2017 Will This Be Your Lucky Year?
VERREOS INSURANCE AGENCY : Humpty Dumpty only gets put back together again IF you have the right policy. Join thousands satisfied. Let us show you; Business or Home - MrInsuranceBroker's territory = CA. Don't wait!
By Anthony Verreos, Pres. VIA, Brisbane, CA 94005 where Top Quality + Great Experience = Superior Value!
It turns out every year is your lucky year, just some are far better than others. You see, first off, we're all just extremely lucky to be alive at this time in ourstory, rather than at some previous time when things were generally much worse for everyone who was not the King or Emperor. Next, there is this hope, or dream that many of us share that in addition to all of our genius and smart work, we may just buy a ticket and win a cash prize big enough to make everyone say WOW! OK, I'm not sure if we have a better chance of being struck by lightening than winning the Lottery, but we do read that both of those things happen to a few people each year. Some even survive the lightening strike.
Well, what about all of those people who hit what I call the Un-Lucky Lottery? Yes - you guessed it, these are all of the unfortunate people who didn't deserve the misfortunes that fell to them: car accidents, home fires, floods, earthquakes, food born illnesses, plane crashes, train wrecks, boating accidents, decks collapsing, trees falling on them, stray bullets, and gas explosions etc. The news tends to call all of these people victims, and rarely mentions the fact that in many of these cases there are two or more losers involved: the injured or dead people, and whomever is ultimately held responsible for their medical, rehab, loss of life, and even pain and suffering of family members.
Now, if your most trusted financial adviser were to ask you: Mr. Exelsior, or Ms. Ibrokethroughit, what is your estimated net worth? You really wouldn't have to think very long or hard to tell them a number - would you? Well - I'm asking you now. No one else needs to hear your answer - please keep it to yourself. Then compare that number with two other numbers: your current Liability insurance limits, and your annual income. My point, which you have no doubt already grasped, is that in far too many of these cases, the individual in your shoes hasn't even insured to the level of their own annual income, let alone to the level of the person who may be suing them, or the amount required to protect their net worth. You'll find no shortage of people willing to offer what they think are witty excuses such as: #1. I have nothing much to lose, #2. I don't drive very much, #3. 30 years nothing has ever happened to us, and my personal favorite (drum roll please) #4. How bad could it possibly be?
Some readers may wrongly think the point of this article is to scare you into buying more insurance. Some people do just that, but not me. The point here is just to do you a big favor by asking that you open your eyes, and ears for a time long enough to realize that all of that negativity we all work so hard to shut out of our lives daily so we can simply function, and hopefully live a happy life - that negativity never goes away. And our choices daily are to either plan a strategic defense, or forget it in a self imposed sense of blissful ignorance. In the first case, Verreos Insurance Agency - VIA will help you make a practical plan that gives you comfort, and peace of mind. If you are in the second category, then you are the people product disclaimers are made for - the ones who's lives are a financial ruin that could so easily have been avoided.
Please consider that higher coverage limits of a top quality insurance policy may cost you a few dollars extra each year, that will never be enough to change your decision of what to have for dinner, or where to go for vacation, but if you have uninsured, or under insured losses, those will change your life right now. You may need to pay for an attorney at $400 or more per hour. You may find your wages garnished by a court. You may be forced to sell assets that you worked a lifetime accumulating. And you may even wave goodbye to your inheritance as it is attached in order to payoff some total stranger. None of that is scary. Hopefully, none of it will ever touch you. The question is if you should ever be so un-lucky, will you have planned ahead having purchased the right insurance in the right amounts, or will you be that poor person on the late news crying on their way to a public shelter, or newly homeless?