2018 Book Recommendations
Matthew Ellis
Making meaningful connections between students and institutions at scale | Chief Product Officer @ Encoura | Enrollment Management, Higher Education, Technology
I love starting a new year. There's no better way to kick off a fresh mindset than to read something new. Here are my 2017 top reads (in no particular order) that I recommend for your 2018 reading list:
The Wide Lens by Ron Adner: A review of the process of innovation from concept to execution and the ecosystems required for immediate and long term success using interesting real world case studies of hit and misses. I think I've re-read this annually for the past 3+ years.
Team of Teams by General Stanley McChrystal: Personally, a must read in my mind for anyone in leadership. Looking at the evolution of complicated linear systems to today's complex, non-linear way of functioning. This is a good one to start creative thinking about organizing teams, structures, projects, etc.
The Originals by Adam Grant: A study in the mindset of those who spark innovation and creative thinking. Spoiler alert: they're not all crazy and thrill seeking risk takers!
Designing the New American University by Michael Crow and William Dabars: Full disclosure: I'm an unapologetic pupil of the ASU model of higher education having worked there and seeing how a university really can operate differently. All of higher education can do better, and this book can help unwind some of the most common pitfalls and road-blocks we in post-secondary education tell ourselves are barriers.
There are many more from this year, but these are four I find myself returning to themes regularly. I hope one or more might also resonate with you.
What do you recommend I add to my 2018 library? What are you looking forward to reading next?