In 2017, who you listen to matters
In 2016, I was having conversation with one of my clients, a billionaire by all standards. I asked him; just the way Nicodemus asked the Master what he should do to enter the kingdom of God, what can I do to become a billionaire before I clock 45. He laughed, he looked at me, and said to me;" Intelligence is sexy, thank God you are not a woman". He played around my question, but he knew I was not satisfied. He knew that I know he is around that age bracket -permutation & combination or even by deductive reasoning.
He gave me my cheque. He observed I was not happy. He asked me to follow him to strike a deal, discussed writing a business proposal for a project. I was listening, but I was not happy. He knew he must answer that question, because he knows me when it comes to getting information or when I want anyone to buy the abstracts I am selling.
He took me to a place that I wouldn't have been, you know there is hierarchy even in the house of God - Maybe there is one in heaven too. He said to me; "What do you want for Christmas"? My answer was simple albeit predetermined. The right answer to my question Sir. He laughed and said; "what is the right gat to do with answer, every answer no be answer"?
At the end, my client who happens to be very important to me said; "DON'T SLEEP 8 HOURS A DAY". Cut your 8 hours to half and sell the other half to midnight business discoveries; he added. Eat good food to rejuvenate, he chuckled.
Towards the end of 2016, I discussed his answer with one of my friends, a Doctor. He said; "You will just kill yourself". "It has been medically proven that for proper function of your brain, you must have sufficient sleep daily -at least 8 hours.....Blah blah blah ! So, my Doctor friend worth about 5% of what my client's net worth. As a matter of fact, I don't wish to be like my health practitioner friend. I was lost because of these conflicting advise from people with relevant experience. Poverty speaks louder, wealth smiles. From health comparison, my billionaire client looks healthier compare to the Doctor.
I think to myself, I have an important decision to take. Should I be like my friend that is Doctor (Sleeping 8-10 hours a day) or I should be like my Client (Sleeping 4 hours daily)? There is a goal for me: Billionaire at 45!
Life Coach | Precious People Relates. Relating Our Relationships | Facebook | Instagran & YouTube. Mastered in Human Resources.
7 年Hmm, thought provoking article! Great read.
Complex Systems Analyst | Providing decision-makers with timely insights to maximize gains & minimize losses| Antifragility Analytics | Research & Ratings | Business Outcomes
8 年Interesting article :) Here're my thoughts: Your billionaire friend knows, you would hit the pearl of great price one day when you keep up with your discovering time. Then I add, we use the other waking times to continually build relationships. There're no overheads in life :)