals have figured out a way to "get into YOUR HOUSE" under the disguise of a "real estate broker" license to sell your property? Did you know these "strangers" entering your home are sometimes "Paid High Class Educated Degreed Credentialed Smart Criminals" that you or your children will not suspect? How protected are you and your family when you allow "strangers" who claim they are bound by the rules of real estate agents, do you know? Do you know WHO they are bringing into your Private Space? Are you aware criminals plant secret devices for their own personal benefits during these visits? Do you know they have a "schematic" of your home to plan for future attacks and invasions? Often times, they will pose as a "stalled" vehicle and lift the hood to look as if they are trying to fix something on the vehicle, particular when there are two, the other is using the cell phone to commit terror and spy and perhaps a bomb! Stop and take a look at how your home is all over the worldwide internet for criminals to find and get your blueprints.
- Why do you take pictures of your private home and its dwellings and allow these real estate agents to post on the worldwide web for criminals to "enter into your private home or business property" that you have listed for Sale?
- Today, have you noticed "drive-by" picture taking of your residence and neighborhood? Pay attention, it happens every day and night.
- The Candy and Ice Cream Truck, playing luring child's play music, driving through neighborhoods to draw the kids out to their truck for treats (watch out).
- Trashcans; Your Trash is a Criminals feast. You'd be surprised at how much information exists in your Trash! Shredded trash is now being pasted back together for revelations of what was shredded. Did you know? Who is in charge of your TRASH?Do you know?
- When you visit a new and strange place, be aware certain types of professional criminals will ask you to use their restroom and they have setup to collect your urine to run all kinds of test on it. Yes, and they get their fingerprints from the glass or cup you drank from during your visit and the list goes on. This happens while you are distracted by the gourmet dinner and fellowship. Be Aware and teach your children about eating and drinking and using bathroom in strange and familiar places.
- What happens when the Property is not sold, after having numerous visitors inside YOUR Property? Do you know what has been placed inside your home by these strangers, that you will never detect in your own devices?
- During the Daylight Hours: for those who "stay at home" for work and lifestyle, you must know that these are the most favorable time for these type of criminals to invade your privacy and life with terror. They have strategically disguised themselves as someone you would trust so you allow them in to your home and on your private property, do you know? Retirees, Disabled Persons, Children, work from home professionals.
- Do not Open your front door to anyone who has not been appropriately "verified" to enter your private property
- Know Your Rights as a Private Citizen living on Private Property and Teach Your Children those rights and their rights as children. Who to let on and off your property and what to do if there is an invasion of any kind different from what their parents have told them.
- Unplug all Electrical Devices within the Home, when appropriate for your household. The electricity to your home is currently in the hands of criminals who have figured out how to access the Grid and control surges of electricity within all homes that use their electricity and are connected to the Grid. To minimize criminal acts at your home, you can take precautionary measures by "unplugging" all wall outlets where you deem appropriate, preferably while you rest at night and do not plug back in until you actually need to for a purpose.
- Watch out for vehicles parked or temporarily stopped within 50 to 100 feet from your private dwelling place, they use their cell phones behind the tinted black windows with a sensor to spy on the activity within your house detecting movements, tap into your private network as hackers; they will use a parked vehicle, with no one in it, locate it within the sensor distance and use the vehicle as their weapon of mass destruction by remote control to monitor the entire area of your home and neighborhood (Call and report any vehicle stopped or parked more than 3 minutes around your property and neighborhood) Today, vehicles are being used as "spy toys" within your home and private property and neighborhood to monitor your activities. Did you know?
- electromagnet fields in your home - get a device that "defuses" these electrical pulses that intrude into your body, mind, and spirit during your stay in your private home. These devices are known to send electrical currents throughout your home into your body and mind and you will never see it, you will only feel and experience the results over an immediate, short and long term period to "fester" within your body's cell capacities and cause various types of "dis-ease" and "unrest" within our mind body; teach the children; watch out for your child's behavior to detect strange actions and words...they could be affected.
- In the Air, please take note of what's "flying" over your head! Airplanes, Drones (or flying objects) are know to spread "chemicals" over certain areas for particular reasons of which most private residences in those areas, have no clue, what they are dropping down from their airplanes over a specified residential area. Most residence in these areas often experience health problems, mind and psychological issues when this happens. Keep a watch on the Skies above where you are and pay attention to the activity up there, the time et. al., Watch the DRONES, especially, they can "hover" quietly and have spy cameras on them, or even worse, poison chemicals and weapons and you will never hear them unless you have your own private arsenal for protection from these privacy invasions. Teach the children.
- From the Water, test your water; if possible get Well Water; water is one of the most widely used forms of the 'quiet killer' they just simply poison your water or drinks with a flavor that you like and you never tell the difference; same with food.
- These Tips must also be followed when you leave your home. Please teach the children. Even Role Play with them at home so they can fully understand the danger they walk into everyday, in our societies as they exist today.
- Know YOUR Neighbors! Know who's next door! Teach your children to listen and watch to understand the "clues" that something is wrong next door or in the neighborhood in which you live, work, play, worship, and say. The Terror next door is not always physical, it is also Mental Terror within a close family unit whom you would never anticipate having such quiet intentional terrorism on their own family members. Pay Attention to Your Surroundings in YOUR neighborhood and to those where your loved ones occupy residence or business.
- Our Children and Youth on College Campuses are PRIME Targets for the Mental and Physical Terrorist; check the profiles of all professors, administrative staff, janitors, electricians, trash and waste personnel, et. al. that often show up as Wolves in Sheep Clothing. Ensure that your children are prepared and equipped to "Act Smart" in compromising situations; they must know HOW to Protect themselves.
- Our Children and Youth are PRIME Targets, sadly, for Priests, Preachers, those that stand in the "holy place" to preach and teach the children the way of God, instead, they are taking advantage of the children's body and mind for their own sexual pleasures and immorality, which is an abomination to God. Teach YOUR children how to recognize these sexual terrorists in the church, sacred places of worship, work, play, et. al. and give them the right tools to secure and protect, including their "6th Sense" their gut instincts, could save their own lives and those of many others.
- Show your Kids HOW to effectively communicate and assimilate within the greater society without carrying around weapons of mass destruction that appear as a "friendly helpful needed device", such as their cell phones, laptops, computers, ipads, video games, various internet applications, et. al., these are the terrorists weapons of mass destruction, yet they are making "gazillions" in profits from those of us that purchase them for our children for good reasons.
- 2018 it becomes imperative to take the time to establish "OFFLINE" Family Communications. Its critical to do this. How did you communicate and connect, BEFORE this tsunami of electronic devices? Put your family brains to work, your life will become less stressed out about whether your children will make it back home safely.
- Most Importantly, Establish a "Family Prayer and Meditation" Closet for You and Your Children. Cover in God's Protection as they depart your home and your presence. Give them Love and Trust God to Be a Shield of Protection Always over you and your family, particularly, the children.
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy New Year.
Total Tactical Defence Protection Services, Inc. (TTD)
Indian Land, South Carolina
www.ttdstaffing.com; www.ttdus.com
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SSP for the PPT
7 年Excellent Tip Sheet
Secrets & Protection, Strategies for National Security, New Book Release at Phrantceena T. Halres Co. Int'l Inc.
7 年Well done.
SSP for the PPT
7 年Great Points and thank you for sharing with our children and their families; we are dealing with this err day; just had another strange situation in California and a church priest second shift is paying attention Chief.