2018 ASIS PCB Award Nominations Now Open!
Director of Staff at HQ USAF/Security Forces Directorate
The Professional Certification Board (PCB) is pleased to announce the launch of the 2018 PCB Awards nomination process. Every year, certificants, businesses, and organizations from across the globe dedicate their time, effort, and resources to the advancement of ASIS International Certification programs. This is an important way to recognize their hard work and encourage others to follow in their footsteps.
There are two award categories:
- Regional Award - Recognizes individuals who make a significant contribution to the advancement of ASIS board certifications at the chapter/regional level. Regional nominations must be signed by the respective Regional Vice President (RVP) and Chapter Chair.
- Organization Award of Merit - Recognizes organizations for outstanding leadership and a commitment to the professional development of their security teams through certification, or for significant contributions toward the advancement of ASIS certification programs.
Nominations are due by June 16, 2018. You can find out more information on the certification awards at the following link:
Nomination forms are available at the following links:
Organization award application link: https://www.asisonline.org/globalassets/certification/documents/2018-organization-award-of-merit-nomination-form.pdf
Regional award application link: https://www.asisonline.org/globalassets/certification/documents/2018-regional-award-nomination-form.pdf
Please help your region pay tribute to our best and demonstrate the Society’s commitment to excellence worldwide!